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Posts posted by Katy

  1. If the engineer model was added and updated to fit to every battalion and sub-unit with an engineer/pilot in em, I would become the Best Engineer on the Server. You wouldn't even see me doing any piloting. Phase 2 engineer model can't be beat

    • Agree 1
  2. -1 This is a blatant power grab for more positions you can put in your forum signature. Every time I hear something about the new roster, base pass system, promotion system, and the RSB, it's always negative. You've already put in a roster that nobody likes and that didn't need any changing, so if you do get Admiral, I wouldn't be surprised if I see a Navy wipe. People change and all, but suggesting the faction removal only a year before is pretty rich, too.

    I also don't think I need to also bring up how well the last time you were faction lead went

    • Funny 2
    • Dumb 1
  3. 3/10 You know, for an event hosted by GMMs and GMOs, it wasn't that high quality. I think I might be the only one thinking this. I would rate it lower but Stix didn't just /cc as soon debrief was called and actually allowed me do to my long ass conversion RP. I really appreciate that Stix

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  4. Name: Katy
    SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:59565043
    Current Staff Rank: SA
    Are you Currently a GH?: Yes
    How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: 2500 or more
    From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 7
    Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yeah
    Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I was Game Master previously and I enjoyed it, although I quit because I could not upkeep my quota or staff work in general. I re-applied for staff earlier this year and have done GH/main server things since then. Now I feel comfortable enough that I can balance all of my work together and entertain the battalions I'm in. I want to specifically do faction deployments. Specifically Jedi and Bounty Hunter as they rarely see deployments outside of the weekly deployment. Unless I'm misremembering, Naval, BH, and Jedi are basically on rotation and get deployed once a week. So it means Jedi, BH, and Naval get one deployment per month, and then one of them gets another one for the fourth week. That's horrible. Also, since the Halo props and the various GM tools came out, I've had a lot of inspiration to start doing events. And I find deployments more rewarding and creative than main server events, so that's more motivation to apply.
    Do you have any suggestions for the gamemaster team?: Get yo GMOs+ that's not Jova to start logging things. Regimental deployments should honestly be only for factions. It's killed a lot of potential creative deployments that could happen that are just for one or two battalions because a lot of focus is being spent on reg deployments. Other GMs and players have other criticisms that go more in-depth, but that's my summary of the whole thing.
    Link us to a document for an event that you will execute as a gamemaster: 

    Place the links below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional)

    (still latching onto this shit a year later)

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