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Everything posted by Orlando

  1. Orlando

    Orlando Re-app

    Rp Name: Orlando Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:70644957 VIP (Y/N): Yes Age: 17 Timezone: EST What was your Previous Rank: SA Are you currently staff on a server?:(SCP or TTT): Nope Why did you leave the staff team?: I went to go be staff on the MRP server to see if it would feel like my home. It didn’t sadly. Why do you want to rejoin the staff team?: I want to rejoin the CWRP staff team because now I am here to stay. I now realize CWRP is my new home and MRP is in the past for me. I will be as dedicated as I was before. CWRP is a new chapter in my Rp and now I’m ready to accept it. Do you understand by re-applying to get your previous rank to get your rank back that you will be tested on your knowledge of the server rules and knowledge?: Yes
  2. Pythin this a good idea but then this would affect so many aspects of the server especially the Gm program and this is going to have to be a -1
  3. Name: Orlando Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:70644957 Staff Rank:SA Were you VIP: YEs Date:12/12/18 Reason for leaving: going to mrp Farewells: None really all of Rancor and 501st
  4. Name: Orlando Who helped (If applicable): Marvel Event Name: Trandoshan Pirates Summary of the story: Trandoshan pirates Held jarjar binks hostage for the spice that the republic confiscated from Kaysheek from a recent deployment. What was the result of the event?: Jarjar was injured and They took the spice there will be a part 2. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootem up
  5. +1 seemed like a good Idea, was fun. BUT was not excuted as he wanted it to be
  6. Name: Orlando Who helped (If applicable): Heart|Acid|Prince Event Name: Gregor CS Summary of the story: After a recent deployment the clone Gregor did some illegal things so Commander Orlando Hosted a CS. What was the result of the event? He was sent to Jail Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event :Passive
  7. Name: Orlando Who helped (If applicable): Piff | Vador Event Name: Virus Released Summary of the story: A CIS Scientist snuck into base and released a virus. Then be later betrayed by the CIS he has given the clones the cure. What was the result of the event? Virus went poof / Scientist brains went boom Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event Shootem up/ Passive
  8. It was planed it was mostly Lag that gave you that rush feeling and I do apoligise
  9. Name: Orlando Who helped (If applicable): Marvel | Acid | piff Event Name: Wookie Rescue Summary of the story: Poachers attacked Kayahek and killed alot of wookies the republic end up come and helping What was the result of the event?: we took 2 trandos prisoners Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event Shootem up
  10. +1 one of the best goddamn shock I have ever seen also knows the rules pf server pretty well
  11. Name: Orlando Who helped (If applicable): kronos | Vortex Event Name: CIS ATTACK Summary of the story: The CIS did what the CIS does they tried to take the base but they failed very badly. What was the result of the event?: We protected base Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootem up
  12. +1 Sure bring him back he was good staff memeber learned a lot from him. P.s. This is a short app
  13. -1 Not really think he is ready for staff reasons being his attitude towards people and his decision making is not really the best. Also you have not been on lately. I have seen you then and there but your appearance is not frequent. Sorry but you are not ready to be staff in my opinion.
  14. @[SR]Logic[SA] The attack wait was 3-5mins with briefing and me setting up the Wookiee said it cause he was probably explaining to someone and he could know basic it’s fail to if a Wookiee knows basic. yeah true but recon doesn’t mean jet pack it means scout and you don’t need a jet pack to scout droids accuracy was average and if your battalion was complaining about 250 hp droids with average accuracy that’s beyond me. And the droids were placed around the compound and a few were a little farther just cause you guys could fight a little
  15. @[SR]Logic[SA] 1. I mean if you wanted to start with out your battalion then please go ahead. It’s not my fault people take forever to load on you aren’t the only one there waiting and not every one has the same specs as you do. 2. Droids were 250 hp that’s it don’t know how they op and they were placed in defense positions and only spawned a few. If you died from a regular droid then you were just not playing tactically 3. I am allowed to disallow jet packs and not all recon has jet packs cough cough rancor. And still some of your men were still using them. 4. Since the planet was tatoine which is a city full of people it would make sense if you would see random citizens hence the Wookiee who was lost and he was talking in Wookiee the whole time and a few other citizen like the bouncer/ bar tender
  16. I had to do something so I couldn’t post it @Buuged | Thermite
  17. Name:orlando Who helped (If applicable): Stix/ Fi Event Name: dutchess rescue Summary of the story: we had talked to mandalorian senators about them being forced to talk to the CIS and talk about siding with them the CIS found out the senators hav e asked for our help so they captured the dutchess of mandalore. And force her in a meeting. What was the result of the event?: the clones rescued the dutchess Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shooter up
  18. Yularens fist will never die. And you will not be forgotten.
  19. -1 maybe trying to pull a fast one
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