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Everything posted by AverageKaiLeng

  1. Name: Squid Game Master Rank: Game Master Officer Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 8/10/2024 Reason for leaving: Just tired, and I need a break from the server for the foreseeable future. Might get on every now and then, but I just don't have the ideas or the energy to continue making events and stories at the current moment. Farewells: Gurk - Thank you for being a great leader, as well just a good person and being a great GM. WarMaster - Thank you for being a good mentor, and helping me along the way. BOOM - W Boom, best GM
  2. -1 How dare you use God as a reason.
  3. +1 love Moose, dude is amazing. Such a good "Lead by Example" idea. He is an icon within the 501st for what leadership should look like and strives for the betterment of every single member of the 501st. Only reason I would -1 is he is British.
  4. +1, dude is cool and a great leader especially thriving in tactics and combat leadership. Would be a fire leader.
  5. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  6. Yeah. I don't disagree lol. Just wanted to do something more free and open for players, let them do as they wish.
  7. Honestly, just wanted to do something random. Brain splurge. As well, I don't believe in anything to just hit quota, I'm sorry ya didn't enjoy it. But, I just wanted to do something crazy.
  8. Bug Type (Server:): Main Server Severity level (Low - Medium - High): Low Evidence (if you can): Sadly the only evidence I have is from Thexun who sold the items to me. Description of the bug: I bought the Bastila Shan Saberstaff, and a Green Inner, Blue Inner, and Cyan Inner, from Thexun and ended up having them disappear from my inventory even after I applied one of the crystals to my saber. It was annoying especially since I spent credits on them, and I cannot get them now. How can we recreate it: Not even sure honestly.
  9. +1 Dawg. Yoda has been the Yoda I have had my entire time on the server, and he has by far been one of the best Jedi HC I have spent my time around, not to mention the man has an insane amount of push to just want to do something for the Jedi, and is active amongst them. Love the man. Hope to see you continue being yoda! and W Yoda Fish Tank
  10. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  11. Congratulations! You have been ACCEPTED into the Game Master team! // LOCKED // MOVED TO GAME MASTER APPLICATIONS - ACCEPTED
  12. I will say, I was wholly unhappy with how this ended up going. I had issues from my side that I was just unable to keep handling as well with the amount of tickets incoming and a lack of helpers. I promise to work to prevent this lack of quality happening again. My biggest hope with being a GM is making stories you guys enjoy.
  13. +1 good stories. Good job!
  14. +1. He's going above and beyond with his planning, planning out different endings and possibilities. My only worry is if the planning fall throughs and improv is required, although that is something learned and not everyday knowledge. I love the ideas, hope to see you working with me!
  15. -1 not a fan of the batt specific events, event server makes sense but looking for deathsticks in a bar, CG and SOBDE will dominate that and everyone else will be left with little to do until the fighting.
  16. Name: Squid Steam ID 32: STEAM_0:1:527035102 Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): 1 Week (July 12th, 2024) Reason: Need a small break from GMing to give myself time to think of new ideas without burning myself out. Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: Yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: Yes
  17. +1 not only do I love Rippa as a dude, he's awesome and just a great person to talk to. Rippa also has a lot of time and experience on the server as well with working with others. He would be an awesome addition to the team, has a lot of great ideas in his head as well I'm sure.
  18. +1. Everyone needs to start somewhere. And Jugh would be a great person to have join the staff team. He's active, wants to help people, and I know Jugh would be a great fit for the team as well just adding a touch of humor and good graces to every situation. On top of that, dude knows how to keep levelheaded. I don't think I've seen him mad once in the entire time we've been TC, or 501st. Dude is stone cold calm.
  19. 2/1/3 Gameplay: Kinda just a shoot em up, didn't really enjoy it either that we attempted to blow up Transports and no one responded. Care & Effort: Really wasn't intrigued in the story, nor did it feel like every got a chance to do something during the event. Felt very directed toward SOBDE & CG. Server Performance: A lot of droids during the whole thing. And there really felt like there wasn't much specific placement to them. That's just my opinion though. In totality, I wasn't a fan. It felt lacking in a story as a whole and having a minge kill the King and it being canon is a weird decision.
  20. +1. Rancor under Bana is great. Working with all the batts, Rancor by far is very RP heavy, skill-based, and they are fun to work with. And while I do believe this is due to the officers as well, you can’t have good officers unless you have an active, outstanding, and loyal BCMD.
  21. Name: Squid RP Rank: Warrant Officer Suggestion: Tech Bonus for Torrent Company Implementation: Simply a document change for nine lore characters. Lore: Torrent Company is already the tech team of the 501st and we have a lot of tech based RP that we do. I think that, our necessity stems from this as a team that works with tech quite a bit. Description: Torrent Company is known for being very tech based, and we have a good amount of tech within our tryout, events, and other parts. I think that we should 100% have the tech bonus because of our usage of tech and we have the 332nd that have an extra +5 to EOD and I think simply a +5 for Tech would work, as we don't need much of a bonus to our tech simply because we aren't specialized so heavily into it like Rancor. I think that we are specialized enough beyond normal troopers though, that we need at least a +5 as a lore subunit with limited slots. I don't think it will injure or hinder tech RP at all if 9 Lore Characters who are known for out of the box thinking and being intelligent have a +5 to tech.
  22. 5/5/5 Absolutely a blast. Always fun to kill some droids.
  23. 5/5/5 Gameplay: 5 - This was a blast. So much fun. Care & Effort: 5 - This had a good underlying story, which was so much fun! Server Performance: 5 - No lag, no issues, just good.
  24. Name: Aventus Hahlos SteamID: STEAM_0:1:527035102 Who helped (If applicable): NA Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): NA Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): A Prisoner crashed on the planet, beginning to disable the outposts to try to leave them without communications to go on a hunt for the scorekeeper. Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: NA Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  25. 4/4/5 Gameplay: 4 - Absolutely great. It was so fun to play it! Care & Effort: 4 -This was such a fun time. It was great to get to plan out combat and etc. Server Performance: 5 - This wasn't laggy, and was very well put together.
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