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Everything posted by Fours

  1. Resigning is failRP sorry but try again after your arrest
  2. This whole thing seems a bit hypocritical given the recent resignation of a certain person who claimed was bullied/pressured by a group of people that surrounded you. Don't get me wrong, the post is justifiable, and makes sense to make it, seeing as certain things said or done to people can lead to some serious real life problems even though they don't know it. To me a team of forum mods/teamspeak mods/consultants are somewhat needed. The drama and shit that just keeps popping up proves more and more like this community is at each others necks and aren't playing the game for fun, but to rather stir shit in hopes of a reaction or positive rep, which is fucking dumb as shit. Such a team would need people who can actually talk about situations and problems like this would need traits like no bullshit, no bias, no misled information etc. This isn't the first time someone was pressured out of a position on the server and definitely will not be the last if we continue on the same shitty mindsets that about 50% and upward, people have. I know what I said would sound out of the ordinary and weird, but shit. If we want to call this a community something needs to be done about the people constantly wanting to start drama in one way or another.
  3. Hmmmmm.... 🤔 I'm, sure you know that Dev work and Staff work are completely different. And I know you spend most your day working on Developer stuff, like models etc. But I mean it's some what of a dilemma. I would say choose one, Dev or Staff. Both is too much work that you most likely won't have time for one or the other. You help the server enough with creating the content. Neutral, swaying to a -1 though. It's just my opinion.
  4. Steam ID: idk you have it RP Name: Boss Battalion: Delta Who is in command until you return?: Fixer, Sev and Scorch, god help us Length of Absence: Today - Thursday - Reason because I just started into college and trying to start strong just for this week
  5. I disagree with your ideology therefore I am better than you!
  6. Okay listen, Jedi are expendable, ask Anakin. Shit, the Jedi were killed off before the clones were. Let's start an uprising... Myth busted.
  7. This is totally not clickbait. Your challenge is to get @Ccmonty to +1 overall forum rep. Can you do it? If you can achieve this , anything is possible.
  8. "*psst* Hey, kids! Let me on your ship, I can sell you guns and drugs" *Hey let me on because the game master said so." "Hey, I've come with a box with surprises, oh no they're droids! I did not see that coming." These are the only reasons people should be allowed on ship!
  9. Fours


    New Fortnite challange. Get Monty to positive rep. We done over 500 in one week. We can do this gamers!
  10. Fours

    Fours | Heinz

    Name: Fours | Boss Who helped (If applicable): N/A Event Name: Adventures with Doctor Heinz Summary of the story: A scientist by the name of Doctor Heinz, with a stereotypical German accent attacked the ship by surprise with his new experimental creatures in accommodation by two Republic Acclamators. He called for Admiral Trench of the CIS Army to launch his assault after the Acclamators had been shot down. The ship was left in a destructive state. Y-Wings and turbolasers alike were used to combat Trench and his forces. This would not be the last the Republic have heard of the mad Doctor. What was the result of the event?: Republic fended of the CIS. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Shoot em' up.
  11. Fours

    How's Null doing?

    @Bazoo Please defend these minges from the smites of the dreaded *High Command*
  12. That's when you blacklist them from jedi :thonk: They're called rules
  13. I wouldn't say that's a level 3. People can just, y'know. Not drop them...
  14. Fours

    Fours | Trapception

    Too many traps for one day.
  15. Name: Fours/Boss Who helped (If applicable): ScarZ, Sinister, Punybob, Myst Event Name: Trapception Summary of the story: Intel came in from republic clone advisor CC-05/358 that the CIS forces have set a trap over Yavin-4. When the Republic heard of this, their reaction was to set a trap for the CIS trap. Calling in assistance from a fleet of 8 Acclamators to surround the CIS fleet, jumping in from all directions. The CIS found out about the 8 Acclamator fleet on their way, so they set another trap, for that trap. The CIS fleet jumped to where the Acclamator fleet was ready to respond, in doing so, decimated the entire fleet after a long battle. During which the ship was boarded for a fight on the ship as well as in space. The Resolute called on reinforcements to seek out and destroy the remaining CIS forces. The CIS trap, that trapped the Republic trap, that was supposed to trap the CIS trap, meant for the Republics trap.... was destroyed? Where was I? What was the result of the event?: Resolute called the Negotiators fleet and the Prosecutors fleet to assist, destroying the CIS fleet. Was this more of a role play oriented or "shoot em up" oriented event: Kinda both but heavy shoot em' up.
  16. Someone hasn't looked in the engine room to see SIX ENGINES ONLY. Where tf is that backup? Debrief? +1 shot stuff
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