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Posts posted by IKE

  1. I’m happy with extensive. The reason server is dieing (which I think it is far off form being dead it just has a lower amount than usual by like 20) it’s the fun we have on the server. This map plays no role in it, GM can still make fun events from it. People are just getting bored of CWRP in general. Everyone hands up the mantle at some point and sometimes it’s not anything’s fault. They just eventually got bored and played something else. Like everyone’s moves on eventually and there’s no real fault for it happening, they just juiced as much fun out of CWRP they can.  

    • Agree 1
  2. 12 minutes ago, Stern said:

    So then what is wrong with the map rotation?

    WHat we have explained with all the docs and stuff and having to rebuild bunks. If u want a long deployment then it’s be event server. Map rotation constantly will fuck everything 

  3. 7 minutes ago, Stern said:

    I understand inserting bunks, Texts and props. But to my knowledge you perma prop it to a map which is then saved until changed. If you do that once for a map we use. Sure it would be a mission but I know it would not take more than a days work.

    That is literally what the event server was made for

  4. 7 minutes ago, Stern said:

    I understand inserting bunks, Texts and props. But to my knowledge you perma prop it to a map which is then saved until changed. If you do that once for a map we use. Sure it would be a mission but I know it would not take more than a days work.

    Well we have event server for that lol

  5. 3 minutes ago, Stern said:

    Arroyo you just have to use the admin menu and swap maps....

    Sure you have to perma prop but you would only do that maybe once for every map

    He knows how they change map. But dude we would have to change tryouts and perma prop shit fucking loads. Imagine how annoying that is for people 

  6. My dude -1, the amount of things we will need to change all the time for this. Like just put these on event server. There's not many stuff on this map. We will have to chnage some tryouts, all naval docs, EOD/Tech/ENG/MED/QM trainings cannot happen. We will get bored after 1st day on these maps. We should just wait for new map.

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