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Posts posted by IKE

  1. 7 minutes ago, Sinister said:

    He told me that he was talking to Ike about removing you before the report was made, and the conversation in TS also occured before the report was made.


    I feel this is important to consider.

    Okay so what happened is that Boutineer PMed me that Stern is on his last strike and if he fucks up again he is being removed. This earlier today , then later today Stern is pulled into the channel and he is being removed for the reason being he attacked him in the report. I then told Boutineer he can't cause Stern has a report up and he can't punish him until report is over and he can't punish him for the report. There ye go

    • Winner 3
  2. Name: IKE

    Who helped (If applicable): N/A

    Event Name: To the races!

    Summary of the story: Professional racer Qun comes to endor for the event of the scheduled race. The race is a giant race around the map with buggies with the winner receiving high amounts of trophies (in this case the winner will get a rec). They race until it is over. I put arrows all over the map explaining the route

    What was the result of the event?: The republic race

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: RP

  3. I'm just submitting this for comics as he is banned on the forums. Please don't do what you did with nightmare where you close this appeal and unban them so they can post their own. They will literally post the exact same thing.
    RP Name/Steam Name: Mr. Comics Steam
    ID: STEAM_0:1:151046311
    Date of Ban: 9/11/10 (what a day to get banned lol, also it’s the british date)
    Length of Ban: Permanent
    Offense: Flaming or something I dunno you guys didn’t tell me
    Banned By: Chambers (Joah did a quick week ban before it tho)
    Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: Ever since I was exiled from the community it’s been pretty qiuet for me. I didn’t quite realise how much the community actually meant to me. No matter how homo it sounds I miss my boys: Whisper, Striker, Wicked, Stern ect. You don’t really get to contact synergy friends without the TS cause it’s so much easier to use TS then use discord and shit.I’ve taken my time I’ve chilled out, even though I don’t support the idea I was flaming I will hold back my tone while talking to high staff because it clearly isn’t a bright idea to try to talk to high staff like that.
    Evidence to support your claims: 
    • Winner 1
  4. Name: IKE

    Who helped (If applicable): N/A

    Event Name: 91st traitor!

    Summary of the story: 3 91st have been persuaded by the CIS that the republic is just breeding them to die and they should just leave them and join the CIS, where they will be free men. However they are only doing this as the CIS want them to capture some data for them, they plant bombs all over the ship with 1 91st remaining at the end capturing the data. The brotherhood code must be broken to ensure the victory for the republic!

    What was the result of the event?: All 91st die with the data never reached the CIS

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up

  5. Name: IKE

    Who helped (If applicable): Boris, Scarecrow, Pheo, Naffen, Cutlaw, Vortex

    Event Name: Coburns escape

    Summary of the story: Coburn was onboard the resolute when it was destroyed, however managed to get aboard a ship before it did, he then crash landed in the courtyard of the base after being shot down by Grievous, how was instructed by Count Dooku to make sure there were no witnesses of their new super weapon which they used to destroy the resolute. After some interrogation the republic learn that the super weapon were micro-bots that eat through solid metal, in a extremely rapid rate. 

    What was the result of the event?: The republic won, hear hear,

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em up


  6. Event Idea by:  Pythin or Spooky I can't remember
    Link to the original idea: They just told me it in TS, no link


    Name: IKE 

    Who helped (If applicable): Dolvek, Elijah, Naffen, Bravo, Kerry, Romero

    Event Name: Kage Warrior village

    Summary of the story: Kage warriors have taken over the Ewok village due to them being without a home, they kicked the Ewoks out to die. They have hired Trandoshans with the payment of Ewoks to hunt in order to defend the base in the event of an attack. The republic attack the base to wipe out the Kage Warriors and the Trandoshans from the village and restore the Ewoks to their home.

    What was the result of the event?:  The republic reclaimed the Village for the Ewoks

    Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em Up

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