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Everything posted by DracoOdinson

  1. Bruh havent played on this server for 3 or 4 months and not planning to come back no need to be toxic about it mate
  2. Huge -1 had previous bad exspeaerences with you
  3. Ive been gone for a little 3 months and im just wondering how has the server been has anything major changed
  4. -1 this is beyond fucked up threating people over a game and to affect them in the life outside the game
  5. Community meetings are a important thing to have much better speaking it than typeing. I personally like to hear it more than looking at ascreen and reading it
  6. +1 one of my og 187th boys also you deserve a chance to at least show what you can do
  7. -1 i was there for your hole term as yoda and it wasent good
  8. +1 he can do good work if he puts his mind to it
  9. -1 gotta agree with some people that you havent been doing that good
  10. Damn man gotta agree with shit yall take it like its life or death yall take this gmod shit to serious. Also some people just dont know when to chill. And to what fizzik said i personally have a bad social life but i dont go out of my way to ruin the community for people or make there time unijoyible ive seen it happen way to many times in the past 4 or 5 years ive been playing swrp. And the amount of time i spent either developing or playing gmod just to get shit on it kinda suck but in all gmod can help people and it has helped me befor and i love the game
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