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Everything posted by Sparklez

  1. So people play as SCPs?
  2. Can someone tell me what SCP RP is? It seems like it might be a lot of fun, but I don't really know much about it. What do people roleplay as? Are there events? How are ranks structured? Is this military based? I know nOtHiNg!
  3. Even when Gadget's not BCMD, he's BCMD. +1
  4. You've been putting in a lot of work with encounters. I think GM is well deserved. +1
  5. I think you have a great sense of responsibility. So I think you'd make a great member of staff! +1
  6. Just from one glimpse at the application, I can see how much effort you put into it and how much this position really means to you. With that combined with your responsible and mature mindset, I think you'll make a great REG CMD! +1
  7. +1 Good event idea. Thanks Tessa. You're welcome, Tessa. No problem Tessa. Nice retarded trader voice btw, Tessa. Oh thx Tessa! I appreciate the good feedback, Tessa! Great Tessa! Awesome, Tessa.
  8. +1 Everyone minges. No one doesn't minge from time to time. When minging gets you into trouble, THEN you're doing it too much. But from what I've seen, you're not that much of a minge. SO, with that said, I don't see any reason not to give you a shot at staff.
  9. Sparklez

    The CIS Ambush

    +1 I had a lot of fun in that event. I never felt like anything wasn't happening and I felt some REAL tension in that event which is like, super rare. So nice job on that event!
  10. Well Mercy didn't give much of an explanation as to why it would be a good addition.
  11. Name:Tessa Suggestion: Local Out Of Character chat Implementation: A lot of the time, there are certain comments that need to be made or things that need to be discussed regarding an in character situation but in an out of character way. Players generally tend to use voice chat for this, and a lot of the time, it can break peoples immersions. Another way that people talk locally out of character is using the /w command. But this chat command is for whispering. Whispering is a good feature for RP and right now, with whisper being treated as out of character, there are some things in RP that you just can't do. A simple fix to this is adding in a /looc chat command. Lore: N/A(?) Workshop content if applicable: Require Development
  12. +1 In the short time I've seen you around, I've constantly been seeing you doing good things. You're always trying to help out and I also see you doing a lot of great RP around the server. Keep it up and I'm sure you'll be staff in no time!
  13. +1 From ALL personal experiences I have had with you, I know you are very good at keeping a professional and level headed perspective on any situation. I think that's what's important for a staff member, and that's why I think you'd make a great fit!
  14. +1 Despite what some people said about you sometimes handling things with emotion, on the flip side of that, I know you can be very responsible and cautious when you take action on things. So with that said, I think you'd make a great fit for Admiral.
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