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Everything posted by Pighen

  1. +1 - my true side coming up XD
  2. +1 good gamer, but dont become a meme
  3. +1 my boi, happy your back, when your online, ping me cus ill gladly come back
  4. damn, ill miss that ventilator of yours
  5. again +1, he gets shit done and no doubt he will GET SHIT DONE
  6. ugh, i think i have to upvote this dweeb so ;* but way DOWN we go and curb your ego DWEEB here you GO its coming ALMOST see its here! u cant see it? Well here it is TADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA now for real Cant u see it? OOOOOOh their it is ike, so now curb your ego and accept my upvote like you accepted high officer ranks +1
  7. -1 we dont need flying space police
  8. yo rays miss u man 😘 'im not on the server anymore but im coming back one day
  9. Pighen

    Change SO to SN

    Why not SR - special removal
  10. +1 - hell yea to be fair i thought u were staff already XD
  11. best windu i have seen, take care ma man
  12. yeet this model is awesome and a rick needs a rick model dont u think? ;D https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1126163495
  13. country road, take me home to the snow where u can find my steam STEAM_1:0:116596471
  14. -1, lemme say why - IF someone shoots accidently on u and its a 2 shot, the first response of ANOTHER minge is To shoot, meaning the other guy gets killed. - IF u get shot and they accidently shoot twice and your are shooting back AND u accidently hit someone else in the process they join the "shooting party" and its killing fest or something my point this can be taken from a minor thing into a big thing
  15. no gimmie gimmie la ricky boi
  16. Name: Rick Staff Rank: Admin Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 2days min Reason: Grandma is hospitalized and we are coming back from America i'll try coming back on the 19th because i need to events XD Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes
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