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Loopy Newby

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Everything posted by Loopy Newby

  1. SOBDE's Never truly resign, They just go inactive for a long time. o7
  2. We need the lego models even though were serious. Get on it joah.
  3. 10/10 the homie is back with sick building and prop placement. Not a short event but long events are good.
  4. Welcome to the staff team! [Moved to accepted]
  5. Name: Loopy Who helped (If applicable): Rohan, Cubby Event Name: Sins of the father. Summary of the story: Far from the main warzone a small notable skirmish happened on the planet of honoghr, what meant to be a simple attack mission turned into a clones worst nightmare and the CIS’s best dream. General Grievous oversaw the deployment of a special Bio-Weapon called the ACPV (Anti-Cognitive Programming Virus), this caused the clones worst nightmare to occur, being ordered around and treated like a common droid with no free will by the very enemy they swore to destroy. Grievous was impressed by the display of this bio-weapon for practical and impractical use like bring an entire battalion to its knees before Grievous feet. The battalion that suffered the first engagement was the 60th assault battalion forcing many members to become drones of the CIS, luckily many of 30th retreated from the horrors of that battle and to there FOB, they start to transferring the information of the battle to the nearby republic bases and outposts including anax’s, but the transmission of honoghr is pathetic and it will take about 10 minutes for it to reach the anax’s and unfortunately that’s Grevious’s field testing grounds, he sends the brainwashed 30th’s to find a ventilation system and disperse the ACPV throughout the base creating a drone army of clones, he tasks the vials delivery to BCMD Trigg and havoc platoon. Will the warning reach the clones in time for them to stop the spread of this horrific virus? Or will the clones have to rush a cure and be wary of their fellow brothers? Lore: https://swfanon.fandom.com/wiki/Anti-Clone_Virus - https://swfanon.fandom.com/wiki/30th_Battalion What was the result of the event?: Grevious was captured and the virus found out. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em Up mostly [sadly]
  6. Staff member your asking: @Joah @Jackson Question: Will CWRP Staff members be able to transfer to the SCPRP Staff when the server comes out? Further attachments: If yes: would it be using the staff member system we still have in place or a separate one? If yes will H.O.D for example be checking on both servers TR/GM departments or will there be a separate H.O.D for SCP itself? If no: How will you make a strong high staff for SCPRP in the early stages? Concerns: None at the moment I’m just curious as I’m showing interest in SCPRP myself and I know others are as well. sorry for the ping btw here’s a video for random viewers:
  7. Loopy Newby


    [Moved to accepted]
  8. Welcome back Quebec! [Moved to accepted]
  9. @silvers IMMA A SLOW TYPER OKAY. but i wish you the best of luck, You were a great GMC, Head Admin and director. 07
  10. Welcome to the staff team! Good luck and have fun! [Moved to accepted]
  11. 7/10 good ol fashion shoot em up with my trusty laat
  12. Welcome back rose! [Moved to accepted]
  13. You've been ACCEPTED for interview please contact someone by 8/15/19 or you will be DENIED Best wishes from loopy! [Locked] [Moved to accepted]
  14. You've been ACCEPTED for interview please contact someone by 8/15/19 or you will be DENIED Best wishes from loopy! [Locked] [Moved to accepted]
  15. You've been ACCEPTED for interview please contact someone by 8/15/19 or you will be DENIED Best wishes from loopy! [Locked] [Moved to accepted]
  16. You've been ACCEPTED for interview please contact someone by 8/15/19 or you will be DENIED Best wishes from loopy! [Locked] [Moved to accepted]
  17. You've been ACCEPTED for interview please contact someone by 8/15/19 or you will be DENIED Best wishes from loopy! [Locked] [Moved to accepted]
  18. Name: Loopy Who helped (If applicable): Pinkdonut, Cloves as staff and corvo as just VIP Event Name: The last stand of the new order Summary of the story: Summary: After countless humiliating defeats and there temple being abandon the new Sith order are just remnants with no leadership, they all know the republic will wipe them all out and hiding does not satisfy their anger and hatred, only there cowardice. A big party of the remnants decide to do something weirdly commendable, a suicide attack on Redwood base, they know they will die and will smile alongside it not wanting to hide like a rat in a hole for the entirety of the war. They will show no mercy and not hide any bit of there ruthlessness and neither will the clones like they always expect of their worthy opponents, but this time they have no objective besides to kill and cause chaos and fall in battle like they think a true Sith should. Lore: Server lore is being used here. Inspiration: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Shiroyama What was the result of the event?: The clones batted the remnants away thanks to there impressive valor and skill as well as having general hett on there side Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up
  19. @Ket @Snoop Dogg Please re +1 here, he accidentally posted twice. [Moved to Denied for accidental error, first one stays up.]
  20. Inactive. Jk take a break bud.
  21. Welcome to the staff team again Good luck and may your days be merry. [Moved to accepted]
  22. Tell all of the 41st ya war stories pal +1
  23. +1 Good luck my man. Lets see if you can beat the curse once and for all.
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