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Everything posted by Dennis

  1. -1 from a GM stand point this map was terrible. You can’t spawn in any NPC’s and your event options are very limited. On Endor you can do things at alpha, bravo, Charlie. While you may not like this map we only need to wait about 2-3 more weeks and suck it up and if you want the pic of Aayla message me I got u lmao that google link is A1.
  2. Dennis

    Dennis - Taken 7

    Name: Dennis Who helped (If applicable): Mar Staff: Shake Event Name: Taken 7 Summary of the story: Commando droids are sent in to take General Dragon hostage and get some information from him that is needed to cripple the republic. What was the result of the event?: The CIS got the needed info and escaped with it and will return. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up
  3. Dennis

    Armas GM AP

    Even after looking at this other event your not ready help out a few of the other older GM’s and get more experience before re applying
  4. Dennis

    Armas GM AP

    Linked the same event twice, not much to go off get some more experience and try to work with others -1
  5. I understand that he miss cloaked in front of an SO he did not see him right away and it has been dealt with
  6. Name: Dennis Who helped (If applicable): Flunk, Rak, Mat Staff: Sniff Event Name: Needed Information Summary of the story: Commando Droids are sent in to get an important file for the CIS to invade the planet and the sounding systems. What was the result of the event?: The CIS barley got away with the information but the republic thinks they won the day. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up with a bit of RP.
  7. thanks, goober gonna miss trying to outdo you for HA against you
  8. Post good stories or memories that you have of slate here. If you need to talk as well this is the place to do it. Rest in Peace Slate gone but never forgotten he will forever live on within us.
  9. +1 this man is right for the job and has the respect of his men
  10. +1 only if Null Shadow Massiff can come back. Otherwise then it’s a possibly
  11. aH sHiT hErE We gO aGAiN -1 Your time in DU was very short for the most part the ITDD was a very short time and you were removed for the stuff in the other place. You also tried to power play every time you came back from SOBDE from DU. You didn't get what you wanted you left to a battalion that wasn't doing well at the time and now you have done it climbed to the top and done the ultimate long con. Like others have said before in this post you went to another community and spammed the N-word which shows that you are not ready for a High Command Spot as you are not mature enough to contain yourself in front of others. Like I said in my post on Razens app my point is not to be toxic or come out of the woodwork you aren't ready and you are very immature.
  12. WELL since it seems we are going to act like 12-year-old girls here I am simply going to state a few things. 1. I don't know what happened in the 104th shit or care to know all I know that was almost 2 months ago, he left because he thought things were going in a bad direction, he could have done what people tried to do to my self and squee and go off and try to destroy the next app, he left and did things pretty well for the most part, people make mistakes deal with it. 2. When I first met Razen he seemed like a good guy and I still believe he is HOWEVER I'm going NETURAL this has nothing to do with him and the 104th stuff I just don't think he is ready and mature enough yet. I feel that you need more time to grow as a person and get better leadership skills to help improve. While I have no doubt that he wants to help the 41st I don't believe he can do so right now 3. Why is it when someone goes for a commander spot on the forums that people come out of the woodwork to shit on people and bring up drama that is 2 months old. I've seen it time and time again in my 7 months here and I find it funny. If you have a problem with someone go and talk to them don't wait for them to post something and then shit on them because you have a grudge against them.
  13. Dennis

    Dennis - Taken 6

    Name: Dennis Who helped (If applicable): Truffle Event Name: Taken 6 Summary of the story: Command Droids are sent into the base to steal the memory banks of C3PO to try and help they attack the base. They use the help of stolen CT armor to get around and combat the republic. What was the result of the event?: Commando Droids got the data but were stoped before they could upload the data preventing the CIS from attacking. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both
  14. last time a DU high command played ARK DU almost died so fuck it I'm in.
  15. Name: Dennis Who helped (If applicable): Shady, Kelso, Jek Staff: Trijim Event Name: Eco Warriors Summary of the story: Anti mining Eco Warriors decide that they don't like the republic mining on Endor causing pollution and killing the environment. They shut down the mining equipment at charlie, and say they are going to blow it up so that they cant mine. They also have the backing of the CIS so if they need help they can call the CIS to help them get out. What was the result of the event?: Charlie was destroyed but the republic killed the Warriors. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up with a bit or RP.
  16. +1 you have some thing to improve on but so does everyone
  17. +1 I have seen this kid grow from enlisted to XO he is ready for this let the waiting game begin.
  18. Name: Dennis Who helped (If applicable): Neptune,Eren, Staff: Rose Event Name: New Technology Summary of the story: The CIS are testing out some new weapons and have chosen to test it on endor. They send in some of their newest units to see how they stack up against the clones of the GAR. What was the result of the event?: The droids lost and the republic wins the day. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up
  19. -1 they are getting yeeted so feels bad man
  20. -1 I don’t think I’ve seen an event from you
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