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Retired Founder
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Everything posted by Joah

  1. Denied The new map will crush most of the lore we have now, It will be mostly Admiral Yularen
  2. Please correct your format then repost
  3. Denied Community Feedback
  4. Denied due to the community feedback.
  5. This is not a suggestion, bring this up to the proper people
  6. Denied Reason: Anaxes is coming in less than a month Also, crashing issues.
  7. Please make a defined model to change it to This will be taken into consideration if you can point to one in specific
  8. Joah

    Event Jobs

    No template behind this post. Please make sure you're appropriate rank as well.
  9. Denied, all suggestions must be separate This is the rules of the template. If you suggest a pack, it must be in a separate post.
  10. Does not follow template, Update and make things more clear.
  11. I will not ask this again, cut the bullshit in the forums. Keep it relevant and necessary.
  12. +1, Following Reasons. #1.) 41st Fell apart after your departure and continued to go down hill spiraling in the wrong direction - Unfortunate. #2.) You've commanded the 41st for over 2/3 years? Idk, regardless, shows dedication #3.) You have a good attitude for commander and I've always enjoyed you personally. #4.) Odinson (The Return of the Leaders) Sounds like a new StarWars film. #5.) You know how to keep shit serious when it needs to be. Best of luck @Egg
  13. EHHHHHHHHH +1 Chill guy, I like em.
  14. After reviewing the Denied section, I'm not 100% sure what you mean by "Mass Denials" https://gyazo.com/feeed87d024c9158e6151534edfc7f52 The Gyazo above shows 2 recent apps being denied. (Thexan and Scribbles) The Directors discussed with me that there are other options in the masters that are more than fit for the position. They feel as if Scribbles have made to many mistakes and they leaned towards Thexan in the decision but they did not like his interview. (Basically put, Thexan wanted to make the old council) from my understanding, the directors were hoping for a different change than the same answer. Cloud and BlackBerry were obviously denied due to the fact that the high staff decided to get rid of Sith and make this a Jedi only server due to the fact that I told the Sith multiple times to get their stuff together otherwise they would be removed. There are only 3 more denied's on the list from what I can tell from July and a couple from June. Right now there is a respectful amount of applications up and there are obviously accepted applications that have gone through. Not exactly sure why we think making a post of "wtf is going on" as clickbait and then proceeding to bitch about something that can be brought to high staff instead. (High Staff Meaning HO+ / Founders.) This post is further locked to prevent flame of the directors. I respect their decisions and the hard work that they put into the community. If you have any questions in regards to our high staff or things that are recently happening, I will be creating a new forum thread called "Ask the Staff" where you can formulate questions directed towards staff only. Meaning director + and only staff will be allowed to reply on that thread. Thanks in advance.
  15. Take care, from what I've seen of you. You're a good guy. Best of luck out there.
  16. Joah


    I’m literally in West Virginia lol
  17. This is literally me reading this bullshit 1.) I already said this is the last chance Sith get until I remove them to prove that they can actually stabilize themselves without founder assistance. 2.) I've met more serious roleplayers in the sith then I have outside of it, It's quite sad actually 3.) The original poster of this already posted this once and is well aware the sith is on their last strike, if I see this again you will be banned from the forums for 3 weeks. (This suggestion is denied and hopefully will never cycle again)
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