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Everything posted by Bolt

  1. Bolt

    Bolt Lore

    Updated Bolt Lore
  2. Bolt

    Add WAC LAAT

    We already have a LAAT...
  3. then why -1 if you like them? also +1 I suppose, lore and stuff, but keep the DC-15A Scoped because I like it as a 91st
  4. I remember... Marksmen were a thing The old health and armor bar were a thing I don't remember the scope, I've never been a sniper, only a heavy
  5. Ugandan Knuckles memes are not funny anymore, if you think they are, you have an issue
  6. @aStonedSparksHow dare you leave out Bolt Bolten
  7. The last one was medic, not joah I believe
  8. Bolt

    add graf tropr

    +1 Amazing lore piece, needed for the server
  9. See you around Lazer, rip and oof
  10. Bolt

    Bolt Lore

    Updated Bolt Boltyn lore
  11. Bolt

    Bolt Lore

    Updated Changed a name
  12. Bolt

    91st Changes

    +1 Needed improvements
  13. Bolt

    Bolt Lore

  14. +1 got to watch someone dispose of the beast with a tank in Hangar 1
  15. +1, shorten it, he was questioning about his CC.
  16. +1, now another jedi can go into space
  17. Bolt

    Medics Neyo App

    +1 I decided to stay neutral because I expected multiple people to apply and I wanted to just be neutral amongst them, unless for a -1 if they aren't fit, but nobody else is there, so I can happily say +1 MAKE THE 91ST GREAT AGAIN
  18. Keep this post in spam center, thank you.
  19. -1 No 91st experience and doesn't have the trooper bond to control and rally the battalion together.
  20. Steam Name: not sure RP Name: Bolt Steam ID (SteamID Finder): not sure Battalion or squad you are applying for: 91sT cOmMaNdEr Experience: a lot Why should you become a Battalion Commander?: because I can Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?: we recon and speeder stuff Availability: a lot Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: since we were founded Do you have a microphone?: possibly Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: not dead, not alive Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: possibly
  21. +1 Give my CT's some snow suits, also it won't matter if they want to stay CT. They won't get anywhere really besides PFC, and then they'll leave, plus I encourage my CT's to join a battalion and for those willing I give them a talk to breakdown which battalion they'll find to make at home for themselves aka their dream batallion, so it won't keep people in CT's, and it just makes sense I guess... also how can a CT minge with a snow suit? Say their fat? Thats all I can think of, and it can be used for a hazmat suit for engineer CT's such as myself.
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