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Everything posted by Bolt

  1. tbh he looks like some idiot rapper, but thats my opinion
  2. see people, this is the everyday average good player, doesn't care, just plays
  3. it does help with who could be good, but it'll require some sort of application or else we might have some events done by someone who doesn't know what their doing, then the main application for vet admins to become a full scale gamemaster i suppose its an ok thought but likely wouldn't be accepted
  4. no more rishi, thats dead
  5. is this arma 3, whatever i'll join, just don't enter me if its not Arma 3 here is a joke there is none
  6. we just had like 6 debrief shooters, it must be them i guess
  7. what do you get when you mix yoda and joah joda HAHAHAHAHAHA OMG SO FUNNY YEAH IM BAD
  8. i like realistic fighting over the current system, makes it look better, idc makes it better and realstic
  9. I just wanted opinions though I can agree all the beat him up ones are stupid and just gonna get me in trouble, plus he is already being dealt with so.... ye
  10. Forever ban seems unfair just give it a week
  11. quick note to a few people, don't give a -1 just because you believe another canadiate is better, just stay neutral, this was a big deal back in the day but for me well im gonna go NEUTRAL
  12. Bolt

    Tybo's Yoda App

    +1 great working jedi and very active and helpful with batallions too, also he will keep it great, because its currently great, and it doesn't need to be made great again, since it is great still.
  13. if traps are gay then gays are traps? also idk what traps are tho anyway... so ya
  14. brb lemme hunt down zahariel so he kills none of my younglings
  15. This is like victory day in berlin 1945, but without people dying beforehand
  16. i got it resolved, talked to the student advisor and my parents, blah blah blah, he better get in trouble tho
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