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Everything posted by Zyner

  1. *Edit* Neutral at the moment until a waiving of the rank requirement is passed or denied.
  2. I'm the one that kept rooting for you while your own team bashed you.
  3. He means that options to download, print, and copy have been disabled on the document. So whenever we have to bring up rules we have to write them down off the doc instead of copy/paste.
  4. I believe by "Command" they mean in times of war, that is the job of the BCMD. During times of war the Senate is commanded by CG/ST to safety. 3.5.1.d refers to basically the Senate being able to test or see the performance of their investment, as Troopers are basically property of the Senate/Republic.
  5. *Edit* Neutral at the moment until a waiving of the rank requirement is passed or denied.
  6. It's not a teleporter, it's a vent and please be sure to close it after you're done; I've tripped over it too many times after RC abuse it.
  7. Name: Zyner Event Name: CIS Wildlife Experiments Summary of the story: CIS forces were spotted going into an icy planet with hostile wildlife, it is assumed they plan to experiment on the animals and weaponize them. What was the result of the event?: 3 Deployments total. First one succeeded with only one survivor. Second succeeded with a decent amount of survivors. Third was a great success with the aid of Jedi, many survivors. Overall a mini-event with multiple deployments for everyone to get an attempt at it. Was this more of a role play oriented or shoot em up oriented event: Shoot em up with a roleplay environment that required Snowtrooper gear.
  8. Simple solution to not letting everyone in the event would have been to just re-do the whole thing for the next set of Battalions.
  9. +1 As mingey as he has behaved, it has all only ever been verbal interactions. He has never abused powers nor gone out of his way to cause harm or disrupt gameplay for others.
  10. Is this the Temple Guard's final form? *FailRP
  11. Obvious one is GM because they were literally your Battalion. Otherwise, pull a Mauri and go 101st and have all new members question who does some "random" 101st have so much authority and respect.
  12. Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:41910840 RP Name: Zyner 104th Mechanized Assault Battalion Battalion Commander Wolfpack Commander Naval Commodore Wolffe Wolfpack Jedi Sage Master Roy Battalion: 104th Mechanized Assault Battalion Wolfpack Who is in command until you return?: Commander Comet (Kodiak) Commander Weiss Captain Sinker (JBFox) Length of Absence: 9/7/17 ~ 9/21/17 I know length is over one week but the last BCMD was AWOL for over a month so I don't think it'll be a problem, plus I got no choice on when I'll return but will try to make it within the LOA period. Will keep updated.
  13. Name: Zyner 104th Mechanized Assault Battalion Battalion Commander Wolfpack Commander Naval Commodore Wolffe Wolfpack Jedi Sage Master Roy Length of LOA: 9/7/17 ~ 9/21/17 Reason: My auntie H. Irma is coming for a visit and I really don't wanna hang out with her some I'm driving as far North as I can. Will be able to be contacted through TeamSpeak3 when online. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes, although I'd like to appeal that I can't, nor you, control mother nature and plan to come back if I survive. Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes, although I'd like to appeal that I can't, nor you, control mother nature and plan to come back if I survive.
  14. Agreed. Situation happened mid-event while I was helping with it and I took a quick approach. We've talked it over and have come to a mutual understanding.
  15. I understand that the way it was handled was not perfect but I was trying to keep him in the Event by just moving him away, had I brought him to an Admin Sit room it would have completely taken him out of the Event - regardless of that the actions resulted in the same result. I agree, including the update of the Rules & Regulations as they are highly important documents that need to be correct day-to-day. Also, I will have to add as I saw this being brought up a lot. I did give out a verbal warning, it is not my fault if you did not hear it over your TeamSpeak or not pay attention; seeing as how the other NULL reacted to it. Regardless, all that followed were warnings one after the other as no real punishment was issued. Including that an arrest was never going to happen, I'd call CG instead.
  16. The following is an exert from here, the Rules & Regulations of the Clone Wars server: https://synergyroleplay.com/index.php?/topic/530-clone-wars-rules/ Fail RP - Standing and sitting on players. - Talking about Out of Character (OOC) things in Roleplay chat channels. - The only location where you can speak Out of Character (OOC) is in the OOC lounge or in Teamspeak. (Unless designated as not OOC by the commander in that channel). - Do not salute/bow during combat situations. - No FailRP names or lore names without being that lore character. (eg: CC 6969 Rex) - Cannot be on top of Air Traffic Control (ATC) period. - You CANNOT have the visor body grouper on, if you do not have a helmet on. I gave you and another NULL a verbal warning to step off and when you chose not to I moved you off. You constantly, over and over, decided to fly back on top not taking the hint that an Admin was telling you otherwise. Also, I did not attempt to arrest you, I could have done so if I wished. I was giving you a physical warning because both verbal & visual warnings were not enough for you. I simply stunned you to try to get a point across with you - but now I understand that further measures will be needed to be taken in any future occurrences with you, being taken to the Admin Sit room and completely out of the Event if that's what you see fit. You only ruined the event for yourself for not following the rules and not complying when clearly being moved away. If it is true you were told otherwise than I apologize for that miscommunication you had, but as long as the rules remain up they are to be followed.
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