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Everything posted by silvers

  1. Alrighty, so here's another update for you 327th and 212th 2ndAC officer people. Jimbo's PC went schkapooey, and he just got a new one working. So it may happen next Friday? Not too sure. I think the update will happen around the release of the map. @Poe @Bro @Lunch hey at least it's not another 8 months omegalul
  2. ......k..... locking this, you’re acting like an asshole to literally everyone in this thread. Because of these actions, your ban will be extended for up to a month. If you try to complain about it like this again, there will be more.
  3. If they are in Pending/Accepted, they are most likely going to be in the new update, especially if they are accepted. I think. Directors aren't necessarily the dev people so yeah lol. But I am like 85-90% sure that they are coming.
  4. friday lol -edit- i think it may be next friday since jimbo's pc broke. it will hopefully be at least. but it all depends on when our update it for the server. My guess is that it will be around the time of the map's release
  5. the idkwhattocallthis Bulletin for 7/29/2019 - Edition 1 Alrighty buckaroos, due to the request of this being a thing, this is basically going to be a little rundown of what the high staff / high command team is currently doing behind the scenes and shit. Sort of a "here's what's up/going on" sorta deal. First of all, with the new map coming out we will be working with Base Ops on some designated/refined rules for the base, as there is actual time to prepare for this map change, unlike Endor in which it was a couple hours' notice before the map switched from the Venator to this map. This will probably and hopefully make the Quality of Life for a map change be much better. Secondly, It's Commander Interview Season! We have some applications accepted for interview, and some that will soon be evaluated to see if they are able to be moved to Pending. Nothing special, but it doesn't hurt to put it here. We have also heard some former Sith discussing about a new faction involving the bounty hunter guild; The talks about a new faction won't happen in a LOOOOONG minute. Before we even discuss about a new faction, we want to make sure all of the other groups in the server are doing well first. Base Ops needs some support right now, so I am going to focus helping them by talking with their CMDs and HC about some future plans. I feel that the new map change will give them more things to do and give them a better role than being just door slaves. In conclusion, our main plans are working on the new map and stuff. I have some small nitbits for the staff team, but I gotta talk to some people about that first to see if they want it or not. You'll find out about that next week if things go well. Tell me your thoughts about this sort of bulletin thingy in the comments! Make sure to share this video. Like and subscribe! Use Code Ninja in the item shop!
  6. You kind of fucked up here chief. I get it that some guy gave you money to do this act, but you should ALWAYS follow the golden rule. The person who bribed you has been given a proper punishment however. So this is going to be denied. // locked // moved to "denied"
  7. silvers

    Fried Chicken

    Oh yea, had some Turkish food last night. And I’m going somewhere tonight for that catering business shit so I get to eat some of my good ol’ grilled shit -edit- That came out wrong, I meant grilled meats
  8. Applicant has voided his application. This is your only void in 30 days, another void within 30 days will result in a 30 day cooldown. // locked // moved to "Denied"
  9. lol I can get you set up, just PM me your steamid and either an HA or myself can do it.
  10. Your application has been Accepted! You are now our new 187th Battalion Commander! Your term will end in 10/25/2019. Congratulations! // moved to "Accepted"
  11. Your application has been Accepted! You are now our new Kal Skirata! Your term will end in 10/25/2019. Papa is home. Congratulations! // moved to "Accepted"
  12. Your application has been Accepted! You are now our new Delta Squad Boss! Your term will end in 10/25/2019. Congratulations! // moved to "Accepted"
  13. Your application has been Accepted! You are now our new Commander Bly! Your term will end in 10/25/2019. Congratulations! // moved to "Accepted"
  14. Player has been permanently banned from the community. // locked // moved to "Completed"
  15. silvers


    you said a joke right? then here's this: @Peace
  16. Posting evidence on an insta. 1000 IQ. Thank you for showing us this. If anyone has any more evidence I ask you to please bring it to me or dragon.
  17. silvers

    Fried Chicken

    just had some grapes today, i think there is a pattern >:O
  18. silvers

    Fried Chicken

    Tbh I’ve been skipping meals, not that hungry. I’ve been just eating fruits for some reason but that’s whatever
  19. Alright, keep this shit to a simple +1/-1. If we start seeing things other than that, we will have to start handing out warning points. (I know not that much is being discussed in this application, but it's always good to have it up in both threads )
  20. Alright, keep this shit to a simple +1/-1. If we start seeing things other than that, we will have to start handing out warning points.
  21. Bacta bombs can be your extinguisher in RP as like a water vapor bomb
  22. may i know why you gave me those scores for future reference?
  23. Name: Silvers Who helped (If applicable): Snoop and Joe Event Name: The Legion's Destruction Summary of the story: Multiple charges were blown inside of the base, and one inside the generator room. This caused a defcon 1 and evac to all of the outposts and ewok villiage. It was then revealed that the Legion was the mastermind behind this plot, and they attacked each outpost and village. After those waves were cleared, the republic siezed control of the base once again and defended themselves against the legion until an Acclamator came to support them, firing a turbo-laser against their main frigate. What was the result of the event?: SUCCESS Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up, but this is kind of a storyline so maybe RP?
  24. silvers

    Daddys home

    so there's this girl and uhhh base ops jedi
  25. silvers

    Oh Fuck

    It wasn’t even a test post it’s just them being reerees
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