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Everything posted by Anderson

  1. Seriously? Since when? I did not know you could actually do that. No shade, genuine question. I'm hella confused.
  2. Did you just threaten/blackmail someone with a Ban because they -1ed your app?
  3. -1 I don't think you've been CPT+ for month. If you have notify me you've been waived by someone or whatever, I'll consider changing my comment. It can't be one rule for the rest of the server and another rule for you.
  4. +1 Good guy and a great CMD, good luck to you sir.
  5. +1 Good guy, good XO I wish you good luck sir.
  6. -1 Sounds like a lot of unnecessary time and development to implement a turn off switch for comms. A good idea don't get me wrong. But as mentioned previously, people just need to pay attention to comms and not be fucking dumb when the comms are clearly down. Plus, I'm sure for all the comms on the planet to be down. All the individual comms towers must be destroyed or deactivated.
  7. Anderson

    The Scrapper

    I'm not here to argue with you. I've given my honest feedback of the Event and at this point you're honestly just making excuses. I understand people put time and effort into some of these events. I salute those people for putting in the effort, even if it does take a wrong turn or doesn't go as planned, but like I said and like you admitted, no train of thought was put into this event prior to its formation and conduction (Quote: "I meant to say it was improvised as it went on just for the sakes of it"). Yes, an event if supposed to be fun for everyone. But stating "Again some people invested time into this event which is why they enjoyed it" is simply ignorant. As you admitted and as we saw, you were the only one conducting the event (Quote: "Maybe if any VIP's/GH's had shown up it could've been better so I didn't have to do everything myself."). Therefore, by your logic, you were the only one who enjoyed it. Furthermore, even if that quote is talking about the people who were involved in the event (players like me), again that is pretty ignorant. I was there with Rancor at alpha when you first landed the ship and went inside the Outpost where we found the Jedi Holocron. So i'd like to say I was there for the Majority of the event and did invest time into it and therefore, like everyone else in the event, was given the same amount of time to try and enjoy it. If you suffered such issues with your resources (GHs etc.) then do something simple, which is also easy to manage. I won't continue going back and fourth after this post, if you want to I can discuss it further in TS with you or anyone. I don't want to clog the post as some others may have their own points.
  8. Anderson

    The Scrapper

    If no VIPs or GHs showed up then do a quick "shoot them up" to keep those on the main server entertained while people are deployed. I'd prefer a good and consistent Shoot them up, then whatever that was. I'm sorry if I seem "too harsh" but that was an instant turn off from the start and I'm not going to say you did good or give you a high rating if the event was bad. You say "It improved as it went on". Yeah it did but then not even 5 minutes after it improved It ended. 5 minutes of "good" doesn't make up for 30+ minutes of bad.
  9. Anderson

    The Scrapper

    1/10 Perhaps the worst event I've been in yet. The scrapper was overall annoying and boarder line mingy. The action seen towards the end was a cluster fuck, I was spawned on and the health for the first set of Zombies must have been over 3000. The story was none existent and if so then it made no sense whatsoever. I'd prefer no event than a half arsed one in all honesty.
  10. I understand we need to give them a chance and "allow the sith to roleplay rather than just killing them". But whenever we've tried to do so in the past the Sith will always turn around and stab us in the back. Which then means we can't trust them and thats why the clones are always on edge, because 95% of the time they turn on the clones and try to kill them or capture them. Maybe if different RP strategies were implemented then this attitude towards the Sith might change. *EDIT* I don't want to argue. I'm just pointing out the reasons behind why we act like we do sometimes. Because we have no choice, we're all waiting for the moment when the Sith turn around and try to kill us all because they feel like it.
  11. +1 When I first heard the Sith was being introduced I was concerned. It didn't make sense lore wise and I had a feeling like it was just going to be a huge mess from the start. However, I will swallow my pride and say that the Sith wasn't a completely stupid idea. It brought a breath of fresh air into the server and I believe we're the only Clone Wars server to actually include this sort of stuff. Which is good, It allows us to stand out and be unique. Some of the comments I've read have said that some of the Sith aren't bad, they RP well and don't minge. This is true, like everyone else, the person who first comes to mind is Chrome. However, I've had nothing but bad experiences with the Sith. One example of this is the Republic ID checkpoint that we had yesterday (13/04/2019). Before the Nulls set up the amazing ID checkpoint at Bravo yesterday, the 104th tried to do the same but without props. We attempted to stop the "Civilians" to check their ID as we had a lot of "Insurgent attacks on the outpost" (aka, the Sith were attacking the base in their Civilian player models and then ran away). When we went to stop the "civilians" and asked for their IDs they just screamed "I DoN't hAvE tO sHoW YoU aNyThInG" or "It'S nOt a RuLe" and proceeded to either run away or use force abilities (force jump) to get away. Now, I understand that they don't have to do these things. But this was a some passive RP that we wanted to do because there hadn't been an event or encounter for hours. So whats my point? Whenever the clones attempt to treat the "civilians" as actual civilians we just get yelled at by the Sith in disguise because the rules state this that and the other. So whenever we get deployed to an Outpost to defend it, we need to sit there with Sith antagonising us until we give a response then they kill us. We consistently attempt to RP with the Sith but they don't want to be apart of it. And its not just a few bad apples, there is only actually a handful of people in the Sith who attempt to RP with us and are not minges etc. The rest of the Sith just look for different ways to annoy the fuck out of the Clones. I also believe that yesterday (14/04/2019) one Sith claimed to have autism and was sat at bravo outpost just being a general annoyance, until the rest of his friends opened fire on the outpost and killed us all. Their version of RP is "/me slices comms tower and bravo / alpha", then they attack, steal data, kill some clones and when the reinforcements arrive they run back to the "space port" where we can't follow. They then return merely minutes later to repeat the process or just antagonise the troops stationed at an outpost so they can find a reason to fight. And in all honesty its a fucking meme to everyone. TL;DR: The introduction of the Sith was a good Idea but they're nothing but a nuisance to everyone. They can't RP well or simply refuse to do so. A good majority of the community wants to see them gone and for good reason.
  12. Unfortunately, I haven't really talk to or met Squee. So I'm going off what i've seen from his work with DU from and outsiders perspective. Which is making me debate whether I should even comment on the app itself. However, I'm not quite sure what happened in DU and quite frankly I don't care. All I know is that a handful of people were blacklisted and then a few others left the battalion. They way I see it, Squee is BCMD of DU he can do what he pleases as long as it doesn't break any server rules. The people who left DU after the blacklist, left on their own accord. Agreed, It doesn't look too good for a lot of people to leave the battalion and some of the stuff I've read in this particular post is alarming. But I haven't heard Squee's side so I can't confidently comment on that particular issue and I won't use it in my decision whether to +1, -1 or neutral the app. However, the app itself is lacking. It hardly looks like you put in the effort to write it out. Which makes me think, do you have the effort to be a SPEC REG? You say you've been Commander Doom for 5 months and you have learnt a lot for you time as a BCMD, but you don't give any examples and you don't say what you've learnt or what obstacles you've had to tackle that has lead you to learn from the outcomes of your actions. This lack of effort itself is leading me to -1 the app, but in all honestly thats a little harsh. For now i'm going to NEUTRAL this app until more effort is put into its creation.
  13. MASSIVE +1 Wow. Way back in the day, When I was in CG, I watched this man climb up the ranks from PVT - 1stLT. Then I left CG and he stayed there to hold down the fort for the guys in the eastern time zones in CG. He always did his best then and has continued to do what he can for those within 104th. Many talk about some "issues" that you had previously, but whatever it was its clearly not effecting you or your performance as a BCMD right now. Its safe to say that whatever these "issues" were, you've most definitely learned from them and improved yourself massively. You're 100% honest with those around you and you're not affraid to state your opinion to anyone. You're without a doubt one of the best players to simply be around on the server. You're not toxic, you know how to have fun and yet keep quite serious when you need to be. No matter the task you give it 100% and more. With that being said, you are one of the best candidates for SPEC REG in my opinion. I know you'll do your best to help those around you and you'll over come any obstacle in your way. All I can do is wish you good luck and hope for the best o7.
  14. Anderson

    Add Poof V2

    -1 this man died before the first Battle of Geonosis. So it doesn't make much sense for him to be alive right now. I understand we have Blitz, Havoc etc. but I can suspend my disbelief for those exceptions because they actually played a part in the Clone Wars. Although I wasn't here when Poof was implemented onto the server previously, so i can't comment on how it worked out previously, I can see why he would be considered a meme.
  15. Don't even bro... 5th Fleet is the best fleet +1 Honestly though, neutral leading to a -1. I love 5th Fleet, but there isn't much about them. They guarded important fleet members and even had an "Elite brand of Clone Commandos" (No shit either look it up).
  16. Neutral, Again nothing personal. Good guy and everything but you've been in SOBDE for 13 days. One of the biggest things in your Hunter app was that you need experience in SOBDE, in my opinion 13 days isn't that much. Its Like if I went for a Squad lead role, I know I'd get fucking tortured for it because I've had only about a month experience in SOBDE. Which again, in my opinion, isn't enough. Even though I've been a BCMD on another server, a MAJ in CG on this one and a CPT in 104th on this server, I did a lot of good things (in my opinion). But I haven't done anything note worthy in SOBDE. See where I'm coming from? Secondly, where the fuck is the detail? Not just in yours but in everyones apps. You have a lot of experience and thats good. But what did you actually do? What did you learn from them experiences etc. Again, nothing personal. I think you'll do an alright Job and I'm not saying you've doing fuck all in SOBDE. But its funny to see people do a complete 180 after a couple of weeks. Good luck brother.
  17. Imagine going to court and accusing someone of wrong doing without any evidence. My guy, please get the evidence and then the real discussion will begin.
  18. +1 I've seen a lot of 501st members on so that kind of speaks for itself. Keep up the great work.
  19. Anderson


    Sorry chief but I am going to -1 this. Nothing personal but here is why: Basically, everything that Logic has stated above. While I was in SOBDE, and I don't want to cause anything but i'm just being honest with you, Delta didn't do much at all. You were a Squad lead with the power to kick people up the arse and actually do something I.e trainings, Out reach stuff etc. but you just didn't. That gives the mentality of "I can't be arsed" and it even shows through your app. You have 6 RP roles under your belt and have nothing to say about it? Like what you saw during those roles and how it may effect your time as SOBDE Reg. What you could possibly implement and more? Furthermore, everything feels and looks like it was just meant to meet the requirements. I.e If I write a paragraph thats just enough. Again, reinforcing the "I can't be arsed" attitude. SOBDE doesn't need this right now. If anything SOBDE needs someone with the balls and drive to push it to greatness. SOBDE just barely escaped a wipe and this app doesn't give me the confidence in you as a reg. I can't speak with for whats happened in the 3 days since that day. So if theres been a meeting or whatever I'm unaware of it and the changes currently being implemented. But I'm writing this from the experiences in the past and from the app I just read. TL;DR: If your app was more flushed out and you made it look like you actually have the drive to make change I might reconsider. Its good stating the problems and your solutions, but how are you going to implement them? What ideas do you have in mind to change the bad stigma around SOBDE (attitude etc.)? Add. More. Detail.
  20. +1 I personally know what you got planned for Null and I know what you want to do to Help SOBDE as a whole. o7
  21. o7, hope everything works out fella.
  22. -1 sorry but I'd do the same if I was a BCMD and my battalion was in the same state (no offence)
  23. I do somewhat agree the possible solution presented, its definitely a step in the right direction. But again we're still forced to have a "memory wipe". Forgetting everything of what happened that week and move on. So its basically a prolonged version of what we already have. Plus like Logic said, that is a bit confusing.
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