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Everything posted by Sparklez

  1. Activity isn't the most important thing. I am friends with Brooklyn on Steam. As his profile is private I will respect him and NOT share how many hours he has, but I will say that statistically, he is just as active if not even more than his officer corps. Brooklyn, like other good BCMDs puts responsibilities on the higher ups of his battalion and makes everyone feel like they have a job and a part to play in the battalion. Brooklyn has a good head on his shoulders and he uses that head frequently to make smart decisions like putting certain people in certain ranks that HE knows will do a good job. Although 41st has not been the most active recently, no one can deny the massive turn around in behavior and attitude from the battalion under the leadership of Brooklyn and his officer corps. So, the point I'm trying is that a SUPER active BCMD is only needed in a poopy battalion that needs someone to hold its hand. LUCKILY even if that were the case, Brooklyn IS active enough to do that. TL;DR: Brooklyn IS active according to his Steam hours, but he does a good enough job as it is that if he were less active, he'd still be a great BCMD. +1
  2. +1, but only because I couldn't think of a reason to -1.
  3. Regardless of whether or not no one is ready for the position to lead Base Ops, Base Ops needs a leader and I think that Stern would fit that position very nicely. Stern knows what he's doing and he knows how to do it properly. Stern is an intellectual and he also has a really hot voice. I think what Base Ops needs is a STERN LEADER. +1
  4. Sparklez


    Those are bold words for someone in stabbing range.
  5. Sparklez


    Because I can't control the urge to RDM.
  6. Sparklez


    Ya but when do you get a chance to stab an enemy?
  7. Sparklez


    What do you love doing with your knife?
  8. Sparklez


    Exactly, so don't compare them!
  9. Sparklez


    Ya well with a knife you're not asked to stop.
  10. Sparklez


    For minging? The difference is that you don't get arrested while using them lol
  11. Sparklez


    Isn't that what /me's are for?
  12. Sparklez


    YOU CAN SELL PERMA WEAPONS? The fact that it says PERMA in the name kinda was an implication of otherwise.
  13. Sparklez


  14. Sparklez


    WELL I'M FROM UK. Also, ya ik SOBDE have knives. I'm just saying to remove it from the store. Not from the server. Primarily to remove it from access of minges in particular.
  15. Sparklez


    I love the way people taste. Don't judge me.
  16. Sparklez


    Name: Tessa Suggestion: Remove the knife from the store. Implementation: I love my knife. I love having my knife. I like pulling it out and hearing it's knifing sounds. I like the sound it makes when it stabs someone. It's very addictive. It's very hard to resist the urge to pull it out and start swinging it around and hitting walls and stuff. I try really hard not to minge, but then I'm scrolling through my weapons and I see the word knife. Good heavens. I have to pull it out and use it and swing it around and... Woah... A... A person? If I stab him no one will notice... I'm sure it'll be fine... Oh, now I'm arrested. Whoops. That went quickly. This is the repeated theme of myself and practically everyone else who owns a knife. Unfortunately, knives are just addictive. It's hard to have self control over something like that. I think it should be removed for MY sake and everyone else's sake. And as sad as it is to lose my knife, I think the first step of being responsible and fixing my problems is realising the root of the problem. There are a few roots. This is one of them. I'm sure that I'm not the only one with an issue with knives. Don't just -1 this because you love your knife. +1 this because you love your knife a little too much. Lore: What clones actually carried knives?
  17. Well like I said. It'd be a prop rather than part of the map.
  18. Name: Tessa Suggestion: Naval/Acclamator Implementation: Make another layer for the map so that when you go up through the sky, you teleport to like, an upper atmosphere kinda level which is not rendered until you are ACTUALLY there for optimisation reasons. In this upper atmosphere, there are a few things that could be done. My MAIN idea however, is an acclamator such as the one from Pommes' Kamino map. Ik Pommes is pretty... Strict when it comes to usage of his assets though so it might have to be done from scratch. However, comma, it does ALSO occur to me that the map has probably nearly maxed out it's brush limit. So in which case, get a prop made for an acclamator with an interior that Naval can staff. If we HAD a prop for this, event server events would be SO much cooler. Just imagine having the main forces on the ground while Naval are up in an acclamator overlooking things. Imagine the concept of frigate battles DURING events where there are like, ground battles happening at the same time. This would open up to so many new possibilities. I know this would be reasonably hard to do, but it's doable, and that's what matters! This would FINALLY bring back Naval's role AND improve them! Lore: Naval belong on ships, duh. Workshop content if applicable: Require Development
  19. -1 I'm giving this -1 for your own personal mentality's sake. You said yourself that you have enough stress in your life as it is. If you get accepted, then your responsibility will add to that stress and will do more harm than good to not only Base Ops, but you as a person.
  20. Vro, you were staff on a server called Evil Yoda Networks? That doesn't seem like much of an accomplishment ecks dee. In the 'Tell us about yourself' section, you said a whole lot of nothing in a whole lot of words. I don't think your sporting interests really affect your stance on the server. You mentioned that you want to be able to take care of yourself rather than bugging other admins. In my eyes, this could indicate two things. Either you're primarily applying for your own self benefit or perhaps you have arguments or issues with other people which you can't win without swinging an admin dick around. Sure, maybe that's a valid reason to become staff in some ways, so that's not really gonna contribute to my overall feedback. I'm just kinda getting my thoughts down here for other people to see and take into account. The next point I want to make about this application is the lack of overall effort put into it. It LOOKS to me like you wrote up the application, realised how empty it looked, so threw in a little bit of bonus formatting. You should really go through and check on grammatical errors of your staff application before resubmitting. I'll give you a few pointers though just to make this more of a constructive criticism than a negative feedback! Lets start with 'an' and 'a'. AN is used when the word following it begins with a vowel. AN example of this is AN admin, and not A admin. AN elephant, not A elephant. A man, not AN man. I'm sure you get the point. The word 'where' is used to talk about a location. The word I believe you were looking for was 'were', which is a past tense indicative word. Last issue with spelling and what not is "part" instead of 'pat'. I don't need to explain that last one to you, I'm sure you know where your mistake was, you just didn't look back through your post to correct it. Now that my response to the application itself is out of the way, I'll go into detail with your attitude and my experience with you. The ability to read speech and emotion in a person is a key part of being a good member of staff. Although this doesn't DIRECTLY relate to the staff position, you should learn when someone is joking or being serious. THAT is important for you as a person as well as you as a member of staff. Generally I'm all for seeing a younger member on the staff team. I think it's great that we're teaching the younger generations how to be responsible. But sometimes, age does get in the way of some people. I believe that you are an example of this. When something bad comes your way, you cry about it or kick off about it. I'm not saying that's your fault, I'm saying it's to be expected from your age group. You should work on your controlling yourself before you get into a position with the ability to control other people. I know you're not a bad kid, and I'm sure you mean well. Just work on some of the points I've mentioned in this response and I'm sure you'll become a fine member of staff. As of right now, however, I will have to give this application a -1. Sorry Bruiser, I Just don't think you're what the staff team needs right now. I wish you the best of luck in improving as a person and eventually becoming a member of staff. ~Tessa -1
  21. You kill my brothero, I kill of the you.
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