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Everything posted by Blaze

  1. +1 always good to have late night/early morning event
  2. Blaze

    Jedi Healers

    +1 I've always seen the 15 second death timer as more of a last stand, as you are clinging between life and death. This is why the defibs work in the first place (IRL and in-game) and feel the healers should be able to use them. Bring it back and maybe just rename it to like Force Revive? The RP aspects being you use the force to pump the heart in order to bring them back from the limbo state that they are in?
  3. +1 Gus's brother will be making an appearance soon [RIP Gus]
  4. More than likely it's a client issue, I'm loading in again to see if I get it but most lua errors (in my experience) are caused by conflicting mods. Loading in causes no issues for me so more than likely client side. Try restarting gmod, if that doesn't work try verifying the integrity of the game files. If THAT doesn't work try deleting the lua file lua/entities/cod-c4/init.lua and loading back in as this will re-download it and possibly fix the issue
  5. Blaze

    Egg's Naboo Defense

    +1 really good communication from all the clones made it 10x better
  6. IMO I think context should matter but given that this is a SWRP server and we do have younger kids on here I think the rules should still apply. Talk in TS however you want but keep it out of game to save your own asses
  7. +1 was a lot more fun if you talked to the event jobs and used your head and not your blaster
  8. +1 holding a naval hostage does not go well for the bounty hunters
  9. Name: TR 41st GC WO Blaze Suggestion: A 2v2 tournament where any and all can participate. This would be a game of skill so the participants would become CTs and health set to 250 and armor at 100. The tournament could have a small entry fee (if this is allowed) at 10-30k, winner takes all. The DC-15A or DC-15S can be used (participant choice) and if enough people sign up will involve double elimination with a "losers" bracket that will give teams two chances to win it all. I've already set up a Google Form for the entry here - (https://goo.gl/forms/FVXvkEMtliDYijIY2) - and the rules would be posted outside of the arena. The arena would be a simple PVP dupe in CSR or SBH. After registration is complete the bracket containing the teams would be posted with the times and dates of each match (matches would take place every 5-10 minutes for an hour at a time with a break in between for events and whatnot. Let me know what you guys think just thought it would be something fun for the community to get involved in and have some friendly competition. Implementation: Stated Above Lore: N/A Workshop content if applicable: N/A
  10. Make sure to put your full RP name (ex. mine is TR 41st GC WO Blaze) but other than that this is a good app and has my +1
  11. +1 thanks for always doing those late night events
  12. +1 the encounters I've had with you in-game have all been excellent. Great application and good luck!
  13. +1 lots of fun, lots of action
  14. +1 Like previously stated this is detailed and shows you are mature (and active)
  15. +1 the passive RP and shoot em up mixed well
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