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Everything posted by Mitchell

  1. Name: Mitchell Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: The Beginning pt 1 Summary of the story: 41st and 21st are deployed to assault a base with a wealthy aristocrat inside. This aristocrat was the seller of the shipments containing holocrons that crash landed on base. Upon landing they were met with a fierce defense which they routed. After taking the bunker, they are swarmed by hostiles ground forces as command is attacked by unknown ships. Eventually they are able to escape. What was the result of the event?: The aristocrat was captured and brought back to Anaxes. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shootem up.
  2. I was suggesting more valid things to say would help the server. Based off of what people have complained about. I don't think the server is bad or needs to be "Saved" I am just pointing out more valid arguments than just chopping off battalions.
  3. Removing battalions won't magically fix a server. More valid points to "fix the server" would be: Revamping the GM program, more emphasis on passive RP instead of just events, among other things as these are the most complained about. Removing battalions is a bandaid fix at best, while there are some battalions struggling, removing them doesn't solve any real problems besides saving people time and effort to help fix them.
  4. Name: Mitchell Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Corrupting Cargo Summary of the story: Republic traders crash land on the planet, shock and 41st find them and being to take them back to base. A ST is influnced by a sith holocron hidden inside the crates and takes it back to base. After arriving on base, they are taken to medbay where they experience hallucinations. Afterwards, they go to the MHB with the ship DU retreaved and discover the entire cargo bay is full of holocrons. The ship explodes, corrupting several troopers and Etain. Etain goes insane and starts attacking people while the other's take a BO hostage and hide them. The corrupted are killed save for Etain who is able to overcome the corruption. What was the result of the event?: Data revolving where the shipment was meant to go was recovered and an investigation is being mounted to search for a possible sith Cult on Coruscant. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Heavily more RP than Shoot-em up.
  5. 8.5/10. Good concept, pretty good execution. Would PK 15+ people Via HMC Detonation again.
  6. Name: Mitchell Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Refinery Raid Summary of the story: 21st, 327th, and 501st are deployed to mygeeto to take out a refinery being used by the CIS to fund insurgent cells in the Rep. Using the computers at the refinery, they have locations of drop offs and records of purchases. The Refinery is then destroyed along with the production line and income for the CIS. What was the result of the event?: Destruction of refinery with intel intact. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up with light RP
  7. Name: Mitchell Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Family Dynamics Summary of the story: A runaway from a mando clan comes to the base seeking refuge to hide from her family. After being taken to slate, it is revealed that her 2 brothers came to get her back. She stole armor and weapons she wasn't meant to use and as such stood out. The brothers attempted to get her back, but eventually they saw the Republic attempt to take her away, and as such, the older brother called in DW to help get her back. The younger brother then began to attack the death watch while the older brother fights the republic in search of his sister; eventually dying. The sister and brother then meet up and are promptly escorted off. What was the result of the event?: The older brother died, the younger brother and sister return back to their clan, which is now in shambles due to the older brother selling a lot of their assets to get the aid of the DW. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP oriented, through player choice it turned into a battle.
  8. Name: Mitchell Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Burning the Hive Summary of the story: The same creatures from the Horde event are back, and are digging tunnels into the base and surrounding area. After initial contact, the clones desperately try to defend their base as they are swarmed by creatures. Eventually a brave group of clones entered the tunnels, and destroyed the main hive complex with detonators. What was the result of the event?: The Hive on Anaxes was destroyed, meaning that these creatures will not return unless they are brought back onto the planet again. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up with some Light RP.
  9. Name: Mitchell Who helped (If applicable): Cronis Event Name: Defense of Noclyria Summary of the story: A Republic world is under siege, 501st and DU are deployed to take back and defend the base until they can be extracted. Upon arrival they made use of the available supplies and held off for as long as possible. An orbital bombardment was called in to break the enemies front lines. Afterwards they evacuated and escaped the planet. The base's reactor detonated, leaving nothing of value for the CIS to Salvage What was the result of the event?: The base was ultimately destroyed to allow the 501st and DU to escape. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em Up.
  10. Name: Mitchell Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: The Defector Summary of the story: A Tactical droid uses the data it has to run countless simulations on the result of the overall war, with the Republic winning 99% of the time. Because of this it defects to the Republic to preserve it's self. It is pursued by the CIS which attacks Anaxes, ending with an EMP of the base to destroy the droid. An Acclimator was dispatched to Anaxes after it went dark, dropping off supplies used to repair the base. What was the result of the event?: All electronics where fried and vitals where repaired using the new supplies. More Passive RP was planned to take place after the DB as an encounter. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: More RP than Shootem up
  11. “Overall I want all battalions with a steady number of players, I understand its hard having 4 attack battalions but its a goal to help out all battalions and get them fine and dandy. I want the ability of all battalions to also be better skilled, thats not to say they aren't now but all could do with some improvements, whether its tips and tricks on roleplay, trainings and simulations, or just help leading all these things can be easily addressed. I also want to have more inter BvB, for instance, 212th vs 501st training where you asses and test both parties on their abilities against one another giving constructive feedback to develop the battalion as a whole. I think every Attack Regimental says they want to host joint trainings but I can't say many do and I want to change that, by doing it as much as possible and being creative and productive about it.” So I wanna point out something. You point out 0 specific issues of any battalions that would be under your command. I can’t give support to someone who’d be over me in the regiment if they dont even seem to put in the effort to even ask officers of the battalions what issues they face. You seem to also lack an understanding about what your main role of a Reg would be, that being more administrative. You saying that you’d be active and hosting sims for the battalions is not enough for me to lend support. Also, you seem eager to leave your battalion only after they just recently started to turn around and only a little after your first month of your term. with these things in mind, I am -1ing.
  12. +1 Your goals set in your app are kinda small, but you'll do good with the proper people beneath you. If you fail your interview I am PTing you until you die
  13. Oh boy in all seriousness good luck in trial @Cannon dont be like me and fail by being a 4head
  14. While I’m not surprised that it came to this I’m still saddened that it did. you cared about this position and this battalion, and you felt like stepping back is the best decision for you, and I respect you all the more for it. You did good in the short time you where Bly, hopefully your successor will continue to build upon what you left behind. o7 Loopy
  15. Yoda doesn't need to work with the 41st considering the fact that He runs the entire Jedi Order -1
  16. Name: Mitchell Who helped (If applicable): Sixta (Some building) Event Name: The Horde Summary of the story: An infestation based organism is found on Anaxes, in the village to be precise. A boy and his father is heard on comms being taken into the house. The troopers arrived there and found a still alive Gotal. After being taken to slate, a creature erupts from his body and is promptly killed. After such, a loud roar is heard as a horde attacks slate. Then the base. What was the result of the event?: The actions of the clones changed the way the event turned out, with wave after wave of the horde attacking the base and slate. The base gate was taken down but the giant units (Antlion guards) couldn't get in to cause more destruction. Instead of the Alien influenced creature in the base. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Some roleplay and turned into a survival against a horde.
  17. Name: Mitchell Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Dead in the watter Summary of the story: An abandoned venator with trandos on it is discovered by the Republic and Omega is sent in to clear it out. On board is a bio weapon being made by the republic. Omega cleared the ship and disposed of the bio-weapon. 41st, 21st, and Naval where deployed to the venator to help repair it. The virus re-animated the corpses of the dead and began attacking. In the confusion, the Nav computer malfunctioned and the ship jumped to Mustafar. The fleet was repelled long enough to where they could escape. What was the result of the event?: The ship safely returned to Coruscant and is to be cleaned and put back into active service. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both
  18. Name: Mitchell Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Cultist Lottery Summary of the story: A group of cultists comes to anaxes to attempt to sacrifice clones or jedi in order to further their own powers as well as unleash destruction upon the Republic. What was the result of the event?: The clutists took willing volunteers to stand above a vat of acid infused with dark magic, they are then ritualistically dropped into the vat and killed. After the first 2, the clones began acting hostile as their base was attacked by creatures, resulting in the "Death" of the cultists. The cultists sacrificed enough people to resurrect themselves and began attempting to convince people to willingly sacrifice themselves. After they are once more attacked, 2 of them enter the base and disable the HMC as creatures are brought forth and attack the clones. One cultist is taken to Coruscant and whilst there the creatures attack the temple. Afterwards, the surviving cultist is allowed to leave, under the pretense that he can search for his "chosen one" else where. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay and gun fights at the end.
  19. Alot of props are not working properly and as such I just spawned in what I knew would work. The meta-gaming issue was related more towards how people acted after being made aware of the contents and all the proper RP for them. Such as questioning if the order was legitimate. Thanks for the feedback though!
  20. They where supposed to find droids in the boxes because it was a shipment of training droids. Can you further elaborate?
  21. Name: Mitchell Who helped (If applicable): Mar Event Name: Bad Programing Summary of the story: A shipment of Training droids and commando droids were sent to Anaxes. A tactical droid launched a raid on the base and activated hidden coding in the training droids and commando droids. In the confustion the HMC was attacked and damaged, as well as several parts of the base. Everything was repaired after the droids were destroyed. What was the result of the event?: HMC, Shield generator, and various other parts of the base where damaged in the attacks. All systems where repaired and the droid attack was repelled. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: More Shoot em up with some RP to set it up.
  22. Name: Mitchell Who helped (If applicable): Chaseman as my GH. Event Name: Mandolorian Cartographers. Summary of the story: Mandolorians were commisioned by the duchess to map out planets. They decided to steal some republic data to later sell to the highest bidder. They were ambushed by Deathwatch at village. After the DW attacked village and the Republic base the Mandolorians negotiated for the release of republic data. The BO agreed to their terms by allowing them to leave the base and take a republic Ship. What was the result of the event?: Mando's were treated peacefully and as such didn't turn hostile towards the Republic. Once the DW attacked the Mando's sided with the Republic, culminating in them returning the data in exchange of a ship and supplies. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Initially alot of RP then turned into a firefight.
  23. While I don't see you as on as the other candidate, activity isn't everything when it comes to a BCMD. I do believe either candidate would be good in the role. +1
  24. You've had your moments and your issues in the past. However, you have proven that you have grown past these issues. I do believe you can do a good job in this battalion as you already have. +1, good luck brother.
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