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Posts posted by IKE

  1. 2 minutes ago, Fizzik said:

    @IKE aren't you a particularly young fella? Replacing the CPU on a laptop required soldering. If you don't know what this is, it's using a torch to melt a metal into the edges of the CPU. I'm not a soldering expert, as a matter of fact, I've never attempted it, but, I don't believe you can A. Acquire the gun needed and B. Acquire the solder needed (most likely gold...?).


    Tldr, upgrading a CPU is very difficult. Sell your laptop and upgrade. 

    I see, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, 

  2. Anway, there's this girl I really like
    She's older than me
    She's very successful
    Loves pulling out of things, but like

    I have no idea on how to talk to her, I need some advice

    What should I say to her? 

    How do I open up a conversation?

    What do I talk about?

    Do I tell her I am a virgin?

    I'm really nervous,

    Anyway here's a picture oh her


  3. Name: IKE

    Who helped (If applicable): Prince

    Event Name: Time travel in star wars

    Summary of the story: A time traveller comes from the future to warn the republic of the chancellors plan to overthrow the republic, however the time travelling machine has a drastic side effect of amnesia. He still remembers he came to warn them about something but he can't remember what, when Count Dooku hears of the news from his spies he immediately deploys his forces and personally goes to deal with it himself! DUN DUN DUNNNNNN

    What was the result of the event?: The republic actually destroy the CIS and end up winning? Which for for once wasn't the actual intention. The professor is sent in a LAAT, which engines malfunctions and they crash and drown in the lake. Count Dooku is sent to a acclamator for temporary holding where he will be freed by the CIS

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot Em Up

  4. Just now, Tessa said:

    Ya but when do you get a chance to stab an enemy?

    When your fighting them, it can be used in in interrogation RP mostly. Like when do you get to use fists ?

  5. 2 minutes ago, Tessa said:

    What do you love doing with your knife?


    Stabbing things... with that kind of logic you could ask what do you love doing with your gun? And my answer would be shooting things.

  6. Name: IKE

    Who helped (If applicable): IKE

    Event Name: IKE's pirate raid

    Summary of the story: A pirate came over in his personal speeder and he came in to raid the republics cargo supply in the supply room on 1st floor. After interrogation it is found out that he is being forced to steal for the infamous pirate gang leader Hondo after Hondo saved his life on Dagobah, after Maul and Savage burned his town. They then find out that hondo is hiding out on Felucia and is planning a heist on the banks of Tatooine. (Setting up for my first event server event reeeee)

    What was the result of the event?: The pirate got finessed

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

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