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Everything posted by Bolt

  1. 3-4 sentences to be jar jar, on like 6 different things, oofers
  2. Name: Bolt Who helped (If applicable): Elijah [Pre-Event Building-ish] Sanchez [Building | Event Job] Zyner [Loud Bomb Noises and DropPods at the end] Event Name: Repair and Attack Summary of the story: The Republic had a schedueled matinence at a shipyard, which went pretty successful, but sadly the shipyard fell apart and some deaths occured. The resolute soon made their way back to coruscant, and got news of an attack they could partake in, and they did. They hyperspaced into a CIS sector near Kashyyyk, where they eliminated a CIS fleet and fighters, giving a good old fashioned win. What was the result of the event?: Republic Victory Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Beginning Roleplay | End Shoot em up (kinda both then)
  3. next time, if he wants to do the cha cha slide or other songs, i'll make a little bar in csr or something for everyone to keep it out of the lobby area
  4. @BlackiSblackyour opinion cuz you banned him
  5. @TurtleSpitzplease use the format +1 btw this man was the ship's party, ban wasn't necessary, he just wanted to cha cha slide (i'll make a little area for a bigger bar for you romeo so you can cha cha slide without CG interference
  6. rip romeo, got banned for 3 days, rip party of the ship and the bartender man edit: nvm he made a ban appeal, he might come back earlier than 3 days
  7. senior commander is getting removed so not much of a choice for him, go for marshal or kind of retire to a battalion btw i +1 this app
  8. Bolt

    Meme contest

    no stop get some help
  9. Bolt

    Meme contest

    nevermind i got it @Rackarain (im learning about the revolutionary war in history so it makes sense i'd do this as a meme)
  10. Bolt

    Meme contest

    i made a meme but idk how to post it
  11. the issue includes other peoples
  12. i need help sometimes whenever i freeze a prop, it may unfreeze nearby props, usually not mine, how to fix because this is ruining dupes sometimes
  13. +1 but strict rules, like only used on NPC's, and for only certain people to get them, such as RC and Null and maybe other elite battalions (but higher ranks), it could also be in weapons vendor too, and not to be used on event job droids unless permitted by the game master
  14. Name: Bolt Staff Rank: Senior Admin Length of LOA (Please specify date if possible): 9/14/18 - 9/16/18 (i'll be back by the beginning of the 2nd half of the day or something on the 16th) Reason: I'll be camping Do you understand that if you go LOA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA on any RC character, or go LOA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  15. Name: Bolt Who helped (If applicable): Jacien [Game Helper | Teleporting | Stuff] ||| Tulokie - Apple - Gamma Event Name: CIS FOB Assault Summary of the story: The Republic was tasked with infiltrating and attacking a CIS FOB, which they did with ease, and with vehicle help, won the battle. What was the result of the event?: Republic Victory Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em Up
  16. Bolt

    Edit History

    +1 people who say something bad shouldn't be allowed to get away with it not being seen
  17. HOLY OMG AHHH OMG ITS BEAUTIFUL YES I LOVE IT GREAT MEMES GREAT FLYING WE CAN FLY WE'LL DO IT WE ARE IN THE AIR, FLY BIRDS FLY edit: i may or may not ask for a remake once our new models come out, but i'll give it time
  18. @BlackiSblackif you want a suggestion, 91st jet troopers flying with wings out and killing droids
  19. i thought you name was meant to be a different sound of frick im dissapointed but how I got my name my favorite team in the NFL is the los angeles chargers, their nicknamed the bolts boom Bolt (whenever says if my name is from the movie with that dog, i cringe and get triggered)
  20. +1 but from what I read it seems you rped as a defective clone, which is good for passive rp i suppose, but if you're gonna do something like blow charges, might wanna ask a GM to kinda hold the passive rp together and so somebody is managing it and you have permission in the long run
  21. no mention for the me event though we kinda knew eachother idk squeaker gang bye
  22. Name: Bolt Who helped (If applicable): BBStine [Game Helper/Event Job - Ships | Mercenary Force Guy] [Comrade and Doctorwhite as event jobs (2 more but they left early] Event Name: Kashyyyk Species Fakeout Summary of the story: The Republic was sent to Kashyyyk to investigate a new species possibility. The escorts to the new species, 4 CT's, turned out to be commando droids. The 41st were ambushed and outnumbered in a corner pocket of the mountainside. While that occured, engineers and medics moved into a power station to turn on comms on for the abandoned base that was just put into use recently. They soon fought through multiple CIS ships and Republic ships countering those ships along with CIS Tanks and their own vehicles to combat. Along with ground troops too, and soon the CIS lost the space battle and 1 ship left hyperspaced away. What was the result of the event?: Republic Victory Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up besides the first 10 minutes was rp
  23. you're in high school? either people grow up to fast or you're older then you sound (which is the case with people like me)
  24. @Joahhappy birthday to you because zim said so to do happy birthday dear... umm... dear... dear doesn't sound right because you aren't a family member, happy birthday meme joah happy birthday to you (zim said in teamspeak it was your birthday so i did this, if it isn't and zim is memeing go blame zim) (try to sing the message in the birthday song tone)
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