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Everything posted by Scarecrow

  1. everytime I go to sleep something kicks off *Sigh* well pal best of luck in your future endeavours hope to see ya around
  2. Scarecrow

    187th Revamping

    wait what Meds and Z6's with jet packs?
  3. Then you are a uncultured swine good sir
  4. +1 You have more than enough leadership experience and you've shown how much you care my only question is
  5. why it's still 343 the have put some nice paint on yes but nothing to convince me it will be worth my time
  6. Scarecrow


    No someone said that 327th had K company
  7. Name: Scarecrow RP Rank: Master of the Order Mace Windu Suggestion: Change back the main sever map to the previous ground map we were on I am posting this due to the mass amount of complaints I have heard about the map and a few of my own misgivings with it such as the huge lag spikes near and in the clone base where framerate drops really low the frequent crashes that have been happening on the server and the general inconsistency in the performance. While we have been on it despite the size currently there is more RP possibilities on that with the outposts mining facility the base can contain all the battalions and not leave certain people spawning out in the hallways and to acknowledge what will happen to the sith temple as it was destroyed cover it in debris so that RP can stay as it is and wouldn't impact anything much plus our previous map had better performance . It will help with the infrastructure changes as all the new dupes needing to be created for trials ARC tryouts trainings the and in terms of stress with dupes that map functioned a lot better it when under stress with multiple dupes and droids at the same time it will create less tension between the factions. Implementation: Switching the main sever map to the Synergy Base V4 I think was the version Lore: Well Synergy lore is a very complicated and confusing thing however saying that we were transported back to resecure the mining operation wouldn't be to hard to justify that as this particular part of endor secure would suffice and that our efforts should be focused on the mining operation.
  8. May of been a AOS or something like that and you left that is the usual reason for a LTAP punishment
  9. Did you even read the post *Facepalms*
  10. Sheev Ti? Or Shaak Palpatine
  11. Please don't be using their memory if that is true to try and get a ban lifted on garrys mod mate seriously because that only shows immaturity and just plainly rubs people the wrong way
  12. You shouldn't need a mentor you should be able to look after yourself. As I know you are able to take care of yourself as you have shown in the past that you know when your about to do something right or wrong yet you do it anyway. What if they got you a mentor and they wernt on how would you act if they were not around? I am asking that saying because if they are not around would you go and minge round as they are not there watch over your or would you be able to not act like a minge were a mentor not present
  13. How many last chances do you need this is your second perma your lucky that the first time the directors didn't keep it a perma I understand you might want to be here but how many times do people have to have the talk of stop messing round sure you have disabilities and that is a shame but I do to lots of other members in the community do but there has been many a time where you've been let of harsh punishments because of that fact and how many times have you said I am going to stop minging then the next day or five minutes later you've gone back on that being sorry is nice and all but being sorry and then doing it again I'm not fully confident that you will not minge and I don't want to plus one just because 20th chance as anyone else with this kind of record would of been beaned hard and not got the chance.
  14. Name: Scarecrow RP Rank: Master of the Order Mace Windu Suggestion: To add some more Sith characters body groupers to the Trial of Spirit job this is to help diversify Trials and create more interesting and immersive trials by having access to the Characters Darth Nihilus, Darth Sion, Darth Traya and Darth Bane for obvious reason we can't explain what current ideas we have for the jobs but each character is unique As they each can test a different aspect of a person Sion the Lord of Pain Nihilus Lord of hunger Traya Lord of Betrayal and Bane the Sith Ari each model is under 1MB. Implementation: Adding these models as body groupers to the Trial of Spirit job Lore: https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Traya https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Nihilus https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Sion https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Darth_Bane/Legends Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1411982727 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=303831756 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=945146601 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1142321165
  15. When we had to board up all the windows incase it loaded the outside world lest we forget
  16. -1 did you even ask your BCMD?
  17. Wait a minute where did you find my high school photos
  18. Scarecrow


    Why link the lore page if there is zero lore to back anything if just say you want the job The 187th Legion was said to be present during the Battle of Dantooine, as well as Battle of Coruscant. ^That's really just head cannon^ Besides when are you all geting those parachutes you were promised first just incase you get them before the job and have to amend this post
  19. So we still have it available as a perm weapon the ammount of empire weapons we have not every trooper would be running around with a flame thrower and RT29c,LD1 and all that. I dont really see your argument here most the time knife RP would be conducted in /me cuts here stabs here stick knife in crack and levers something out that is RP based and has nothing to do with the functionality of the weapon and as for assassinations the current knife while not great can already do that for the most part against regular sith they would be ineffective aginst anything that is not a event job due to the rediculas ammounts of health event jobs have. So in short your argument doesn't answer my question on why only select people get a superior weapon when the current one isn't all that good probably why you want it changed so why not change the current knife to that one.
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