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Everything posted by Baron

  1. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  2. Skill issue: https://gyazo.com/fe98566db29c4a20e46f90951feb9867 You just got unlucky with NPC health. The rockets/missiles hitboxes are funky and something we'll look into. They do damage. It depends on where you hit vehicles and NPCs, as the damage distribution doesn't appear consistent with the entity's location on screen. Most likely, it won't be fixed for a while.
  3. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  4. Hey there! We are currently in the process of investigating the cause of lost credits and renown. For in-game issues such as this, you would make a bug report, which you can find here: https://synergyroleplay.com/forums/forum/36-cw-bug-reports/ I'll be moving this over to that section, so there is no need to make another report, but if you could provide your Steam ID as well as any additional details about what lead to you losing your credits, that would be greatly appreciated.
  5. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  6. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  7. Hi Spoof, would you kindly provide your Steam Id?
  8. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  9. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  10. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  11. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  12. Please follow the format next time. Can you please provide your steam ID? Bug Type (Server:): Severity level (Low - Medium - High): Evidence (if you can): Description of the bug: How can we recreate it:
  13. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  14. Can you please provide your steam id?
  15. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  16. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  17. @TheQwertyCat Can you provide your Steam ID? @Zensras if other members are having the same issue can you please have them make a bug report individually and provide their steam IDs?
  18. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  19. This has been marked as acknowledged and marked as a bug that is being looked into. This will remain unlocked in the case that more information becomes present. // MOVING TO ACKNOWLEDGED REPORTS
  20. Besides the issues with the arrest reporting system, are you still enocuntering this?
  21. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  22. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  23. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  24. This issue has been marked as resolved and therefore has been resolved on server or is unresolvable. // LOCKED // MOVED TO RESOLVED REPORTS
  25. This has been an issue for the shield for a long time since they were first added to the server. It is mostly due to the funky way hitboxes and weapon positioning work with Source. We know this is an issue, but we can't give a proper timeline of when or even if this will be fixed. This ticket will be closed.
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