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Everything posted by Dennis

  1. Netural need to work on your planning a bit more and your communication skills
  2. +1 haven seen much of you but you got good time
  3. Nothing against your age but I don’t think your ready yet -1
  4. Dennis

    Snoops Staff App

    -1 didn’t know that you can only be in one battalion joined DU then went right back to GM a few hours later.
  5. Well I guess it’s my time to say something on this. First off i met ben way back when he was staff he was the staff member I wanted to be a good guy overall, it doesn’t hurt to have a guy who has done just about everything on the server so he has my +1
  6. OH SHIT ITS A RAT I DID NOT GET AN @ Gonna miss you bud have fun cya soon
  7. Name: Dennis Who helped (If applicable): Staff: Blaki, Techo, Pinkdonut Event Name: Abeloth's Gamble Summary of the story: Abeloth has gained a lot of power and is looking to finally get the sith on her side. If she does she is going to attack the base with the sith and have them try to take the base along with her zombies who have now gained strength and speed. What was the result of the event?: Abeloth got bored and left and the Republic won the day Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up with rp
  8. Name: Dennis Who helped (If applicable): Lucky, able, Byrd Staff: McFisher, Lucky Event Name: Army Of Abeloth Summary of the story: Abeloth has gone around and has gotten her self a droid army and wants revenge on the clones and the Jedi, she also has a few converted clones that are rakghouls. Her goal is to overthrow the base and take control to rule the universe. What was the result of the event?: The attack failed and abeloth punished her general and made him turn and infect more clones but the republic wins the day again. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up
  9. Name: Dennis Who helped (If applicable): Blaki, cubby Event Name: Abeloth's Leave Summary of the story: After being captured by the Jedi Abeloth makes her escape from the Jedi temple and back to the outer rim to harass the clone base on Endor and to take out their mining operation. She also has plans to visit the Dark Lord of the sith and have them join her cause so that she can take over the galaxy. She ends up leaving to get an army to come back and take the base and to explore the galaxy. What was the result of the event?: Abeloth escaped and left to return another day Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up
  10. @BobMcNob please use the correct format or it will be denied
  11. Gonna be honest I have no idea who you are in game -1
  12. 0/10 where to begin Honestly, no RP involved in the back story of the event just there to go and shoot things and that's it. Event server deployments should have RP in them and for a reason why you are there. Droids and zombies were spawned on top of people with B1's having more health than B2's. It was meant to seem like the player choice by choosing a room while leaving the rest empty. There should have been a hand full of droids in each room in case others went in a room that the main force was not it. Shit talking medics because they can't heal people when droids have over 1k HP and perfect aim. When we have about 1 to every 10 people, not a good move. The ray shield was up from the start and the tank came out of nowhere and did not make sense, then they got behind us somehow and then we had to push to the top of the base so how did we get to the bottom of it and the area should have been secure so how did that tank get there.
  13. Name: Dennis Who helped (If applicable): Malore, Neptune Event Name: The Hunt Summary of the story: The Republic sends in a bounty hunter to help track down a CIS general in the area. This CIS general is trying to run away to the outer rim to where he can't be captured by the Republic. This bounty hunter is to work side by side with the clones to catch him before he slips out of the grasp of the Republic forever. What was the result of the event?: The CIS is defeated the CIS general is captured and the republic wins the day Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up Idea credit: Malore
  15. Name: Dennis Who helped (If applicable): Event Name: Abeloth's Rule Summary of the story: Abeloth returns after going around to other planets and causing damage. She has returned to cause havoc. She minds control a large group of people for her master grand plan. What was the result of the event?: Abeloth controlled people and then was captured by the Jedi. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: both
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