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Posts posted by Jad

  1. On 9/3/2021 at 6:52 PM, Fizzik said:

    With everything being how it is, #1 priority is grabbing a GPU. I wouldn't even build a parts list yet until you get one. Aim for the 3070 Ti mark or its equivalent (2080 Ti, 6700 XT, etc.)

    Frame your budget around a GPU you can get. I check HardwareSwap on Reddit pretty much all the time, it's pretty reputable. Or you could do the Newegg shuffle and hope for the best. GL man!


    @Rizzo Please for the love of god follow this advice. Also, widen your brands that you're comfortable with. In the market right now you don't have the option to be picky if your goal is to get one ASAP.

    Rule of thumb: GPU > CPU > Motherboard > Everything else.

    • Agree 1
    • Informative 1
  2. Just now, Marvel said:

    Though would this suggestion be better off if it was posted a little while after the JT regiment changes go through and server performance can be properly tested? I'm perfectly fine with waiting if that makes it easier for y'all.

    Yeah probably. It's nothing to do with how many people are in TC either. I'd have the same response to even one job getting a Jetpack right now. Although I will be perfect honest, I'm pretty against anyone getting Jetpacks right now and that may just be because of wanting things to run more smooth, even if it's just a little bit.

    • Agree 1
  3. 16 hours ago, Marvel said:

    Implementation: This would require 2 things. First it would require putting the jetpack into their job kits. Second would be a more minute edit to their models to give them jetpack bodygrouprs so they’re not flying with pure mind power. Shouldn’t be a hard fix.

    I wouldn't count on getting a jetpack Bodygroupr for quite a while. We're heavily focusing on pushing forward with the rest of the battalions models and I'd rather not make a double back to get something done on one battalion that's already had their new models implemented. I'd also prefer not to add any jetpacks(entity) to jobs at the moment as we've yet to test performance with the JT Regiment removed. Adding more seems to be counterproductive at least for now.

    • Informative 1
  4. When we sit down and go through all the pending suggestions or ones sitting in already accepted after testing it's much faster for the team to use our automated messages for organization. The "Denied" option auto locks the thread and moves it to the denied category so we don't have to move and respond manually. We're very open to discussing why we deny suggestions and are more than willing to disclose information when it is requested.

    For example: The reason why the "Buff Heavy" suggestion was denied was because of us just finishing up the recent weapon overhaul and rework, so we needed players to use the new Z-6 first before following through with the suggestion. Easiest way for that to be done is to deny the suggestion and have people wait out the 60 days before suggesting something again if they truly feel Heavy is not operating properly even after the balancing.

    Another example: Model suggestions were all denied as we are currently working on a server wide model update. Doing other models at the same time of the overhaul would be a waste of time and money as a lot of changes are happening when models are releasing.

    • Informative 2
  5. 1 minute ago, Deku said:

    correct me if I'm wrong though, in a PvP POV, i believe this would 3 shot a trooper with max stats. Or are we looking at a 4 shot kill?

    That would require me to test on Dev to make sure, it should be close enough to 3 shot but I've seen weirder things that we've had to deal with to make weapons work properly. There's a reason the NT 242c does 600 damage for example.

    • Informative 1
  6. 7 minutes ago, Deku said:

    DC-17M Shotgun (Red) Re-Balance Suggestion:

    • Damage: 21
    • Pellets: 8
    • RPM: 104
    • Magazine: 10
    • DPS: 291.2 (168 x 104 / 60)

    Nice, so you've basically roughly doubled the damage and halved the RPM to come to more of a safe medium. With this RPM you'd be looking at 1.73 shots per second which should feel quite a bit faster then the rest of them. It'd obviously feel much slower compared to how the weapon is now but that's a given. You'd be looking at around a 24% damage decrease compared to the Scatter Shotgun (Tier 4) but a 28% increase in RPM.

  7. 1 hour ago, CastleClone said:

    Not really an owner, but I feel like for a $90 store weapon it could probably use a bit more oomph than the typical shotgun.

    True, which is why it's the only shotgun to be balanced into the Tier 5 category. There are no other obtainable shotguns at or above where it sits.


    1 hour ago, CastleClone said:

    A little off topic but I'm mostly just curious about something, you list pistols can run with ADS without a penalty. Did you have a balancing method used for dual pistols that adjusted for this?

    Increased accuracy, decreased recoil for the most part.

    • Informative 1
  8. 15 minutes ago, Deku said:

    If I were to buff this, I would sacrifice mag size for more damage or fire rate.

    Thanks for the feedback! Honestly it's hard to get around using the term buff or nerf at this point as I'm suggesting a potential weapon "rework" if necessary. Since the DPS of the weapon is sitting at 290, increasing RPM or damage without reducing the other would put it over that DPS threshold. Magazine size is addressed after adjusting a weapon to ensure it still feels and works properly in PVE and PVP environments.

    Some examples so you can see the changes outright might help so here are a couple.

    Increasing damage to 18 per pellet from 13 would make the damage per shot be 108, up 30 from the original 78.
    With those damages in mind if I left RPM at 224 we'd be looking at a DPS of 403.2 which rivals the DC-17s Dual Pistols (500M).
    If I lower the RPM to 162 that'd keep the overall DPS of the weapon to 290.

    Increasing RPM of the weapon to lets say 360 (6 shots a second) up 136 from the original 224.
    If I was to leave Damage at 13 per pellet we'd be looking at 468 DPS (Now way over special tier weapons).
    Lowering the damage to 8 per pellet would make the weapon do 48 damage per shot but now sit at 288 DPS (I'd increase RPM a bit to make it a bit higher than 290).

  9. 7 minutes ago, Eclipse said:

    I feel like the shotgun should be a more heavy hitting, slow firing weapon. If you make it feel powerful people will use it more. I think it'd be great if when you shot someone it felt like you could feel a type of punch with it. Like that it hurts.

    If you could use the resources above to give me an example that'd be great, so I have some numbers to work with.

  10. 10 minutes ago, Naffen said:

    decrease the fire rate from 224 to 180 or something around there would be a better feeling for the shotgun. 
    Raise the Damage from 13x6 to 18x6

    If we increased the damage per pellet to 18x6 (108 damage) we'd have to lower the RPM to 162 for 291.6DPS total. That'd be a pretty drastic hit to RPM making it fire 2.7 rounds per second instead of 3.73 rounds per second. That's completely do-able but the magazine like you said would take a hit, I'd most likely drop it down to ~10 for testing and possibly 8 if needed.

    • Informative 1
  11. 14 minutes ago, Conrad said:

    honestly I’d like to see it be multiplicative. Those slight increase will make snipers and shotguns feel a bit more satisfying IMO. 

    If we moved to multiplicative it would be for all weapons and would sit us in this same area of discussion. That would also be a flat damage/RPM increase to all weapons not just the DC-17M shotgun. What you're asking for in my eyes is a buff to all weapons across the board and this discussion/thread is specifically for the DC-17M shotgun.

    Edit: One of the reasons for weapons to be in the state that they were pre-update was because exceptions were made to many different weapons overtime which ended with us not having a proper scale we could follow for the future. So in re-doing the entirety of the weapon base and scaling we heavily focused and forced ourselves to follow scaling for every weapon with no exception, store weapons included. I'd like for the DPS of the DC-17M shotgun to remain at 290 as it continues to follow the rest of our scales and balancing.

  12. 5 minutes ago, Hanz said:

    While I do think my time has been more enjoyable not using the shotgun and if it were like this from the start it would be fine, I just wish I didn't spend $85 on it back in the day for it now to be not as fun or good as my other weapons.

    I understand the frustration that can come with balancing compromises, and I appreciate your honesty. But I would prefer if you followed up with a solution or a suggestion to address your concerns in a way that I can work with.

  13. 4 minutes ago, Conrad said:

    now tier 5 weapons are rated at 250 dps. Now that means the shotgun should be at 300 dps with the 20%. I would like to see that sight buff in the damage department so it matches.

    Unfortunately I believe your math is off. All weapon scaling is done based off the standard 200DPS and all % increases are additive not multiplicative. Tier 5 is 25% increase, shotgun is 20% increase for a total of 45% increase sitting the weapon at 290DPS.

  14. Now that we've had a fair amount of time to settle into the most recent weapons update and balancing I'd like to possibly re-visit the DC-17M Shotgun if deemed necessary by the Community.

    Lets get into a bit of backstory and information pre-update to address some of the questions and concerns as to why the weapon is in the current state that it is.
    Before the weapons update we noticed the shotgun as a whole was way out preforming any other weapon on the server which can lead to serious imbalance and concerns from players using or going against said weapon. When checking the numbers for the weapon it was sitting at a whopping 2,200 DPS (The next closest thing in DPS was the CIS SG-6 Shotgun sitting at 600).

    With these numbers in mind we knew we seriously had to dial back on the weapon but at the same time make sure it was enjoyable to still use by the people who have purchased the weapon. Moving forward we decided to keep some of the perks of the weapon like the increased RPM and accuracy while also making the weapon fully automatic with a decent magazine. Unfortunately that means the weapon had to take a hit in the damage compartment to still meet our DPS scale.


    For those struggling with how to give a suggestion here's a template that may be helpful.


    DC-17M Shotgun (Red) Re-Balance Suggestion:

    • Damage:
    • Pellets:
    • RPM:
    • Magazine:
    • DPS:

    [EXAMPLE] DC-17M Shotgun (Red) Re-Balance Suggestion:

    • Damage: 18
    • Pellets: 6
    • RPM: 162
    • Magazine: 8-10
    • DPS: 291.6


    Suggestion Resources

    Weapon scaling information for those who like numbers:

    • General trooper weapons fit into a standard category of 200DPS(DC-15A/DC-15S) and increase depending on some factors.
    • Snipers receive a 20% increase.
    • Shotguns receive a 20% increase.
    • Pistols sit with no increase to DPS but come with the ability to ADS without movement speed penalty.
    • LMG's have a decrease to accuracy but increased magazine.
    • Assault Rifles are standard DPS scaling.
    • Heavy Weapons receive a bonus according to the type of weapon (Z-6 gets 50% for example)
    • Each Tier in the Perma vendor has a flat 5% DPS increase added to it as it increases in Tier (Tier 1 5%, Tier 2 10%, etc etc)
    • Store weapons sit in Tier 5 for easier scaling and DPS calculations (DC-17M Shotgun, Mandalorian Rifle, Wrist Flamethrower)

    Examples of potential changes would be.

    • Increase pellets (would lower damage per pellet)
    • Decrease RPM (Would increase damage)
    • Increase RPM (Would decrease damage)
    • Increase Spread, Decrease Spread
    • Change magazine capacity

    How to calculate the DPS (Damage Per Second) of a weapon.

    • Obtain the weapons damage.
      • DC-15A's damage is 48.
    • Obtain the weapons RPM (Rounds per minute).
      • DC-15A's RPM is 250.
    • Multiply the damage and RPM of the weapon to determine the DPM (damage per minute).
      • 48 * 250 = 12,000
    • Divide the DPM by 60 (seconds) to find the DPS.
      • 12,000 / 60 = 200


    DPS Reference for other shotguns.

    • DP23 (Clone Standard)
      • (184 * 79) / 60 = 242.26
    • DC-17M Shotgun (SOBDE)
      • (180 * 84) / 60 = 252
    • Hunter Shotgun  (Tier 3)
      • (210 * 78) / 60 =273
    • Scatter Shotgun (Tier 4)
      • (222 * 76) / 60 = 281.2
    • DC-17M Shotgun RED (Tier 5)
      • (78 * 224) / 60 = 291.2
    • SG-6 (Event Job)
      • (150 * 120) / 60 = 300


    I'd like to open this thread up to be a civil discussion which could potentially change the future of this weapon, this thread is not a place to sit and complain without providing solutions. When providing critique on how to better improve the weapon please be mindful of the weapons tier and where it sits (As a Tier 5 shotgun it's sitting at 290DPS). Be creative with suggestions if you wish, but do keep in mind that negatives (Like accuracy decrease while moving) will come to a weapon with too many positives to ensure balancing.

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