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Everything posted by Bolt

  1. CT-1911, also known as Hero, after his "heroic" act to save his cadet squad from being deemed defects after failing the citadel challenge, he was assigned to RANCOR and ranked up quickly to Captain, leading his troops on the frontlines. He has proved to be a hero in the cadet phase and outside of it. @Hero
  2. yo how did I not realize he resigned, so that CT was max... and not some random guy, well have fun... 91st forever, 91st MAJ Max
  3. photoshop my avatar onto a 91st trooper
  4. CT-1770, nicknamed Raider after accidently raiding a local village of citizens with his platoon. Participant in the Battle of Geonosis, he has been there since the beginning. Upon the Dooms Units addition to the republic, he was assigned to it. He has served since. @Raider
  5. CT-1013, nicknamed TrijiM, along with Breaker by few, TrijiM was a random selection of letters he came up with to fit himself, but with accidently breaking the bunk beds of his cadet squad, he was nicknamed that by his squadmates. He was assigned to the 104th, where he thrived as a trooper. @TrijiM
  6. CT-1174, nicknamed Trunks after his underwear fell off in his bunks and his Cadet squad saw, he was a sort of longtime clone, originally a Galactic Marine before being transferred to the 91st Recon Corps recently. @Trunks
  7. CT-7568, nicknamed Kon, was a recent clone addition from Kamino who was assigned to the CG ship deployment area, where he served on Venator Resolute for the CG, not much else occured in his lifetime besides his ranking up due to good performance. @Kohn
  8. CT-8126, a recent addition from Kamino, nicknamed Baelfire, went from SO, until he was moved to RANCOR after his failure to cloak right and getting his platoon caught. He became a jet trooper where he then acquired SSG and thats where the story ends for now. @Mishue
  9. saying everything but throws me off so you'll be an only 104th CT-2400, also called Bbstine, named after nothing, idk what it means but yeah. He was deployed to the 104th where he was in countless campaigns, not present in the battle of geonosis. @Bbstine
  10. (about your named characters, thats a big no, unless..) CT-8485, also known as Doc, was a very capable medic in training, giving him the name Doc. Not present at the Battle of Geonosis. He was originally assigned to the 104th, where he became good friends with Dash-44 before being assigned as a 104th Pilot under CPT Warthog. After a major 91st loss in battle, he was re-assigned against his will to the 91st, where he was given a transfer of rank. He be-friended Neyo, one of his only clone friends within his battalion. Soon he was originally to be transfered to the 41st, but instead the 327th as they were transfered back to the Resolute after an outer rim campaign. And thats where our story ends for now. @Doc
  11. CT-3102, also known as Lucky, was given the nickname Lucky after multiple close encounters in his training with training droids, but still managed to pass his class. After being replaced in the clone assassins for a short period of time he was there due to a mid-heard order gone wrong, he was assigned to the 501st, where he continued to be one lucky clone, with close encounters, and other things. He was not present at the Battle of Geonoisis, but participated in 501st campaigns after that. He eventually was given the rank of CPT, where he is now. @Lucky
  12. Bolt

    Dead Battalions

    Republic Medics are on there
  13. Bolt

    Dead Battalions

    Name: Bolt Suggestion: Remove battalions that don't exist and add in ones that do from the battalions and roleplay area Implementation: Just remove the battalions like RM from there and add anything or remove anything else needed
  14. Hey want some clone lore? (lore for clones only, no jedi or naval) want your own clone, to have your own lore? make this format and i'll make you a lore Clone Name: Clone Cadet Numbers (####): Battalion: Rank: How long you've played: Any previous battalions:
  15. i haven't seen joah on the server since he memed like 2-3 weeks ago about resigning hahahaa was he serious well if you are reading this, you got good eyes or use light theme like a big oofer, this isn't a serious post, infact just a meme if you know what that is
  16. Bolt

    joah >:(

    -1 help he has my younglings hostage, he'll kill them if I +1, plz help
  17. well you were on the main server part, there was an event server part, there was just a bonus post-event interrogation
  18. Name: Bolt Who helped (If applicable): Pratt, Jacien, Sanchez - Building, Spawning, Health for Jobs | Thastian, Smith, Royer, Acroc, Zeke, Vector/Raybeck - Event Jobs Event Name: Massiffs and Coruscant Underworld Summary of the story: CG and 91st went to the underworld of Coruscant to locate an assassin. They recovered him after he killed the mayor sadly. He was brought back onboard where he was interrogated out of info, and then commit suicide. What was the result of the event?: Republic victory, but a dead mayor Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay
  19. what do you mean? yeah im saying that he isn't tabbed out afking most likely like a lot of other people, he is very interactive on teamspeak, we talk to him practically everyday, he comes to check up on us, he may not be the best High Command, but hes certainly not the worst, and he does the job he needs to as a regimental, make sure our battalions are alive
  20. he may not spend all night afking on the server like the most of us though...
  21. +1 has communicated and helped out 91st in his term
  22. I see he rdm'd me in that video, interesting "CT PVT Bolt" was after the 91st got removed, man what a timeq
  23. Bolt


    that moment when you realize you were in an outdated synergy steam group and that theres another one i wasn't in, and the one I was in only had last years TTT announcements along with sparks and indox as the owners, im smh, big oof, how did I not notice i was in the wrong group i just now received my 50k group credits that i get for joining it, man im outdated
  24. Name: Bolt Suggestion: Give CC's numbers in the hundred thousands, (example: 250123, 149491, 184919) (my keyboard's random typing skills gave me some cool numbers) Implementation: Just change up the training room textscreen to ###### instead of #### and then have trainers make the CC's names 6 numbers instead of 4 Lore: Three million clones existed after the battle of geonosis, so why would clone numbers be in the thousands in the army, and not atleast in the hundred thousands, there'd be a whole bunch of clones with the same numbers if that was the case, i could even raise this suggestion to numbers in the millions #######, if the community wants to have million and not hundred thousand. Workshop content if applicable: N/A not needed for this suggestion (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development")
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