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Posts posted by Raids

  1. +1
    I never thought I would see the day that Oxen came home. This man is an absolute Leader who knows how to get shit done and can teach with ease. If anyone can turn a retard into a leader it is this man right here. 

    • Agree 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Fizzik said:

    Alright so were you not just demoted for disgracing the Alpha ARC and the standard ARC program by just handing out free ARC and Alpha-status to someone? Then when confronted, you lied about not knowing the person had not completed ARC training despite that person having made it very clear to you several times? I also remember you trying to put the blame on Pranzer or on Woeny even though it was you who okayed it because it's "your ARC program and you can do whatever you want with it".

    Also,  this statement confuses me.

    I strictly remember Dragon and I being in control of Rancor in 2018, Dragon and I reviving Rancor, I don't really remember you being involved in that. Maybe you were a lower officer. If you became Colt in Dragon's term that would explain that, but still, you didn't revive it.

    You've also demonstrated a very low level of maturity in almost every interaction I've had with you. Whether it be bitching about rank, holding grudges and trying to blacklist people for actions that happened 2+ years prior just because 'you don't like them', etc. Also, almost every time I've hopped in, you've been high or drunk or something and clearly aren't in a position to lead. I see this as incredibly embarrassing as you'd do this openly in the Rancor channel in front of everyone acting like a complete fool. Wouldn't blame you if you don't remember though, hard to remember when you're high.


    Overall -1 bro you are definitely not a good fit for Rancor BCMD and have a lot of issues you need to work out before you are ready.

    -1 omegalul
    damn fizzik pulled out da gat on him

    in b4 my nice forum ban

  3. Welcome all from far and near this is my formal new introduction as the DR.Disrepsect of Synergy 

    I am the 2x World champion of Rancor Blacklist Can i get some :Dumbs: 

    I also hit the 2x World Champ of Forum warnings so we just keep the 2 timer ROLLING

    I am very honored to hold such an esteemed title and I will not longer be going by Raids instead y'all can call me Dr.Raids now. I would like to thank @Sixta for letting me achieve the 2x Champion title by originally Un blacklisting me and I would like to thank @Titanium_Satan for giving me my 2nd I appreciate it brother man.


    02bc593802d54c6cde8a928ec0f56641.png Shout out to these 2 chads as well

    Also this is my farewell 


    cause im bored

    Also shout out  to some of the boys @Sock Monkey@Daytona211 @Stockings @Dennis @Thom @syntax @Porch

    If you werent mentioned then ligma

    Also help me reach my goal of having over 100 dumbs on my profile ILY

    Have fun time to just chill in CT's

  4. -1 no Let’s see if we get another forum warning or more dumbs either is fine at this point. 
    y’all want a reason well let’s look at the fact that fister has just recently received a position has WO. Key word here being recently before this Fister has never held a officer rank in the previous 6 or so months throughout pranzer, sixta, and guttler terms. Alright now a lot of y’all are saying +1 when in reality he has done nothing to truly prove that he would be worthy as rancor bcmd and with the state of rancor they’re going to need one helluva BCMD to get that battalion back in line but that’s besides the point. You’ve just overall shown no reason why you deserve the position and even when I was active I would see you in the discord posting some mingy crap overall you just don’t seem fit. I think personally you need to show what you’re made of with your position as hammer and maybe work your way up to at least a senior officer or a even commander to at least show you’re worthy and have competence for the position.

    Only officer positions being possibly Kom’rk don’t know when you were him so you could have or couldn’t have been officer and Muzzle. Besides that you have almost no experience as an Officer. That experience is pretty important in my eyes when applying for such a position especially Rancor BCMD who has to deal with trainings and keep with advertised calendar for arc trainings

    plz give more dumbs ty

    • Agree 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Sixta said:

    Dude mad I got a 11 LB trophy channel catfish smh!!

    Don't be swayed by this man's blasphemous word's he hasn't even left the beginner pond and still has a rod that has the weight capacity of 3-4LB's the most he has caught is a guppy in the pond. He's literally the most dog fisher in the world... Smh my head!!!!!!

  6. God its about time this retard Resigns and gets back to sweepin his carpet at work. I swear this kid is useless like who gave him staff in the first place. Now I can force his dumbass to play fishing planet but, we aint playing BDO I already uninstalled it so get fucked with wasting 5$ idiot. yeah 07 or whatever dumb shit 


    • Funny 2
  7. -1 
    The reason being not that I don't like you satan or not that I think you wouldn't be a good BCMD but, your application this application seems like it was very rushed and took you about a solid 5 minutes to put together and that there wasn't really any effort put into it. Maybe it's because you feel you have the spot in the bag with no one else applying but with a poor application like this it doesn't seem like you're willing to put in the work for the application not to mention the work you'll need to put in if you do get BCMD. As rohan said I would personally like to see a specific plan that you have for Rancor and how you will go about to execute that plan and make me want to +1 your app. Until then I remain here.

    Best of luck 

  8. Yes so basically both maps are combined so you can send items back and forth between both maps but, be careful for the glitch but, other than that both servers are running. they created a Cluster.

  9. +1
    First of all this will increase the activity of what's happening in the server and prevent from boring down time. Increase RP or at least should between clones and bounty hunters. Especially increases Bounty hunter RP making what faction you choose meaningful. 
    If done correctly and not overwhelming leaving time in between for some rest for clones to do training and stuff I think this could be a great Idea if executed properly. Could also be a chance for the Republic HC to give bounty hunters "Unethical" hits on the C.I.S which would be pretty cool to see.

  10. -1
    Sorry but, as stated in Kojak's app I believe that he is the better suited choice for this position just due to the fact that not to long ago he was in Bad Batch and I feel like he would have a better Idea of what needs fixing in Bad batch.

    • Disagree 4
    • Friendly 1
  11. +1
    Dang y'all are idiots this man left because of poor communication in a squad the only way to change poor communication is to become squad lead...
    Who gives a fuck if he doesn't have the XO or Former squad leads grace hell Sixta didnt have it when he went for Blitz yet the battalion has better communication and a better officer core then its had in the past 3 months. If someone from out of nowhere is applying it means their is clearly something wrong with the squad and or battalion. So after this give an actual -1 reason instead of No grace cause you an absolute shitlord for that. As retarded as Kojak is I know he has high ambitions for the squad just from him attempting to rebuild Heavy in Rancor and actually make a change. I truly think that he could improve Bad batch along with the squad communications and squad relations with others.

    Holy shit I'm sorry but, last thing y'all keep talking shit about Kojak saying that he left without trying to fix it and that the other candidate is better. Not to talk trash strictly Facts the other candidate was never even in bad batch if anything Kojak is the PERFECT fit because he was in Bad Batch and knows exactly what needs fixing and what can be improved within the squad. The other candidate has not once been in bad batch so how are you all going to say that he is a better fit over someone who was in the squad he is applying for not to long ago. I'm sorry but you all make absolutely no sense in your decision making process.
    I will never understand the people of SWRP

    • Agree 3
    • Disagree 1
    • Winner 1
  12. WOW @ Matra
    I'm tilted that I'm not in the goodbye after all the times that I would annoy the fuck out of you asking what was happening in High Command to try and help..
    Also annoying you to add me to docs to fix them because others couldnt properly do docs
    Other than that it was amazing seeing you throughout the time of your positions in Galactic marines. coming in when you were originally Keller under Oxen for quite a time. Then telling you to comeback because GM was ran into the ground and even backing you up on your attempt for Gree>
    #MatraforGree. Lmao. but it has been a great time learning from you as a leader and a friend
    Also forgot the time that you got triggered cause I was dog shit at Rocket League and we played Comp.
    All in all even though I'm not in Galactic Marines it was an Honor to be under your leadership for the first year that I was truly on the server. 


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