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Everything posted by Baelfire

  1. This is actually pretty smart. Never seen something like this on another server lol
  2. Fuck yeah. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1241256452&searchtext=Custom+Mandalorian Or https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=714878009&searchtext=Spider-Man+PlayerModel
  3. Baelfire

    RC armor bonus

    I wouldnt mind a extra 50 HP since delta already has the 100+ armor since we dont have a medic I assume we would get another 100 armor
  4. I will +1 this. You have ample experience in a leading role as well as have RC experience. The few interactions we have had were great and I have never heard or seen anything bad from ya.
  5. -1 You have no experience in SOBDE and have never interacted with us. As well as the little bit of experience I did have with you was when I was in SO and you were ALWAYS afk.
  6. You needa hook me up with TG B.
  7. I am so down for some VIP STEAM_0:1:43025541
  8. I will +1 one this. AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD OPTIMIZE IT FOR 4k RESOLUTION! i am tired of hafting to almost kiss my monitor to read the chatbox lol
  9. -1 same reasons Raider listed.
  10. Wasnt sparks supposed to be yalls WO? Anyways +1
  11. Mine isnt that great tbh lol I am to lazy to make a good one x.x
  12. it will live! I will play it for sure. I love TTT
  13. I am all for removing the extra armor. its not like it really is game changing. Having a medic is.
  14. I mean every squad has a medic. and sniper. EOD and a tech/ENG expert. Sniper and Medic are normally the same so logic dictates that sev is a medic anyways. Thus explains why he also excels in interrogation cause he can use the medical knowledge towards that end
  15. http://www.e-reading.club/bookreader.php/71118/Traviss_-_Republic_Commando__Triple_Zero.html on page 17 just CTRL+F Racked and you will find it on the 6th one or so.
  16. And? Fi is a Sniper AND A MEDIC. Sev is trained the SAME as Fi. Yes but if you read the book. Like the image i put in the very first post in this op. it clearly says Fi saying sev was trained the same. If you actually do the research and read the RC books you would know. This is what its from. Not the wiki. From the books. The wiki is not the golden grail of all knowledge with star wars.
  17. For everyone saying its not lore if you read the books and read what i put in the post. it shows that Fi states that sev has the same training as Fi.
  18. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Boss Suggestion: Making Sev delta squads medic. Implementation: Adding the medkit and bacta nade to sev. Lore: this is the only lore that hints sev is medically trained. Workshop content if applicable: (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: Change Job: Delta Squad Sev Model: Same Weapons: Adding Medkit and Bacta nade to sev. Other: None Thank for you taking your time reading this. The reason I want sev as the medic is because delta squad does not have a medic and seems to be the only squad without one which is weird to me since the squads are structured the same. Meaning Delta has a medic but it was never revealed except in the above clip that slightly mentions it
  19. To add on to what metro said I also had Obi-Wan give grevious Xebonica and Mangoriza as well as Bavo Six. Any 3 of these would have made grevious talk since his main organs/functions are organic.
  20. +1 wont answer basic questions. Just keeps repeating himself like a broken record.
  21. I am neutral leaning towards -1 Due to what I have read and lack of interaction that I have seen with SOBDE. Again I am neutral. UPDATE: -1 Did not list omega squad in the lore. Also little to no interactions with SOBDE. Not even in passing. (You could of totally just started talking to us and hanging out to get to know SOBDE before even applying which you did not even bother doing)
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