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Everything posted by Baelfire

  1. +1 100% You have been a great and helpful reg for the time you have had the position. You would make a great Senior
  2. I mean easy fix. Remove adrenaline as a force power. GG fixed. I mean who needs to run faster anyways. we got force leap lol
  3. Like alec said. If you have double trouble like i stated you can make it doubled permanent via using it one the single saber switching to the duals. Using it again then switching to fists. trust me i know. I was doing it until I saw people doing it on the venator and it started triggering me
  4. Baelfire

    New CO models?

    It has been said a million times. All battalions are getting new models. Yours are NOT being made atm. Someone elses is. Wait. Your. Damn. Turn.
  5. I have seen what you can bring to the table in the jedi order. If you can bring that same commitment then a big ol fat +1
  6. (i know this is early but I have to go to work so I won't be on until tomorrow) ~~~~~~~~~~[ Baelfire’s Boss Application ]~~~~~~~~~~ Steam Name: Mishue RP Name: Jedi G WS K II Baelfire/ RC 40 Delta Squad TECH Fixer Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:43025541 Battalion or squad you are applying for: Delta Squad Experience: While I will say this up front I do not have a mile long experience rap like others will have because I have only ever been in 2 different battalions on this particular server. As for experience I joined this server on May 12th 2018 and upon joining I decided to join Special Ops. I joined them and made my way up the ranks to 1SG fairly fast and learned a great deal about the server from them. At that point I’d say May 25th 2018 was when I joined delta squad as Sev from there I ended up becoming the XO when JBFox had to take his LOA that was June 14th and I have been XO ever since helping out Delta squad by filling delta squad roles while boss has been on LOA. Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: I talked with JBFox about the boss position in the past though in brief passing but from what he explained to me is due for the boss position I feel I definitely would be able to lead delta squad. I know the lore of delta squad quite well. I also have been in a BCMD role before on another server. So I know how much pressure it brings and how to mitigate it, I also feel like I am already acting in the squad leads role just from me filling the Squads positions during the time of JBFox’s LOA. I am also a strict person meaning if someone breaks rules ideally they should be punished for it. I like how delta stands as not being a mingy squad and I would love to keep it that way. JBFox also gave me his stamp of approval for going for boss since he just recently resigned. Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: Yes I know most of deltas lore. The stuff I do not know I am learning as we speak so I could become a better boss Availability: I am normally actually on my computer all day cept from 4-6pm tuesday-saturday -7 PST because this is when I cook dinner for the family. Then Sunday and monday I dont get on much if at all due to the fact of them being my 12 hour work days. Other then that I am on pretty much all day if I am not on Gmod I am still in TS Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: Since May 12th 2018. So almost 3 months Do you have a microphone?: Yes, I do. Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: I would like Delta to be full and be active. Also at the end of my term I hope that I have been able to groom at least one person that would be able to take my place for when and if I step down or am removed. Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes, I understand this loud and clear. Thank you for taking the time to read this app. Please leave your feedback whether it be negative or positive. I welcome the chance to better myself.
  7. It isnt even using force leap afterwards. its just putting the lightsaber away. Then guardians and sentinels that can use single sabers and duals can use it twice for even better speed.
  8. -1 You were one of the mingy people who derailed the kellers droid fights event.
  9. -1 after seeings you during a recent event. You were firing off your flamethrower for no reason on your CG. You ended up attacking fox with it then you kept attacking doors with no enemys even near so there was no reason for it.
  10. +1 awesome event. I enjoyed it. Though the community could have avoided being so mingy. (Which is of course out of your control)
  11. -1 mainly on activity and activity alone A inactive leader is worthless. Otherwise it would have been a +1.
  12. The temper has been something i have witnessed and you do roll over pretty easily. I do feel like you would make a good niner and be what omega needs atm. So my support is +1 atm - Delta Four-Oh Fixer
  13. I have never had a issue with you so I do not see why not +1
  14. Bug Type (server/forum): Server Severity level (1-3): debatable but 1 Evidence (if you can): will be linked. but it looks like this: [DarkRP] Successfully sold your Dual Westar-34 Pistols for $1500000 [COMMS] 501st PLT TC MEDL 1stLT Kix: This is Torrent Company 6116 Kix reporting for duty sir! [DarkRP] Successfully sold your Bowcaster for $5000000 Description of the bug: It does NOT give the amount it claims you sold it for. It gives less. Not 100% sure how much less. i presume half. But definitely not the full amount that it says. (I am sure it is intended to be half like it is. But the text says otherwise) How can we recreate it: Sell a perm weapon and watch your money.
  15. Baelfire


    -1 due to past experiences with you
  16. +1 I could see you being gregor. I also like how you lead after watching you for awhile.
  17. Baelfire

    Staff App

    After this comment I will have to say -1
  18. Havnt had to many interaction with you but after reading your app I will say +1 for sure
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