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Everything posted by Bolt

  1. Hello, you may know me as Bolt, long time member on Synergy and back in the days of Icefuse. I am here with my 91st journey. It all started when one night I decided to play Garrys Mod. I saw star wars rp and clicked on it. I played one server before Icefuse but then found Icefuse and joined that instead since it was bigger. I got my training but my original trainer had no mic so it eventually switched trainers, but I can't remember much else. I wanted to originally join the 212th, but then I came across 91st tryouts be advertised, and what pulled me in was speeders. I decided to give it a go. I failed at the end, but was let in, either because they felt bad, were low on men, or both, which I believe it was both. So I was now a 91st. I moved up from PVT to PFC, then one event which I remember specifically this one moment, someone bought ammo and I took it all, thinking it was for everyone low, and got yelled at. Everyone got double promotions that day so I was a CPL, but told because of the ammo incident that I only go up one, so I was a LCPL. Then came the PT, my first PT and what changed me and likely made me stay on the server. Zander and Tomas gave me PT which changed me to become less mingey then how I sort of was, but I still had my child spirit in me so I wasn't like dead inside. I also was put back to PVT, then promoted after an event, but was PFC for a while, maybe a week and a half because I was never on during event times. Eventually I was promoted to SGT and then SSG, MSG, then one night, I was promoted to 2LT by Fizzik, but tbh I wanted Zander to do it because he was Commander, but that did happen. So I eventually went to 1LT, then LTC, then Lazer became commander and I became COL, then XO, but then back to COL, then the worst decision, or atleast one of the worst decisions I have made. I went to Medieval RP. I don't know why, maybe oppurtunity was why, but so I went there and became a PVT in the 91st. Eventually I decided to come back, but at a bad time. I went inbetween 2 oppurtunities, 1st time was switch to DarkRP. Other was the shutdown. So I was Senior Mod on Icefuse, then Mod, then removed for inactivity. I was still a 91st and lots happened inbetween. Kachiro came, I mained Jedi, and of course my 3 times as Adi Gallia. OHH YES I almost forgot to mention the CBG incident. I was the only officer to stay loyal to 91st and then CBG got removed 2 weeks later. I also at the beginning of January missed an oppurtunity to go for Neyo which I would of failed likely anyway, but if I did get Neyo, I would of likely avoided Medieval RP switch, but hey stuff happened. This feels like its all over the place. OOF. Anyway the split occured and I left the corruption of Icefuse and came to Synergy. So boom I was a 91st TR3 Bolt. And eventually got VIP and boom. Then I had like 2 leaves because I was burnt out and lost my honorary master rank and lots of stuff happened inbetween like new map and whatever. Eventually I came back a few days ago. But then yesterday, the 91st was going to be removed along with the 327th. This broke my heart and I will admit I did cry, I've been here for so long, just to see it die to make way for some ARF models. Anyway this is my goodbye, here are some shoutouts. @Zander and @Tomas without both of you, I wouldn't likely be here in the community still, and you both helped me start my journey here. @Fizzik you have been a good friend along the way and such throughout my 91st journey. I didn't at first like you a lot because you took me away from a youngling trial because I left a PT session for it, planning to do it after, even doubling it, but eventually we grew a friendship and stuff. @Lazer you have been a great friend along the 91st journey. You made the 91st grow strong during your 2 commander times. You've been a great member of the community. @Tybo you were the best Adi Gallia, better than I was, so keep it up, even as a 501st. Black/Stak I do not know your forum name but you were a great Stak and most known Stak, so yeah. @Duck you may of had a suggestion and that killed 91st (and 327th) but you were still apart of the original 91st squad, so yeah. @Rasputin I believe this is you but you were the 91st commander when it sadly took its death, but you tried to re-build it, and almost did it, till the removal of us (and 327th). Man so many people from 91st don't have profile pics so I am not sure its them, reeee. Anyway this is NOT A RESIGNATION, I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A RESIGNATION/LEAVE, ITS JUST A 91ST MEMORIAL. If your name wasn't mentioned thats because 1. your not 91st or were ever apart of it for a while. or 2. I forgot you and I am sorry. May the 91st Recon Corps rest in peace and may the 91st Empire expand.
  2. Bolt

    Bolt Lore

    Updated updated lore for Bolto the deathwatch
  3. Bolt

    Bolt Lore

    Updated... Bolt's possible death
  4. Bolt

    Bolt Lore

    Updated Bolt Lore has been re-adjusted
  5. I just found this... huh well i guess goodbye fizzik even though this feels late, and the fact i just returned to the server too, oof
  6. Look at this big meme anyway welcome back I just returned aswell
  7. Bolt

    Bolt Lore

    updated Bolt Boltan lore has been updated after tonight's event
  8. Bolt

    Bolt Lore

    updated updated the status of boltnaut or whoever it is no current bolt jedi's are alive at this post's time
  9. Bolt

    Bolt Lore

    updated Lore for "Bolt" is up to date
  10. Bolt

    Jedi Report

    yes im still alive, i thought this was real for a moment but saw the replies and the section it was in and was like... wait OHHHH
  11. interesting... also i've been bored recently hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm also im still a jolly ole squeaky sounding bolt so.... cool
  12. i thought we hated them, like to a point where we won't do this, its like the events that led to the split never occured, or did something happen while i've been doing my own thing
  13. Bolt


    i thought i was dead me too im still alive, doing my own thing
  14. wait dang it whenever i get on i can't use my saberstaff god dang it why remove the old master, ohh well i gotta resort to my dooku hilt or something
  15. voted jedi academy cuz its the only one i got rn
  16. who cares, it'll be fun for the players at times, tbh i'd play.
  17. i think this is a meme post thing @Jek
  18. Bolt

    Unban me sir.

    +1 give another chance seemed harmless and just a misunderstanding
  19. great job those look great
  20. i wont show my face i want to be secret and not be found on the internet, two people already know anyway, maybe more, cuz their 91st
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