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Everything posted by Zyner

  1. Name: Zyner Who helped (If applicable): Jirachi, Kitty, Core, Square, Hobo, Doc Event Name: Blazing Pantoran Visit Summary of the story: A Pantoran representative was escorted into the ship with some Senate Guards in order to inspect our Troops and decide whether his side of the Papanoid civilization saw the Republic as a right fit for them and join our Senate. Whilst taken around the ship, the "Blaze Brothers" Battalion requested permission to land for refueling as the Blaze Brothers used up most of the ship's fuel for their flame throwers. Things proceeded as usual on the Venator, as the Senator continued inspecting the Troopers the Blaze Brothers had their ship refueled and left. Soon after a group of Deathwatch mercenaries arrived from tracking the Blaze Brother's ship, they scanned the Venator and saw a Republic Senate ship docked and came to the conclusion a Senator must be on board. With the Blaze Brother's leaving, they took the opportunity to land in the open Hangar and sought the Pantoran representative. They went through the whole ship alongside their Saber-Wielding companion but failed to find the Senator Representative and ultimately faced their death, whilst one got captured. Republic faced minor causalities, including the death of a Senate Guard at the hands of an Elevator that shut on him. A last surviving Deathwatch Mercenary was captured, interrogated and sent to Coruscant. The Pantoran announced his leave and will be reviewing our results for his decision to join our Senate. What was the result of the event?: Senator Representative and one Senate Guard lived, Deathwatch Failed, Republic succeeded. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: 2/3rd Roleplay, 1/3rd Shoot 'em up.
  2. -1 You may be a better fit from previous experiences, but Thexan deserves for sticking through it in the long haul.
  3. I apologize for the AOS that happened recently, my internet cut out but I don't know if my answer went through. After hearing the circumstances I wanted you to get bailed out, it was understandable how it happened after the explanation but at that current time it just seemed straight forward. I'm sorry.
  4. Name: Zyner Who helped (If applicable): Korm (Komrk) Fours Event Name: Kamino Attack Summary of the story: Whilst the Venator was away for repairs (Main Server down) the Troops came over to Kamino, welcomed by some Kaminoans & droids. They roleplayed for a while until a cloaked Commando Droid approached an Astromech and hacked it, sending it off to find out where the DNA of Jango Fett is being held so Grievous can retrieve it. Once it was found and information relayed to Grievous he dispatched his guards & military units to make way for him. Grievous, his Magna Guards and a bunch of B1/B2s landed onto Kamino and made their way for the Cloning Facility. While the Magna Guards covered Grievous, he retrieve the DNA but ultimately lost is as he slipped and fell of the edge of the bridge. A Kaminoan Medical Droid later on finds the vial and returns it. All Magna Guards and Droids are quickly taken care of as Grievous escapes on the Soulless One. A final attack on the Acclamator is made by B1/B2s in order to distract the troops from the fleeing Grievous. Troops boarded the Acclamator and went back to the Venator. What was the result of the event?: Grievous almost got away with it if it weren't for those meddling clones and their stupid slippery floors. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay Start with Shoot 'em up ending.
  5. Helped at the beginning but had to hop off due to Council Meeting, neutral but at least from the start of it seemed to be going well.
  6. Name: Zyner Who helped (If applicable): BadDog, Black (Comet) Event Name: Deathwatch Mission Summary of the story: Deathwatch infiltrated the ship by attaching a small EMP device to wiring found in the hull, shutting the lights down and momentarily lowering security to sneak in. They were on a mission and failed it. What was the result of the event?: Deathwatch got quickly killed by troopers who had access to prototype weaponry code named "Magna Cannon" Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot 'em up because meeting soon + Event server taken up.
  7. If that hilt is discussed over being allowed, so will other hilts and regulations/tracking on who has what and how to get them has to be created - either that or talk over free reign for certain ranks to use any/certain group of hilts (excluding curved and saberstaff).
  8. Zyner

    Bane's Apprentice

    Name: Zyner Who helped (If applicable): Unkindled Event Name: Cad Bane's Apprentice Bounty Hunter Summary of the story: A Trandoshan Bounty Hunter apprentice of Cad Bane was sent on a mission to the Venator by his Mentor, ordered to steal data or fulfill an in-and-out mission without being caught or at least survive and escape. What was the result of the event?: The Trandoshan sneaked onto the ship through the vents while the security systems in that sector were down, went into the Armory and put on a Clone Trooper suit. All was going well until dead bodies from a previous encounter were found and the Defcon was lowered, making the mission harder but he remained hidden. After being questioned for being in areas he is not supposed to as a CT, he went to one of the dead bodies and put on the armor of a 41st and proceeded to enter the Engine Room and plant explosives on a few engines to create a distraction. After multiple attempts to retrieve data from the IR, he was questioned by a 41st Trooper whom he killed but was seen by a GM, the Trandoshan tried to chase him down but exposed himself in MHB where a group of 212th & a Jedi began pursuit. They eventually eliminated him in the halls of floor 1, discovering it was a Trandoshan in trooper armor. Cad Bane, disappointed in another apprentice, cuts communications and is not heard from anymore. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay
  9. Bring up to a Game Master for blacklisting, it is something that will be added to the training room as well as something Game Masters need to explain to event jobs who get Adv. Cloak. Therefor, anyone that abuses it has already received their warnings, pretty much should be given to trusted event jobs, like Dets.
  10. DC-17m Blaster-Rifle DC-17m Shotgun DC-17m Sniper Rifle DC-17 Anti-ARmor DC-15 Side Arm
  11. Update is possibly dropping tonight, tomorrow or soon™ List may not be 100% accurate, I take no responsibility for any miscommunication. To Be Updated: Kill people while sitting, increasing DB shooter efficiency 104th Elite Engineer removed, regular Engineer added Adv. Cloak will 100% cloak, weapon is not cloaked. (If an RC/SC sees a cloaked enemy, they are caught and must uncloak) Repair tool fix Prop re-whitelisting (certain props will be added, others will be removed) K-Company Trooper slots up to 10 Skill points & perma weapons will transfer over to event, synced at 9 AM today (purchases from here on out will not sync) ABOUTFACE = NO FACE | ABOUT FACE = About Face | A B O U T F A C E = A, F, A (Needed to be stated to clear confusion) Visors cannot be down/over eyes unless in a combat situation (They can be over the forehead otherwise) Rockets & explosives made FailRP to use if in-doors (in SIMS or outside/space excluded) Add: CGI Palpatine Model Drug Contraband (spice, sugars, jars of drugs) Money (show up as lore credits) RP_Nar_Shadaa_V2 removed, RP_Nar_Shadaa_V3 added LAAT added to main & event (More vehicles will be added one by one later on after testing) Hyperdrive & ship shaking Gale (The mapper) Remove: Bunch of Jedi Model packs (old or no longer used) High-Def Palpatine Model Yareel Poof, Saesee Tiin, Tiplar & Tiplee Props (The mapper) To be added in the future, possibly: Prone More ships, speeders, etc Suggestions open to staff only Stairs Freezing players with Physgun (right click) Removal of RC weapons from perma vendor (those who own it now get grandfathered in) Stun blaster for CG New Maps (Event server only): Rp_Mos_Mesric http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=614696420 Mustafar http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=577727672 Naboo http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=576353911 Rp_Kashyyyk_Jungle http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=169044808 Spaceship http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=670961247 gm_coolsnow http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=200098715 rp_pripyat_hl2 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=507561128 rp_swrpchaos http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=669274980 Endor http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=568835546 Gm_Geonosis_Plains http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=109800824 Geonosis http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=603530182 FS_Hoth http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=660464983 gm_Lair http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=104488112 GM_Uldum 2 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=148992024
  12. Name: Zyner Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: 187th Came to Visit Summary of the story: A group of 187th members were on leave from the Venator they were transferred to and with a made-from-scrap ship they flew to the Redeemer to visit us. It got somewhat troublesome, as Naval and High Command were extremely weary of 187th, demanding they took off their helmets, stripping them of access to most rooms and always had troops watching them. Their ship was damaged and while repairs were undergoing it caught on fire and was forced out the ship before exploding. They came with well regards from Commander Ginyu and to honor their fallen Commander BCNS. The Redeemer crew grew a distrust to these troopers and made up a fake mission to deploy them to in order to get them off the ship. Their ship sent them to a different system on an LAAT that only had enough fuel for one trip. Upon arrival, the 187th found what seemed to be the FOB but found themselves in a corner when unsuspected alien forces attacked them instead of facing off against the CIS as they thought. Their goal was to recover the body of their sector's REG CMD, Chillybones' body, which they found (or so they thought) to be but a torso. The mission was all a fake but 187th still got into quite some scenario. They were outnumbered and fled into what they thought was a cave but upon exploring found out it was an underground bunker with a ship. They patched the ship up and set course for Redeemer. Once they returned, to the disbelief of Naval, it turned out (of course) that the corpse was not the REG CMD's and was infected, sprawling out the alien race all over the Temple where they had crash landed on emergency. With the help of Temple Guards & Sarra Keto, they took down all the aliens. The Redeemer crew, still weary of 187th, demanded them to be analyzed in Medbay and cleansed of any infection. During the inspection, the Medic got infected from washing his hands with dirty water that became infected airborne with the virus (He rolled a 1...) and was taken out to be tended by another Medic. The 187th refused to be treated by him as they were fine, it as the outside of their armor that was infected, so they were taken to a separate room and ended up performing the medical procedure on themselves with the machine thanks to the MEDXO. Afterwards, they were escorted to bunks to get some rest, forced to share bunks with new recruits. After their rest, they got back onto their new ship and flew back to their Venator. What was the result of the event?: People have serious trust issues and treated the 187th like they were undercover CIS traitors. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay
  13. Neutral, but from reading everything all I can say is that the community can agree he requires more activity. Members of the Jedi Council should know of a similar situation, where we asked a certain Jedi to keep up or increase activity when they returned in order for them to go up to Master/named Master. They did their part and we did ours. Now, it's Core's job to get some recognizable activity going before being handed a High Command rank based solely on experience.
  14. Name: Zyner | Plo Koon Who helped (If applicable): Mocaris Event Name: Captain Dilema Summary of the story: The Captain family was approached by some Deathwatch and one of their brothers held hostage, blackmailed to steal data from the Republic by somehow getting into the Venator. Debris from their ship was shot towards the Venator, impacting it and they said they were here to retrieve it. In the debris there was an EMP device and they had to get it to activate inside the ship to fully shut down the systems.. By just their luck, a random shirtless Fisto fell into space and the family arrived just in time to save him and get access into the ship. The family members got into an argument before even attempting to retrieve the device and spilled the beans on the Deathwatch coming. One of them decided to leave due to the brothers fighting, but was seen escaping by the Deathwatch and shot down, luckily managing to fly back into the ship before blowing up. The EMP device went off, shutting down the lights and gates momentarily, the one family member who wanted to still save the brother took this moment to get to Command Deck and download the data. Deathwatch arrived and retrieved the data. The other two brothers surrendered to the Republic and told them everything. The Sister is out there somewhere with their brother. What was the result of the event?: After a family dilemma, Deathwatch got the data. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Started as a roleplay event leading into a shoot 'em up.
  15. If I remember right they brought back the rules we had before Billiam's and probably didn't update it much.
  16. All I've ever seen in the last few months from you is minging and nothing else. That may have been different in the past but you've sold yourself as a minge ultimately. Let alone you literally go to debriefs and build up the biggest burp you can for no other reason than to mess around. While I don't agree on a permaban for dropping money whilst you didn't know it could crash the server, it has been made clear you have no intention to make roleplay your primary concern with the server. -1
  17. There is nothing tactical about sitting on a rail, if you want to do so for leisure then do it in your bunks and not in open areas where you should be standing to attention.
  18. Name: Zyner Length of LOA: 11/17 - 12/01 Reason: I first joined IFN in February and have been playing ever since with little to no breaks, just wanna take a break now and play some other games and etc. I'll still be in TS and maybe occasionally get on the server. I'm taking the full two weeks where I can still return to my Jedi General/TRO/Staff positions when my LOA is over. Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Ye Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Ye
  19. Where's the recording for the restaurant though? Also, so glad at 5:50 it got recorded my leaping arrest attempt.
  20. The Temple Guard Testudo has a newfound enemy, from none other than the Skirata clan. The Tower of Pain, held by the sheer will of Galactic Marines. *FailRP
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