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Everything posted by Dennis

  1. Hello, everyone, my name is Lieutenant Turner and I am the Chief of Mining Operations for the war effort on Endor. I am here to clear up any misconceptions and or false ideas that people have about mining and how situations surrounding it will play out. Operations will follow the rules that are set up and written on the Base Ops document written by myself. ONLY Base Ops Mining Operators and Mining Engineers are allowed to use the mining drills at the outposts. However, Clone ENG’s can assist with the ENG RP. MN ENG has final overall say on ENG RP with the mining drills, they are trained extensively for their position. MN have final say over all Mining RP that does not revolve around ENG. Other battalions are allowed to go with and protect the Base Ops and protect them and the cargo while it is transported back to base. The battalion that accompanies Base Ops the most at the end of the week will be given 100k credits to a CPT+ who is on to be given to the trooper of the week or whatever they see fit to do so. To go to a set Mining session you Must have at a minimum one MN ENG trained Base Ops to go by himself, they must also have at a minimum of 3+ clones to escort them while they mine. The maximum of Base Ops that can go on one trip is 3 the number of clones can be a whole battalion if they are that active. To summarize, heed the commands and advice of Base Ops miners while out on a mining rotation, as they have trained for this position. It may be possible in the future to train members outside of Base Ops in mining, so keep that in mind. If you have any problems with Base Ops please report it to Internal Affairs (it promotes RP) as well as the current MNO or CoMO. You will know when the Mining Rp will start when two events occur. The Mining equipment is delivered to the planet The Ground Breaking Ceremony takes place and then the rotations will start. If you have any further questions please feel free to poke me in TS and I will do my best to answer them or post them below and I will do my best to answer them as well. A schedule of the mining operation times will be distributed at request by myself. Very Respectfully, 1st Lieutenant Turner
  2. I would like to state this before i begin with my following statement. I have only known Squee as Doom, if you consider this biased or me uninformed then so be it. While Squee has been the only doom i have known he is the best from what i have heard from people in the battalion and other who have been around longer than me. This so there are things that need to be worked on in DU as a whole including Intel, Mingyness, professionalism and other things that are being addressed and worked on. When i joined the server my intent was to just mess around and most likely get banned, however, after meeting the DU Bonk/Naffen who cc trained me and recruited me and introduced me to the rest of DU Squee was one of the first people i met. He welcomed me into the DU family and this is what caused me to stay and actually take this seriously. From rising in the ranks of DU and realizing that DU did not have much good rep or get a lot i wanted to make it a better place not just for myself but for others as well. Now to address what others have said. While i have heard others thinking about applying and talking during this time i believe that if they think they are capable to do it then they should. If they second guess them self then they aren't meant for a command position. They need to be confident and willing to make the tough decisions that might offend people and do the best thing for the unit. As well i would like to note the fact stated by logic that the whole server is suffering from a lack of recruits and that most people would like to stay in the battalions they are in. DU especially suffers from the fact that we only have about 5 to 10 minutes of screen time in cannon, and nothing much is noted about the main unit which is the 442nd which is not in most servers. Which actually was a sub-unit of the 212th so if you would like to factually correct then we should be in the 212th bunks. (not one hundred percent sure but i have heard this many times) feel free to correct me if i am wrong. Also Doom's Unit is not a battalion like everyone else is we are a Unit which it says in our name but some fail to see this and question why we struggle with numbers, all of the things stated above in this paragraph are contributing factors as well as others that i will address. Before i go on i would like to address the comments about inactivity in the unit as a active member of the unit who is currently on LOA for a family reason. While many in the Unit are on LOA or inactive we have to keep in mind that this is a video game first and foremost. people have lives outside of this and have school and jobs and other things to do. However most people in the unity only take a few week LOA, the only difference to this is Xoly who is on a 4 to 36 LOA for his job. While at the moment is a inactive DU most who i have spoke to do not have a solution to the Inactivity problem they only complain about it. They themself are very inactive and barley play the sever and are high ranking officers and like i said before people have lives and have other things to do, however, if you are going to complain about it then don't do it your self. Yes the battalion is known for minges and other larger battalions have their own problems as well, however, i am not giving us an excuse to minge. The problem is known and is working to be addressed and i am working closely with high command to find a way to combat this and improve DU. Bruiser time to honest bud. You have no room to talk on the subject. You where ENGL for DU and ran it to the ground and killed it. You where and have been blacklisted from DU permently for mingyness and disrespect. You are a young child and have much to learn and grow and untill you do, you will continue to be the way you are and no one will take you seriously and your rep wont change as well. First Meow once again you have no room to talk. As i believe you where a former doom and from what i have heard you where inactive and the unit died while you where doom. So while inactivity is a problem it is being addressed as we speak. Like i have stated before Intel and other branches are being worked on as well and we are doing our best with the limited number of cc's that the server is getting. while i do not know you my opinion has yet to change form what i have heard about you. and i would like to pose this question to you. If not Squee for doom then who? Cornwell where do i begin with you. 1. like i have stated before things are being addressed and worked on. 2. you cant complain about activity because you are inactive as well 3. ENG and ARC and ARF have had very inactive leads before and they have been replaced and things are changing for those braces. For myself as MEDL i would also like to state the only requirement for MED is to be PFC while being ARF and ARC is SGT+ or SSG+ one of the two. There for people are more likely to go for MED then the other two and the MED brach i have worked hard to revive because it was dead and destroyed when i took over as MEDL. As my statement on this application. I would like to say that while things aren't the greatest right now they where not when i first joined and they improved while people are burnt out of gmod and that isn't something we can control only try to avoid. Things will get better once people start taking action on them. i would like to pose this question to everyone who questions what i have said. If not Squee then who? If you have any question feel free to reply or message me on discord. - DU CPT MEDL Dennis
  3. +1 Husky has great leadership abilities and real-life experience. While others may point out they have never seen or met Husky this man can bring BO in the right direction.
  4. +1 Ben was one of the first people I met when I join the server and one of the hardest working people I know on this server. Can't wait to see what great things he can bring to Naval/BO.
  5. Neutral I feel like he is trying to be a better person and is putting forth an effort to change his past and write his wrongs. However, I also feel like he has many things to work on as well and needs to put more effort into changing what people think about him. This all being said I see a good future in Bruiser.
  6. RP Name: TR DU MEDL 2ndLT Dennis Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:86273369 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 18 Timezone: CST Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I want to be an administrator to help the community. I tend to find myself playing late into the evening and there being no admins to help people or whitelist people either. I also want to help people (once I get to a high enough rank) and to run an event and encounters. I want to set an example for the people around me and be a good example for the community. I want to be able to help the community in any way possible and this is the next step in doing so. In conclusion, I want to help the community and make it a better place. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am an outgoing person in the community and I try to do the best Rp and Med Rp that I can do. I enjoy playing gmod, csgo, and war thunder, I am a freshman in college and I play basketball at the school I go to. I have trained around 30 ish cc’s as well and want to make synergy a great experience for everyone. Do you have any previous staff experience? No How much play time do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in-game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in the game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) at the time of application 616 hours. Are you currently staff on a Synergy Server?: (If so specify which one) no
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