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Everything posted by WaterMelonWolf

  1. No reason for them, only knife we have is throw-able so i can see the minges now. That'll be a no from me dog.
  2. The branch is fairly dead and i agree, I see no issue with this and is a good idea That'll be a +1 from me dog.
  3. Seeing how some are supposed to be dead and what not i see an issue, Though we did just remove two battalions so its a good fill. But at this current moment. Neutral
  4. So lately I have noticed I have been a lot more hostile then I normally am, and I genuinely feel bad for most of the shit i have been saying. I feel behind in school and it stressed me out and in return I took out my frustrations on the server. Which in my opinion, Is wrong. I did something hypocritical calling someone out and trying to cover it up as a "Meme" but in reality I deserved that hate and all the shit said to me in the end. So me noticing my wrong doings here what I have to say @Thexan- You're at the top of my list because you're one of the people im the most hostile too. 1, I dont know you personally so I have no right to say what I have said to you, I shouldn't have called you out for once again. I had no right to, Nor an actually reason other then being a toxic asshole. @Washington- You're second on the list simply because I said shit to you for well. Being right, I stood against people being toxic assholes and in the end I called someone out and ended up being a hypocritical asshole that I once talked out against. So really this is a Im sorry and a thank you for opening my eyes and showing me that I have been over stepping. @Zim Sorry to you mostly because I said I wouldn't do this arguing and bullshit and in the end I did the thing i promised you i wouldn't. @Duck worked my way up to 2ndLT and should have learned respect on the way. In no case should i have given you disrespect on the server nor complain about the demotion afterwords calling you other names behind your back, After all the first memory's i have of you is you welcoming me as the overseer doing my staff interview. So for that, im sorry me being "Tired and cranky" Isnt a valid excuse so once again, Im sorry for the undeserved disrespect. @Joah - I find this needed because well, Its your sever. Simply, I looking the the TRO tag and the Admin tag I should be a better influence on the sever and i really shouldn't be a shit head on your server nor really have the right. @harry- I know hes off the forums but its still needed to say, I picked WAYYYYY to many fights with you over ark and other stupid shit. If i actually took time to get to know you i feel like we could have been friends, So my apologize for being a shit head to you without valid reason. @devteam- As a Dev Team member and being one of the first few people to actually join I honestly feel like shit for in my opinion, Making the team look bad with my actions in no way shape or forum should i have been going around the forums being such a shit head. @BlackMamba- Since i have never been in the 212th I shouldn't have really spoken up. Facts are facts, you ran the 212th amazingly giving your situations, So i may sound like a broken record here but. Im sorry for the disrespect,Hostility and how toxic i was to you without valid reason. this one is for all the staff- Im sorry us staff are supposed to be role models for the server and the model im setting isn't what a staff member should be putting fourth to the server and honest to god thought about leaving staff because i feel as if my actions have been to harsh and I dont want Synergy rep to be pulled down by someone like me. This one Community itself - As a staff member I should have at least a SLIGHT amount of dignity and knowledge to know what worth arguing over and whats worth me just not being a dumb ass. I dont mean to copy Monty with this "Im sorry message" But its needed to be said in my opinion, After thinking about this for hours and hours i decided i could careless if this is seen as a attention grab, or trying to increase my rep because simply. Its not. Its me owning up to my wrong doings and saying sorry for it. See this how you want to see it,a attention grab. A rep boost. But im being 100% here when I mean Im sorry. As for the comments so far, i see where you are coming from. I built the foundation for my reputation. Whats given is deserved but this is meant and not me talking out of my ass.
  5. Thennnn uhhh *edits post*
  6. Personal opinion: Yes sure sounds cool fun and amazing Dev opinion: Im stupid but no new job so uhhh That'll be a +1 from me dog.
  7. When i got added to dev team zim told me "Dont argue on the forums you asshole" but in this case Im throwing my two cents in and could care less about the repercussions that are going to come from it because this is going to far. Mamba, you were inactive and most of the staff team wanted you gone. I said CLEARLY in my post that i had high respect for you and how well the 212th ran without a active BCMD, but after seeing how you handle this deserved demotion im taking away what i said. You're up set simply because you were well inactive and got removed for it. Now everyone is on @Ruzom ass for "Being a snake" and "being inactive" but heres the thing. Commander reports are for BCMD and not commanders, on top of that we track STAFFS activity not PLAYERS because the players are not required to play. If he gets demoted by the BCMD for inactivity thats fine its his decision. Now, calling him a snake and all these names are one thing but look how immature most of you are throwing tantrums and well shit Blitz tried to removed Ruzoms ARC just because he had an opinion and made a report. Ruzom did 212th a favor and got the report in and you are all so upset over it. Hell even when puck went half as inactive for a lot shorter of a time he stepped down (Good man) but Mamba remained in the position and ran it reasonably well for not being active I can give him that, But how hes handling this is just poor. Stop acting like children, Crys and Tay Tay did nothing wrong move on call it a day. After thoughts. My point really still stands here, People are still being petty and annoying.
  8. Personal opinion : Why. Dev opinion. Pros- I see none. Cons, We are trying to cut back on jobs as is. and 501st has the most named characters on the server. That'll be a no from me dog. -1
  9. I dont really get hit in the feels, But this brought me close to tears, I have lost 2 different members of my family to car accidents. So i feel for you a little and know its not the easiest thing to go thought, Best of luck stay safe my guy.
  10. Over all i personally think we should have more event jobs but some of these are HD and not CGI as ASVO said, If we can get more CGI and stuff then ill +1 but as this current moment i see no reason to -1 this. Great models, Its needed but. Ima stay outa this dog. (Neutral)
  11. Neutral, Cant +1 due to activity but i have no reason to -1. You "Being a snake" was you doing your job and reporting an issue.
  12. In my opinion, hes one of the more active and serious of the 212th I have seen and with this I can say That'll be a +1 from me dog.
  13. This isnt really something the Dev team, or really anyone other then ARC controls, This is more of a Blitz question, Id advise bringing it up to them in person.
  14. +1 me and medic shot three waves with us it was amazing
  15. Sorry to have to do this to you but DENIED
  16. Honesty is the best policy Removing it and having the some 15 staff high staff members blacklist the things that crash and breaks the server can get bumped out in an hour, Plus we should trust are SA+ to spawn things to not. You know, Break the server and if they do well. Boot em so all in all That'll be a +1 from me dog.
  17. Im sorry, How was this not a failrp event.
  18. im an asshole I can admin that, most of us are lets not lie. But there is a point in life where we need to draw a line and stop, If someone trusts you with any amount of serious person life lets be mature and not use it against them as a "Roast". Most of us are not 12 and should have some form of dignity, Let be adults guys. Keep personal things private we need to find where we need to draw the line somewhere and that somewhere is personal matters. Like started before, have some form of dignity.
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