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Posts posted by Arizona

  1. +1 had some interactions with Mitchell and they have all been pleasant experiences. Also he did awesome events for CG so I might be a tad biased lol but I hope if you get MCMD you will be communicative with battalions and not be in an office all the time as I like when HC comes and checks on us little guys so we know y’all care. But I believe that you will be a very good MCMD at the end of the day.

    • Confused 3
    • Dumb 2
  2. -1 I have had a lot of major issues with naval in my battalion not always being able to keep anything consistant for any length of time especially with piloting and from what i have seen and heard its the same throughout most battalions. Im gonna be 100% real with you. Under your leadership there was 0 control over anything reguarding pilots and ATC. Every week it seemed that there was always something new or something being changed to ATC and that made people not want to be pilots AND made veteran pilots want to leave the pilot branch. Whenever there was even a slight mess up or if naval wasnt active and an officer did ATC YOUR naval guys would barge into TS and yell at people. This was a major issue and EVERYONE was talking about it so i find it hard to believe that you werent aware of any of this. I JUST HAD THIS HAPPEN LIKE 5 DAYS AGO and myself AND BCMD Fox had to yell at the naval to get out of our channel and stop yelling at our guys. So since that whole mess of issues happened and are STILL happening i dont think you being yularen would help i think it would just worsen and im sorry to say it. But as of now since there are so many issues that could be fixed with ur rank right now and you just not seeing the problem and deciding on not fixing it is a massive reason for my -1. 

  3. Name: Arizona 

    RP Rank: CMD

    Suggestion: Make synergy's Tab menu banner/server name thing say something other than just "Synergy | Clone Wars Main" Instead make it so that when there is a big update or some new things are being added to the server add it to the title so that it actually grabs peoples attention and shows people that we got some cool ass shit coming here! Like the new models and everything were getting should be shown off and make people know about it. Were not like icefuse and were not like superior so why not make ourselves standout from them? Show people that we are different and were welcoming and not ice fuse copy (in some ways). Presentation is what new people look for and since synergy needs new people and we want new people to try out the server why not do it? 

    Implementation: Whoever has the files or access to change the server name goes in and does some sprucing up to the title or something 

    Lore: N/A

    Workshop content if applicable: N/A
    (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")

    i made a Q&A about it and didnt get an answer so here we go 


    • Confused 1
  4. 1 hour ago, Bacta said:

    So I’m going to have To -1 for various reasons

    first off, So basically after you got blitz oh my lord, I have never seen so much arguing within the battalion and fighting with each other that people like me and silvers for example who don’t even play actively on the server have to yell at you guys to stop fighting with each other, it’s like you just sit there and let it happen, you’re in the channel while it happens which just looks bad on you because like this isn’t the way people should act, and you might be like oh they’re just playing around, but it’s not that they’re playing around all the time either, for example, me and Nigel arguing that’s just us playin around, but lord oh lord, I’m not going to name people because I rather them just see this and be like oh that’s me, but some argue more than others and start it for no reasoning. Also it looks worse on you when you start laughing at the people arguing or adding onto their arguments when it should be something that should be handled in a different way.

    2. Activity, Rancor is at its lowest activity for sure. I hop on hoping there’ll be some rancor on, but nope, 1 or 2 usually on consistently for the majority of the day unless someone announces there’s an event or ARC training, that is the only time people actually are on, and I haven’t seen you take any initiative to actually doing something about that, maybe I don’t know, but I’m not just going to take oh were working on it, cause anyone can say that.

    3. So overall battalion standards also dropped and I just see people acting like normal troopers who haven’t been ARC Trained, during events battle comms is a such an issue with everyone talking, I’ve seen non ARCs have better battle comms in my time on the server, as well NCOs kinda just sit there on their rank for weeks and weeks without no punishment for not doing their requirements, it’s usually the same NCOs actually doing something and as well same officers. Trainings, they’re like unknown to NCOs I’m pretty sure cause they can’t really do them if there’s not anyone to do be there.

    4. The lack of leadership is just awful and officers not helping lower ranks is even worse, I see enlisted asking for help all the time but there’s never anyone there for them, Samething in Teamspeak, I’ll hop in for about an hour when there’s not more than 2 or 3 people in TS and some enlisted in there are kind of just lost without having guidance as what they should be doing, so basically what I’m also saying communication within the battalion is shit.

    5. last but not least, behavior, so when I hop in Teamspeak I won’t deny being a dumbass sometimes but I mostly do it in the alpha ARC channel, but the amount of just mingy shit that goes on is more than usual and nothing is usually said about it, which it shouldn’t just be left unnoticed because if it’s left unnoticed than that person will have the mind set of oh look I got away with it so then I’ll be mingy again and keep having that attitude and behavior and the only thing that’s usually done is moving them out of the channel and that’s it, also another thing moving people out of the channel for no reason just to troll them isn’t something you should do, cause it looks bad on you or whoever does it, just cause you have the power to doesn’t mean that you have to abuse it, if you have a good reason to use it go ahead, if not don’t.

    6. So I didn’t even think of this before, but this isn’t just towards you, but to all of HC, but all of your behavior is questionable, some of you are very impulsive to say the least, Pranzer I would say it probably the most mature out of all the HC and I think he should serve as an example to the rest of you, When people are arguing like i said before, some HC are apart of this issue and add onto the issue by yelling too, yelling wont fix anything else than adding onto the noise and continuing it, I would expect y’all to be at the point of where not just you guys but everyone is capable of speaking without yelling, and some of y’all act immature at times.

    also forgot to add that even though yes you’re active, but the thing is, are you even putting that time that you’re active to use, because I’ve hadn’t seen many changes else than Battalion ARC changes and that’s it and as well as dealing with other HC stuff that I just hear about.

    anyways i hope this is readable cause I wrote this with one hand cause I burned my other

    This came out of left field so fucking quick wtf 

  5. Question: Why doesnt synergy advertise about new updates and our new models coming in the server selection title thingy? Would that not make new people more interested and excited to see whats going on? I would assume that since were always looking for new players why not advertise and make people know about the cool new stuff were getting? 

    Comments/Concerns: The title could be something like "Synergy | Clone Wars Main | New model update and Weapon overhaul!

    Staff Member you're asking: @Forseen @Jad @Dragon

    Additional info: I think this could spark some people coming from other servers or new players to get excited to see what synergy has to offer just so that maybe players from other servers know that synergy is getting really good updates and that development is always happening. 

    I would also like to see what other members takes on this would be (:


    :| hello? Anyone there ;-;

    • Agree 3
    • Winner 1
  6. before i make a +1 or -1 i have a concern that id like to be cleared up. 

    since you do have closer to 3 responsibility's on the server as a officer in CG and as a branch leader in which (im gonna be honest) your branch has been struggling because of leadership not really taking any initiative to get people. Do you think that you can be Dooku AND an officer and a branch lead at the same time? Things like these are very hard to balance out especially if CIS needs your full attention. I just personally dont see you being able to balance these things out because of how much help the CIS need atm. So my question to you is How do you plan on balancing all your duties at once on the server? 

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