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Everything posted by Pyle

  1. Nightmare for his first term as the little green man has been a great journey. He was able to pick up and dust off the scraps that the previous Yoda had left behind, which included poor communication and left others wondering what is going on. Nightmare has done a remarkable job in the 2 months he has been in this position. There is always room for improvement, especially with a major portion of the server is Jedi. Nightmare is always is easily reachable if anyone has any questions and is on the server almost everyday helping Jedi as well as clones. When I came back to the server compared to now, there has been drastic changes to the order and it was a well needed change. The first day Nightmare obtained the position, we got so much stuff done that was very needed. There is always ups and downs, not everything can run smoothly 100% of the time. But Nightmare has clearly shown he is able to handle every situation that was thrown at him. We have actively been communicating with all Jedi and Clones on the server, we have given Jedi more responsibility and more room to actually have fun (One of the biggest is Padawan Managers). We are currently putting an action into plan to better handle discipline within the order to combat anyone that has no intent to RP or does not show intent to reason with anyone on the server. From my perspective since I returned to play, the Council is very much stronger than it used to be. Masters are actually putting in work, we have been able to seek out those who don't want to put in the effort. We are better evaluating future leaders in the Jedi Order, especially new Masters. We are consistently pushing for ways for Jedi to enjoy playing, especially with the new WiltOS system dropping in the future. Nightmare has done an amazing job in his first term as Yoda and I have no doubt he will do an amazing job in his second. +1
  2. Only issue I had was the amount of infection events we had about a month ago >____> Love the consistent deployments though.
  3. +1 my opinion differs as a TG since we were in the Temple during the whole ordeal. 4/5 didn't really do much for TG except getting thrown around.
  4. Guns are a lot better but I hope they do something with the aim. Because it feels like stormtrooper RP because I'm missing everything lmao.
  5. +1 We can RP that we are driving an ambulance xD
  6. People like myself don't "attack" but we sure as hell are not afraid to call out individuals who are hypocritical in their statements that certain individuals aren't doing work for their battalion. Also it does not have to only be CMD+. You have other officers for a reason. I can see why you don't get along with anyone.
  7. Yeah and that is wrong with many others like yourself. You sit there privately messaging the BCMD when you can come to the CMD's. Including myself but you choose to ignore others and try to just immediately jump the COC. Like I already implied. You do not communicate with others and hop on and try to throw rank. I am supporting Grief because of one situation that Grief was not the only 41st involved in. You try and say he will not make good leader for the battalion. You have literally done squat. You state that Grief has not done regimental trainings. He has done plenty with the 41st. Every leadership position he held during my time he did amazing work in. Primarily AT-RT and ARF for a little time. Poor communication is the #1 killer for a battalion my guy. Consistently trying to call out others and point out issues to one person regardless if it is the BCMD is bad teamwork. Which you clearly have shown.
  8. I stepped down from Luminara. Didn't resign from the server bub. I still pay attention to who is active believe me. You seem to not get along with anyone in the battalion unless you're kissing ass to their rank. You constantly try to pull your own authority in the battalion without the opinion of others. People who are on LOA do not try and hop on and play and state they're active like yourself. You were gon a lot longer than a month. You would be gone for 2 weeks. Hop on and then demote someone without question and did not speak to anyone else. You only seem to want personal gain and want to glorify your superiors but don't try and help the people below yourself.
  9. Maddox. I am not trying to throw shade but you were considered heavily inactive throughout the entire time I was Luminara. Sorry bud but that is the truth. Grief has done so much for the 41st since he has joined the battalion. He has been an excellent leader, especially when he was in charge of AT-RT trainings. He got along with everyone and consistently was active with the battalion. You'd get on like once a week and speak a sentence and leave lol. Sorry bud but you really didn't do much for the 41st in Egg's entire term. I'm surprised he didn't demote you already. Again this isn't personal but I'm surprised you stayed officer for so long. +1
  10. +1 It is needed. We have so much space in the Temple that is isn't being used. Implementing this will actually give more Roleplay in trials as well as in the Temple. It also gives Jocasta more to play with.
  11. Pyle

    Ban Appeal

    If you had an initial perma ban it may be a different opinion from me. But considering you were banned 5 times it is obvious you haven't learned and most likely have no intent to RP.
  12. Well that isn't the problem. The problem is that anyone can basically AOS you for using it. Not a matter of engaging in ERP with it.
  13. Yeah but in the real world you can't get arrested for showing the finger. Also, I paid for it so your damn right I'm gonna use it!
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