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Posts posted by IKE

  1. Name: IKE

    Who helped (If applicable): Stix, Valdor/Keltor, Mar, Rhino, Ark

    Event Name: Blue shadow virus

    Summary of the story: The space station of naboo is being attacked by Dr Nuvo Vindi, with the blue shadow virus, adapted from the last batch. The republic warp in to save them only to find them all dead, deathwatch and Dr Nuvo Vindi invade the republics ship and plant blue shadow virus bombs all over. Th must diffuse them. This adaptation of the blue shadow virus will infect the users, kill them and turn them into mindless killing machines (Zombies). 

    What was the result of the event?: The republic make a cure and surprise surprise somehow win through some miracle.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

  2. Name: IKE

    Who helped (If applicable):  Lucifer, Dolvek

    Event Name: The box infestation 

    Summary of the story: A mercenary disguised as 91st invades the ship and leave a mass amount of boxes on the ship, in one of these boxes is a bomb capable of splitting a alpha particle creating a devastating blast. There is not enough time to open all the boxes therefore the republic must push all the boxes out of the ship. AKA this is extreme box RP., not going to ly. Admiral Giltum (A disguised CIS hints at more mercanaries coming). The mercenary also had a bomb vest an suicided.

    What was the result of the event?: The republic won

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay

  3. Miguz. You were the greatest HC. No matter how much u say we deserve better we already had the best. You did countless SIMs which each battalion, improving the relationship between them. You dealt with issues. You were one of the HC who didn’t stand there and look pretty. I’m not saying all HC do. You were the greatest ATK Reg ever. Go on and get HA. But now where will my retards stay if I don’t have a retard shack?

    • Friendly 1
  4. Name: IKE

    Who helped (If applicable): Banker, Vortx

    Event Name: Holocron Heist 

    Summary of the story: Count Dooku has hired Cad Bane and Bobba Fett to infiltrate a venetor in order to receive a holocron for him. And he ends his apprentice Asajj to help, however Cad Bane see's this as an opportunity to steal some Jedi merchandise.

    What was the result of the event?: It went exactly as planned for the bad guys.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both (Did some RP with Count Dooku)

  5. 11 hours ago, Arroyo said:

    -1 Then what’s the point of the flamethrower if we not allowed to burn things? I understand you guys don’t want the flamethrower and absolutely hate it but people grinded for it. I don’t think this is necessary 

    Why wouldn’t you be allowed to burn things? We would just put out friendlies or props you guys accidentally lit on fire lol, +1

    • Friendly 1
  6. Name: IKE

    Who helped (If applicable): Banker, Sixta, Twelve, Vortex and Clade.

    Event Name: Jek 14

    Summary of the story: Jek 14 (The force sensitive clone) Has come to the republic with a warning that the CIS are building a force sensitive clone army, and he doesn't have much time to explain, let him on. Count Dooku shows up with the CIS saying he just wants his clone back, he has no business with the republic. The republic will refuse to give Jek 14 back therefore he attacks. 1 Commando is deployed with him. Count Dooku is then defeated. The republic then hear about a space battle over Naboo and hyperspace to assist. They get boarded by Asajj who attempts to stop them, but are defeated. She comes in contact with Jek 14 to where she says initiate command 43 and they both escape together.

    What was the result of the event?: The republic defeated the CIS but Jek 14 dies, Count Dooku escapes. And asajj sent to naboo

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

  7. Name: IKE

    Who helped (If applicable): Stix, Vortex

    Event Name: Red Death Viru

    Summary of the story: Dr Zingo Tulkan attached his ship to airlock (A dupe we made) and made contact with the republic. He exclaimed he would be running tests pf his new virus and so we started to spawn zombies. I had to EJ who were advanced infected who have a more intellectual mind and can shoot. 1 invades the venetor while 1 stays onboard and I spawn zombies in. The republic invade our ship fighting through hoards of zombies to where they see a hologram of Dr Zingo Tulkan and must hack the console behind him in order to cure the infected. Dr Zingo initates self destruct (I just bomb the ship).  This could lead to future tests to where he will have made advancements on his specimens. 

    What was the result of the event?:  The republic cure the entire ship

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up but kind of mixed.

  8. Name: IKE

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:143319954


    How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: 1525


    From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 7


    How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: They are actually good TBH. I know how to lead and I do a good job at it. However if I'm put under a lot of pressure I often make little slips.

    Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Of course, I would expect nothing more. 


    Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: Name of the event would be blue shadow virus outbreak. The republic would hyperspace to tatooine after receiving a transmission from Zorba Desilijic Tiure about an invasion on his palace by a group of black watch and they are threatening to kill them all. This will be shown by someone being on the Jabba the Hutt job, and someone materialising them to look like they are a hologram and I will place a holotable prop down for them to be on. We will hyperspace to Tatooine to where we are greeted by a group of Deathwatch to where we will see they are working with the CIS, specifically  Dr. Nuvo Vindi. He will exclaim he has recreated his T-Virus to be double as deadly as before. The Deathwatch will invade our ship through airlock and  Dr. Nuvo Vindi (Probably on a citizen job for one that looks like him) will plant bombs around the ship containing T-Virus. Meanwhile the DeathWatch are basically causing trouble round the ship. The EOD people will have to diffuse the bombs. As for the DW they will just eventually be killed. 


    Place Links Below of at least 2 Events you have been the GM for (Optional):




  9. 5 minutes ago, Esitt said:


    +1, Nightmare to be honest, hasn't done anything harmful towards the community. He's literally just a meme that talks with his mates. He can get carried away at times and make poor decisions, but not perma ban worthy. Goodluck brother.

    In the past 5 weeks I have seen that meme format more times than any man should. But well said.

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