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Posts posted by IKE

  1. Name: IKE

    Who helped (If applicable):

    Event Name: The Savage rescue

    Summary of the story: Darth Maul infiltrates the base in demand of information on where the republic is holding his brother, as Savage was previously captured and is being held in a secure location. Darth Maul wants to infiltrate the base and access the database to find out where his brother is and where to get him. He reports back to the DeathWatch captain his findings. Darth Maul escapes and the DeathWatch come in to finish off the republic.

    What was the result of the event?: Darth Maul gets away with the data but the Death Watch are defeated.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em Up

  2. Name: IKE

    Who helped (If applicable): N/A

    Event Name: Base Inspection

    Summary of the story: Military Advisor Board visits the base (Using Senior commander job) and inspects the base as it is brand new and they want to see how it is doing. He was constantly writing in his notes what he was finding.

    What was the result of the event?:  They wish to use the base design in future bases.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Roleplay

  3. 15 hours ago, Tyzen said:


    Key word being tried, you tried to revamp senator but failed. I have seen you do very little as Palpy and think Lighig is best suited for now. Maybe if you do more in Jedi, start maining it. Then maybe next applications I will have a different opinion. -1

  4. Name: IKE

    Who helped (If applicable): Banker, Raider, Vortex, Don, Nobie

    Event Name: Clone Remembrance day

    Summary of the story: A senator came aboard the ship to give the yearly remembrance day speech, in CSR , where we have set up a DB dupe. Senate commandos are escorting the senator. But on the walkway above CSR a senate commando assassinates the senator. Deathwatch warped in hoping to steal some data from the Senator for their boss, and succeeded via hijacking the senators ship.

    What was the result of the event?:  The republic won but lost?

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Both kinda.

  5. Name:  IKE

    Who helped (If applicable): Stix, Thasian, COllected, Allegor, Bean, Vortex

    Event Name: Tusken meat

    Summary of the story: 2 republic prisoner transporters boarded the republic in hopes of refueling with Tusken prisoners. However the tuskens escaped and they scattered throughout the entire ship, picking up some weapons and shooting some people. They were quickly apprehended, and during interrogation the republic actually finds out that the transporters are black market dealers selling Tusken meat. They fight with the republic and the Tuskens are innocent, for this crime.

    What was the result of the event?:

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: They discover that the transporters were working for Bossk and they hold the Tuskens

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