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Everything posted by Narvisius

  1. +1 i got a reccomendation
  2. The comando droid that stayed cloaked while i was arround pissed me off, other than that it was alright so +1
  3. +1 i took the captured deathwatch's eyes and made a necklace
  4. +1 i rarely see him on, I've seen him be on 2-3 times total over a few minutes for the time I've been trace, hes not that inactive and Ordo has been running null. He aint a bad guy, but hes inactive.
  5. -1 You say that the two people you gave cloaks didn't know the rules, but you should have taught them. So they went around and cloaked in front of our eyes, or didn't uncloak at all while sitting in DB. You let them do that, as well as let them run around sprint shooting their E-5s. Then your B1 came in and massacred a active DB. Your event would have been fun had those things been not messed up
  6. -1 the sith had WAYYYYY to much HP and armor, did enjoy all the mandos
  7. +1 FANTASTIC RP! Loved that you didn't get mad and let it be completely player controlled, even when we said that the trandosian quit and went on a "hot" vacation.
  8. +1 need more events with non evil event jobs
  9. -1 A sith died, re spawned in RC bunks, killed me while i was AFK cleaning my room (i was watching my screen when i saw movement on it) then ran out of the bunks. When i tried to contact you using @ i was ignored, and when i tried to contact you on TS you waited till after the whole thing was over. Then apparently your sith could not feel pain in the IR, and could run around after jedi damaged their leg. Over all, filled with FRP.
  10. -+0, you let the sith sit there for 5 minutes and kill anyone who teleport onto the comms deck. As well you gave 4 sith a mess load of HP vs a small amount of clones. If it was a bigger server maybe, and if they didn't block you from going up there by teleport killing, maybe. However, i did enjoy gathering our few clones together to fight the sith who majorly overpowered us.
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