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Everything posted by Evans

  1. -1 you seem kinda mingey sorry bud : /
  2. Name: Evans/Appo Staff Rank: New Admin Length of LOA (Please specify the date if possible): 10/21/18 - 10/26/18 (5 days in total) Reason: I am really burnt out of Gmod and I also have a lot of tests this week. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  3. +1 but would like to see how you can help the community more. But overall great app
  4. +1 Nice amount of Info in app looking spicy
  5. Evans

    Kage infection

    +1 I'm loving the Spooky October Halloween infected events!
  6. Evans


    Tactical Nuke Incoming
  7. Evans

    CWRP Events

    -1 why have gamemasters if there are VIP's that can do it, just ask one of them to start it up. Plus i think you have to earn GM so just giving it to some VIP's would make it not a very special title to hold.
  8. Evans

    Ranks Old and New

    -1 I believe its unnecessary to change the rank system. if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
  9. o7 I will miss you B i hope you get unbanned you're a cool guy!
  10. +1 spooky is a good guy and didn't mean to start a bunch of shit. i am aware that he shouldn't have done it. But still, he seems legitimately sorry and i think he should be able to retire in peace rather than being beaned.
  11. Evans


    Neutral, Its a cool idea but, iv'e never had a problem with just /pm'ing them or talking to them in TS seems uneeded
  12. +1 from what I hear, and what iv'e seen he's fit for the job!!!!
  13. Big +1 from me. Good guy, great potential
  14. +1 i miss hero! come back!
  15. +1 it sucks i shot a guy on accident during an event the other day. I never have gotten the black screen tho
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