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Everything posted by Col

  1. No, hover is bound to Shift, we want the "go down faster" feature which is bound to CTRL to be removed. Keep hover as is.
  2. Name: Col | Jaing RP Rank: Captain Suggestion: Remove the CTRL function from the jetpack so JT's no longer get stuck in ships and tanks. (Example: You have a jetpack as your job and you fly or use the rear gun on the ARC-170, upon landing and getting out, your body will be stuck in the ship's hitbox. People without jetpacks are able to get out by crouching. With a jetpack, you are unable to crouch because of the CTRL function on the jetpack wanting to make you fly downwards. Currently the only fixes are to either remove the ship, be physgunned out, or swap to a seat that lets you get out without being stuck. This issue is not exclusive to the 170 but it is a good example.) Implementation: This would require a dev to look at the code for the current jetpack addon and removing the part that allows the CTRL button to cause the wearer to descend at a faster speed. (In order for this fix to work, the jetpack must allow you to crouch while mid air.) Lore: Jetpacks in lore did not cause characters to be stuck inside their vehicle after exiting it. Workshop content if applicable: Addon already on server, requires development to make the changes. Note: Thanks to @Johnson, this suggestion has already been proposed to most if not all JT leadership and they have either agreed that this is a good suggestion, or is neutral to it.
  3. 5/10 Was a good shoot'em up. I particularly liked the use of MTT's and gunships to allow the droids to be spawned closer to us and actually push us back without just spawning droids out of nowhere on top of us.
  4. 9/10 Fantastic event, only real down side was the TS crashing repeatedly which threw off the event a little bit, keep up the great work!
  5. Col

    Scientist Rescue

    7/10 Idea was great, execution was good. Some things held it back like the staff meeting disrupting communication and the game crashes that happened to a lot of people. I'd say next time try to work around those issues. Also it felt like some squads had much more action than the others so try to spread the love out for everyone deployed would be good.
  6. Col

    The bossk returns

    4/10 Most the issues already said. Took too long, uninteresting at times, BS orbital bombardments, the IR seemed very directed and there wasn't much choice on what we were able to do. Next time try to organize it better so the event plays out a little quicker and cut down on the issues that came up.
  7. +1 I've know Shake since he started out on synergy. In the 212th he always worked hard in the regiments that he represented. With SOBDE Shake has always strived to improve his squad and SOBDE as a whole. I've talked with him about him applying for Hunter and I believe he really cares about making changes to improve the squad and help it reach its full potential, and I think he is more than capable of carrying through with these ideas of his. Good luck buddy.
  8. Col

    Siege and Be Sieged

    8/10 1st part was fun and intense. 2nd part was Really cool with that Lucrehulk. One thing is that dupe had a floor prop that was no collided, so it caused a few people to fall through, fixing that is the only suggestion I have.
  9. Col

    Umbaran invasion

    8/10 Definite improvement from the last time you tried this event. My previous criticism of having poor pacing was fixed during this event so excellent work.
  10. Col

    Nice try CIS

    6/10 Already said by others but parts were scuffed and you know that. Getting captured was a cool idea that isn't done often but the scale of people deployed made it make no sense. It was interesting having mainly just players to fight against. Next time just focus on a smaller group that is much more manageable is the best suggestion I can give.
  11. Col

    Umbara Raid

    7/10 Very fun, one suggestion to improve is improving the pacing of the event, at times we were sitting waiting for the rayshields to drop after hacking it.
  12. Col

    Darkness in Light

    10/10 Great story, good challenge, fun RP what more can you ask for.
  13. 7/10 Fun shoot'em up style with the addition of utilizing recon. Only thing to really improve is to flesh it out more with more story and RP elements.
  14. 9/10 Excellent event it was so much fun, a little bit short and our health should have been lowered, but still one of the best events.
  15. 5/10 Really was just a basic shoot'em up but thats not really a bad thing since the server had 8 people on it and it was just for something fun to do. Overall it was fun and the amount of enemies spawned was well adjusted for the small amount of players participating.
  16. +1 I joined Null back when Omalic had to remove several people over a short span of time and I can whole heartedly say that Omalic has and will always look to maintain and improve the quality standards within Null squad. Looking back at how it was then and how it was during his second term, he has improved Null to such a degree that I don't believe he gets the credit that he deserves. I've had many serious conversations with Omalic over the months when it comes to Null standards, and I can fully say that he is more than capable at resolving issues with tact and with a leaders mindset. With this said, I will continue to believe that Omalic is the best person suited to be Kal.
  17. 10/10 That event was very fun, I am honestly having a hard time finding something that could have been done better. A personal favorite feature of the event for me was having the tank behind enemy lines that we had to secure and protect before being able to make use of it.
  18. 7/10 Very good event, 1st part was very fun with the ships and droid incursion inside base. Second part felt a little underwhelming but the overall idea was very cool and the execution was still very good. My only suggestion was to put a little bit more droids on the Umbara.
  19. 9/10 Very good event. Always love these asymmetrical warfare events. It was very fun all the way through, the only criticism is making parts of the briefing a little bit clearer but you already now that from the debrief so keep up the great work and I'd love to see more just like this one.
  20. Col

    Training to Terror

    8/10 Was very fun to play the whole way through. My only gripe was that it was hard to distinguish when the training ended and when the attack began.
  21. 6/10 Was fun, the rp to go recover the supplies and actually having recon go in and then attack was kinda cool and I want to see it done more. After that, it was just a standard shoot'em up. I would like to see the same thing done again but maybe include a little bit more RP and such to separate it from being a shoot'em up.
  22. Col

    Lander Down!

    9/10 Its a fun shoot'em up, but since it was more of a stress test instead of a coherent event then 9 it is.
  23. Its official CG is officially apart of Null!
  24. Col

    Rise of Thrax

    10/10 Everything a great event should be. Amazing story, fun combat, interesting objectives and all of which executed with minimal lag. Had to leave before the end sadly but from what I am told it was just as good as the rest.
  25. +1 Personally took a look at the map and it seems perfect for small scale events with plenty of atmosphere.
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