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Posts posted by IKE

  1. Name: IKE

    Who helped (If applicable): Vortex

    Event Name: A christmas resupply

    Summary of the story: 2 supplies come to the republic base in order to resupply them in a new kind of ship. The sleigh is welded to a invisibly LAAT so it can fly.

    What was the result of the event?: Everyone killed and ate the banthas for some reason

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Role play




  2. 3 minutes ago, Gouldrush said:

    -1 It makes no sense that a controlled clone is magically 10x stronger then a normal clone, everyone was getting 3 shot, vey unenjoyable.

    well I guess you want the event to last 5 seconds then because if they did have the same health as you guys they would literally be destroyed, we kind of have to set their health higher than yours. It's kind of like 20 of you vs 4 of them

  3. Name: IKE

    Who helped (If applicable):Vortex, Dam, Zilla, Omalic, Naffen

    Event Name: Geonisian take over

    Summary of the story: 2 Geonosians have infected 2 clones who claim that they have just returned from a rescue mission for a group of clones that were trapped in a geonosian temple. And they have dropped them off at Kamino for recovery. 1 then plants bombs on the generator room and 1 is brought to medbay, the one who planted bombs on generator room then infects a base ops who opens gates for 2 geonosian warriors to come in, and to turn on the troops and give out useless orders. The republic then kill 1 of the clones, but another clone is infected who steals the data and takes off in the LAAT. The base ops however is let go by the republic for some reason and is ordered to act like nothing is wrong so he may be used in the future.

    What was the result of the event?: What it says in the AAR basically.

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up


  4. Nuetral, Sarin I feel like your term will just be a repeat of Boutineers, you always followed his beliefs when many other people disagreed with them. Also you have had very little input in base ops being almost unknown to many people. Only reason why this isn’t a -1 is because your the only person going for Admiral.

  5. Name: IKE

    Who helped (If applicable): Jumes, Naffen, Squee, Dino

    Event Name: The slave camp liberation

    Summary of the story: A group of slave traders have set up camp on Endor where they are harbouring wookie slaves, and they await there for their client to arrive - so they can sell the wookies. However they are spotted on patrol and Colonel IKE calls 501st, GM and 41st in order to liberate the slaves, he orders them to set up in vantage points and then strike when they least suspect it. They blow open the wall and they liberate the slaves and then get the babe.

    What was the result of the event?: Slaves fucking liberated

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up




  6. Name: IKE

    Who helped (If applicable): Donacdum

    Event Name: Clonenapped

    Summary of the story: Maul hires Cad Bane in a desperate attempt to capture a clone, so they can begin their own cloning process (Maul not Bane) and so he doesn't use his DW which he believe aren't as well as clones, Maul wishes to kidnap a high up clone as if he is high up then he will likely be more intelligent and just genetically better than the rest.

    What was the result of the event?: Cad Bane and Maul attempt to kidnap Rex but fail

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em Up

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