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Everything posted by Clank

  1. +1, people saying you can't change from minging and FailRP are actually fucking stupid lmfao. I've watched plenty of people change, in the past I was banned for similar reasons, took literally 4 months off, came back fully changed and got master. If I could do it, he can too.
  2. Jedi order has always been plagued with favoritism. It's been running rampant since I was put on the order for doing funny lizard voice. I tried to fix shit in my time, but if you disagree with the majority, you get pushed out. o7 friend.
  3. +1, oxen is one of the best staff I saw back in the good ol' days.
  4. +1, I don't even need a reason for this one 🥴
  5. Could you drop your total playtime in here? Otherwise, app is solid, you seem like you'd be good for the team. +1
  6. +1, It'd take a dent baby to think my boy fyi isn't a good staff member.
  7. +1, Sweet, simple, and right to the point. You seem like you'd do well as a Staff Member
  8. Clank

    21st Bacara BCMD

    Upon reading this, and reading actual 21st members' posts, I'm going to be changing my vote to a +1. I still think you should be more transparent with your over-all plan, but if my man Snad wants you, I want you.
  9. Clank

    21st Bacara BCMD

    This is not a good thing. Not at ALL. Openness and communication about your plan is absolutely VITAL for anyone to rate the application. Communication issues are major , and to just dismiss them as something for only 21st members is downright stupid. Unless you're fixing on adopting an open policy in relation to disclosing your plans, it's a -1 from me. DISREGARD PRIOR MESSAGES, my vote is changing to a +1 for reasons stated on my follow-up post.
  10. Clank


    Post your reaction break-down. I wish to see how dumbs you have given, lord of dumbs. @Ratio (This is also for everyone else to post theirs too if they want)
  11. +1, the whole situation was handled poorly, and a lot of people who didn't deserve it got hit in the crossfire. This man was one.
  12. The people in the situation handled it poorly and a lot of them were being piss babies. Unlike half of the people here, Im not about to suck off the "popular" players and act like everything they did was in the right. I've talked to Rohan myself and others and heard both sides, Im well informed on the issue, and honestly believe people are being piss babies. Edit: Even though you're being a piss baby too, I still love you freck 😔
  13. Happy B-day! FYI, the date in the title is wrong.
  14. @Craigary I better see a reply 🥴
  15. hey all you hot people, wanna kiss 😳 If ur ugly u can fuck off 🥴
  16. +1, I know life is hard for you right now buddy, and shit's getting tough, but despite that all you still try your best to play as much as you can, you consistently bring joy and positivity to the 104th just simply by being there, you're a valuable member of the battalion and this community, and it's my belief that you'd do great in the staff team, hense my +1.
  17. +1, free my man (Drama is common on this server, pull up your pampers diapers and move on with it, let the dude vibe, he's done nothing nearly severe enough for a permanent ban, even taking prior ban reasons and proof into account, people were just being little piss babies)
  18. I'm almost 100% sure this is a case of mistaken identity. @Shockpoint
  19. +1 YOOOO, nobles a good lad and would be great for the spot.
  20. +1, y'all dropping -1 are dent babies. Imagine -1ing because "I dont want him to have that gun", he literally is the most bland ass member, nothing special for him at all.
  21. He may try to censor issues in #general, but he can lead for sure. +1
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