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Everything posted by Clank

  1. Saw this on the side tab, and thought it said "Senators in Albania"
  2. Clank


    Hi! Its me. Bemmis. I am very strong. I like to shoot. Do you really think that?
  3. Clank


    @Ratio onga bonga
  4. Thank you to all of you who commented on this, It's been actually educational surprisingly.
  5. I'd have to disagree. Comments on the person, sure, but they shouldn't have a part in the voting process. How are you going to justify someone not getting BCMD when their whole batt supports them, but everyone else has an issue and -1s, I've seen it in the past, and I'm sure people will do it again, gmod players are majority of the time, toxic and out to seize power, why else would people powerplay.
  6. That's why I firmly believe that people outside of the battalion someone is applying for BCMD of, shouldn't get to vote. It doesn't affect them, they're not a part of the battalion so how the fuck they gonna know what's going on.
  7. -1, Venators are stupid, plus this is going to get denied either way lol
  8. Name: Clank Suggestion: Raise the cap on reacts in a 24hr period. Why should we implement this?: I find myself only browsing the forums one to three times a week, in single sessions each time. And during these sessions, I come across a LOT of posts I feel the need to leave a react on (the overwhelming majority being a not so smart player saying some dumb shit), and so I leave said reaction. Well, after about 10 or so posts, I'm out of reacts for the day. This is troubling as I find a direct reply to be impossible on half of the topics as they're mainly applications and votes, thus I resort to reacts. How will this improve the Forums?: I guess it won't improve the over-all quality, but it'd definitely improve the quality of those in the same boat as me.
  9. +1, if we finally get a map that isn't only "fun" for the clones, maybe it'll be fun to play again.
  10. Interesting. Thank you for the reply. That's what I like about you being in charge of GM now. You're actually getting shit done and making great changes. That's the best way to vote, sadly some of the players on here in the past and present haven't gotten the same memo and blindly -1 for length.
  11. -1, everyone else stated the reasons.
  12. +1, the people in rancor legacy are WAYY too butthurt about you giving someone arc, the easiest thing you have to put effort into getting. Edit: holy shit I never thought I would see the day that every rancor legacy who was toxic when I was around, -1ing and attacking the dude for giving someone arc. Your program is overly hard just so you can be stuck up and parade around your virtual status, get over yourself.
  13. This is an honest question for you folks on Synergy: Why do you guys care so much about length of applications? I only ask this as this community seems to have, at some times, unrealistic expectations for lengths of BCMD/Staff/Gm apps. Whats the fixation on the length? When you dumb it down, it's just a Garry's mod server on a game older than half its population, why should someone be expected to put an entire book in to achieve a fantasy position.
  14. o7, synergy is fucking dead, isn't fun anymore, and now we lost the one man who could fix it all.
  15. Server is a fuck. Gmod has Gay. Brooklyn is fucking gay @Brooklyn @ForseenDo good. Bye, Gmod is not fun, I'm uninstalling gmod forever. I love you all.
  16. -1, forseen cleared up the situation better than he does his crops on my stardew world :(
  17. -1, exact same reason as Valor and Sugga. You were willingly joining a server that stole content, and if I remember correctly, you were a ringleader too. Leaches deserve to be left in the swamp to rot.
  18. @Forseen Could we get your side of this before further voting? Neutral until Forseen replies.
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