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Everything posted by Bolt

  1. denied use application format next time
  2. accepted squeaky 28 year olds are a bunch of cheetos
  3. denied only i lead squeakers, i led the great squeaker rights revolution
  4. applications to join squeaker squad OOC Name: Squeakiness Level [1-10 Scale]: Age: Why do you want to be in squeaker squad: Describe yourself in 1-10 words: Are you a squeaker: Roster: Bolt Kon/Dawcter Weevil Trunks Eclipse Perma Blacklists Sanchez
  5. patrick cease your house join squeaker squad
  6. Bolt

    scp 079 app

    +1 yes no other explanation needed
  7. Bolt

    What I miss

    release him at once orders from the hall of squeakers and the leader of squaker squadron
  8. His singing was allowed around bar and ooc areas of the ship, CG should've know this trespassing into brig is fine breaking pts in DB is fine just make sure he was warned once and that the circumstance was right micspamming after 4 warning to goto ooc lounge, just get a staff to tp and talk to him for a moment, i could've easily done that and gave him a dupe I made specifically for him, sadly I wasn't on and his bans were appealed, if anything this still on record is his 1st ban, the other 2 were lifted through appeals his previous bans before this were appealed and shouldn't be counted as one since it was appealed and lifted edit: I don't have animal pictures im not a furry
  9. this is obviously a bad on staff's fault he was arrested for something he was allowed to do, i am disappointed i am very disappointed in the team, sorry romeo, if you want i'll make an appeal for you if its even allowed (someone did it for a cc once) but idk romeo shouldn't of been banned
  10. i forgot about this post and i don't even remember people responding to it lol
  11. this is for @Sinister's event lots of credit to @Acid Bunnyfor making this wonderful piece of art for the event
  12. +1 great event, good mix of shootem up and roleplay
  13. Bolt

    Event Preview PoC

    Although the event was on some random foresty planet with no water (it'd be cool if you knew which planet it was), that is beautiful and I love it
  14. Bolt

    Event Preview PoC

    Usually main server events are sudden and we are getting attacked, and rarely we attack, and for event server, usually we attack. Usually on event server, we have briefings, but nothing 100% hugely scaled, just the basis, and boom (usually though briefing is on event server, not main), usually on main server, we don't have time to brief when we are the ones attacked. I like the picture there, idk if you made it or not, but a very good image of a briefing type of thing
  15. Bolt

    Agree and Disagree

    void i guess this kind of backfired @Snadvichthe dumb and winner rep points also exist you know too and the bad rep wasn't exactly needed either
  16. Name: Bolt Who helped (If applicable): Baelfire, Cookies [Game Helper - Event Job] Event Name: Youngling Kidnapping 2: bolt bolt boogaloo Summary of the story: A distress call was heard from a planet, and the 91st and DU responded. They went there, where a cave was collapsing upon them, but they located starving and distressed youngling, and 3 dead ones too. They eventually got them out but a sith attacked to try to re-take them. The sith failed to get them back due to the Z-6's of the DU, and so the sith had to resort to heading to the home base, which failed, but he killed some 91st's and maybe 1-2 DU. Then the Republic came, and the sith managed to fake as a Jedi LAAT and steal the younglings back, so it was pointless. What was the result of the event?: Republic victory (not counting the younglings were taken back dumbly at the end) Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: shoot em up (then running from bomb oriented at the beginning
  17. +1 my man, why haven't you already told me you were 13, i could've recruited you to the squeaker squad
  18. Bolt

    Agree and Disagree

    Name: Bolt Suggestion: Make "Agree" and "Disagree" not count towards forum rep, as they should just be used to show you agree or disagree with a comment that doesn't involve typing and causing an argument, and that if you really want someone forum rep to go up or down in a matter, rate them winner or dumb, agree and disagree should be used to share an opinion without typing up your own paragraph. Implementation: Just make agree and disagree not affect people's forum rep if chosen on a comment, but try to keep previous rep assigned before this or people might lose a lot of rep from past agrees, and vice versa.
  19. As of recent, people have been split in two after the events on maymays ban, but that is just opinions, and shouldn't divide us as a community, but it kind of did. Many negative forum reps were given out to people for sharing their opinion on the matter, which shouldn't be the case for that. Infact, after this, i'll just make a suggestion to make agree and disagree not effect forum rep, but anyway, we shouldn't be acting like this, boom someone made a comment, now let us all negative rep this person because of their opinion. Obviously forum rep doesn't matter, unless you use it as a method of determining someones reputation in the community, which I might sometimes do. But we still should be passive, and come to the conclusion that he is appealing a ban and we shouldn't get rowdy over it, even if you agree or disagree. Before writing this I thought it was a good idea but now it seems kind of dumb, but just don't be idiots, please, and don't attack people if they want to speak their mind. bolt 90 squeaker squad signing out give forum rep plz jk im not crying for attention or am i
  20. Name: Bolt Suggestion: Make the commado droid CT's have the same body groupers as the new CT's because they look different, and someone could easily know without even looking which is which. Implementation: Just add the CT bodygroupers we got now to the commando droid clone model. Lore: Commando Droid CT's had the same look as clone ones i guess. Workshop content if applicable: (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: Change Job: Commando Droid Model: Commando Droid Weapons: same weapons as before Other: no
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