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Everything posted by justuscloud5

  1. Ill miss u and ur Male twilek tiplee
  2. +1 maybe there will be a dark lord that doesnt yell at me in ts this time
  3. Ill miss you bby ik you hate me but i had fun with your raids
  4. 8/10 pretty fun the optimization was the problem
  5. I would love for this to come back but dont let a certain someone partake in it.
  6. Halo RP, 1 for the graphics and the combat and my love of the franchise, and old republic just brings us to a frontier for SWRP
  7. justuscloud5

    Perms Music

    Neutral gotta find a way for mingles not to fuck with it
  8. We have a council that discusses major issues and each branch has a representative and that's in charge of the branch so I'd you see something that happens with a specific member of a branch tell the lord or dark council of the branch or tell another lord or council member if you cant find them
  9. Ooooh. Btw u found a sith interceptor that is ,805 mb to increase immersion.
  10. +1 unblacklist him from 187th BCMD
  11. +1 raise it to 600 tho as it is a cmd job not just an officer job
  12. No u are not because the overall would be a different faction like CIS turning this into MRP and sith add a good balance to RP and PvP
  13. You guys might not realize it but sith add a lot to the server without sith Patrols would be meaningless and if there isnt an encounter there will be less RP and anything for jedi to FIGHT fairly besides eachother
  14. The problem with this is the lore on this server is already fucked sideways so it doesn't matter and everytime we attempt to Rp with clones they metagame and find an excuse to try and capture and kill us
  15. -1 I had an encounter with clones on my sith and i made a pact with blue and all they did was have every single member of SOBDE shoot me dead without any questions asked. BTW this suggestion is just like the remove SOBDE suggestions
  16. Bug Type (Server:): Juggernaut lightsaber Broken Severity level (1-3): 1 Evidence (if you can): Go on the Juggernaut Lord class and pull out the saber Description of the bug: Nerp, Jackson and Joah said the Juggernaut Lord saber is supposed to have Force Reflect and It doesn' How can we recreate it: Go on Juggernaut Lord and pull out the saber and check its abilities
  17. +1 bossberry to alphaberry the ultimate gentleman
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