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Everything posted by Bolt

  1. 8 Commander Neyo and used to be 104th Warthog, makes docs too
  2. chargeback is pretty much the refund
  3. +1 (Also officers are T2+ now? lol icefuse is a scam)
  4. Enter me please https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=666417939 (use the one without the helmet) tell me if I can't use it btw
  5. mongol empire conquest wannabe's*
  6. i fight for myself, this clan stuff is pretty much mongol empire conquest wannabe's vs the founders
  7. Name: Bolt SteamID: STEAM_0:0:105927181 How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: idk how to check but i'd give an estimate of about 1,500 hours, since I have 4449 total hours on gmod in my lifetime and I've been playing synergy since it began, with breaks inbetween of course. From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 8/10 How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: I am pretty good at communiaction and leadership skills and will be able to communicate with event jobs, helpers, and other players. I've also been in the SWRP community for a little over 2 years, so I know a lot of people as well. Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes, I understand if I am inactive that I'd be removed from the program. Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: 2-3 battalions were deployed in attempts to sabotage a CIS base of operations on a planet, nothing specific as to what planet or what battalions, i'll figure that out soon when I possibly do this event. As the troops were being briefed, the briefing finished with the murder of the briefing person by a CIS sniper, and the clones were spotted, but then a diversion would be ordered, as in secret, they'd send back the LAAT's and pretend they are retreating, then the forces would find cover and attempt to sneak around the planet, avoiding droid patrols, to get to the CIS base of operations on the planet, and overall sabotage their communications, and blow the base to pieces, the event will include droid patrols which'll be moving and they'll have to find a way around those patrols, and if caught, the droids would report their spotting to their command, and the droids would get reinforcements to overall kill any remaining republic forces on the planet. The event would be player driven, as to where they go to complete the mission and how they do it, and if they are caught... but which will they choose? But anyway, very simple idea that could work as a cool stealthy event for a couple battalions, not everyone, but would be very enjoyable.
  8. STEAM_0:0:105927181 bolt hello yes vip good
  9. -1 you guys are disrespectful and whiny about -1's and for some people, you are even giving bad forum rep, if you want your battalion back, doing that won't help. I would've been neutral but you guys were disrespectful and whiny and giving bad forum rep for peoples opinions.
  10. Bolt

    Bolt Lore

    Updated Bolt Bolt lore edited Boltsmarts lore edited
  11. Bolt


    -1 you'll get new models soon not needed
  12. only 1 attempted rdmer and no debrief shooters
  13. Name: Bolt Who helped (If applicable): Lix(Shadowed me sort of but is the GM for it) | Spooky | Tybo | Albaber Event Name: CIS Tracking Attack Summary of the story: A lost and crashed Venator managed to get a transmission out to Venator Resolute, the transmission gave information such as 2 escape pods were shot out and the coordinates to the crashed venator, the Resolute came near to an escape pod found but not to the wreckage, they took in the escape pod and found 3 clone cadets who were on tour of another venator as part of Clone Cadet Training (seen in a clone wars episode before). It seemed that their ship was attacked by the CIS, killing all but 3 of the cadets who were there, along with everyone else onboard. But what wasn't discovered was a tracker, which the CIS soon jumped right infront of the Resolute for attack, they managed to push but then the clones came together and pushed them back and soon both frigates crashed, causing damage to the top of the ship though. The clone cadets were soon transferred back to Kamino with an amazing story to tell. What was the result of the event?: Republic Victory Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP at the beginning, then the rest was shoot em up with some med rp for the cadets
  14. Bolt


    ignore my last post I broke my own forums so I just had to post that to fix it
  15. Bolt


    but trying to exploit youtube to find out what I look like and where I live, who I live with, etc, I don't believe thats ok is it now?
  16. Bolt


    it was over a year ago, nah
  17. Bolt


    he tried to find my personal info online through youtube, hes just some idiot online who communicates with soundboard because he is to scared to show off his actual voice, don't worry about him, he has been here since 2016 icefuse, and just got kicked out of the 91st after 1 day, he got perma'd on icefuse before also, lol
  18. Bolt


    you have been here since icefuse db's in MHB, not dadd
  19. we need a stable TTT and SCP server before moving ahead
  20. yes very good interesting +1
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