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Posts posted by Moose

  1. Aight @Slak Looks like I had heard some false information and I want to apologize for making some false accusations. Personally I am still heated from the announcement that Foxtrot was getting removed and it should not have effected something like this but to my mistake it did. Most of the members that have been in Foxtrot know it is a sad time. After reading your response and seeing how you have changed in the 212th. I am changing my response to a +1. Good luck and again I apologize.

    Also @Shockpoint thanks for coming back from the dead to kick my ass, rip foxtrot.

    • Funny 2
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  2. Hey man, so once you got Gregor you had two open spots in it. Two former members of DU managed to fill those spots. One of them even passing on the first time they went to tryouts. Being in Foxtrot for 2.5 years and I have never seen once a person pass on there first try, and tryouts have been generally the same for the last few years. There is always going to favoritism in the community I know, however it just feels like to make a change to move away from it has to start at the top and being in the a BCMD position and still showing this level of it just don't sit right with me. Honestly it made me pretty fuckin mad when I heard about it but I let it go because I was no longer involved with the squad. Nothing on the members that you recruited to, I think they are chill dudes. However once you hear that foxtrot is going to be removed you jump ship and put up a DU BCMD app? Man I know you are good guy and I recruited you into foxtrot, but fuck you are breakin my heart. What would happen if DU start to go down the shithole? How did the 212th change you like ya said? I really want to support you man but just the current circumstances and situations previously listed in application I just can't support it.

    • Disagree 1
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    • Confused 1
  3. Well Damn.... 6 years of being in the community couldn't prepare me for this. Imma miss it but I think it is time to move on. From starting out in icefuse to the server rebelling and switching over to synergy, it has been fun. Man there are a lotta people out there that have been with me for my time here. Yall know who you are and I thank you for it, if I miss a name trust me you are in my mind somewhere.

    @Gears Jesus, been through it all huh? You honestly helped me and were always there for me man. Couldn't have stayed this long without you.
    @JaggerThanks for giving me a chance with Gregor, honestly made my time the best on the server. Thanks man really, you know where to find me.
    @Forseen I know we dont talk much now but man looking back on those icefuse days in SOBDE was fun, even when I cam back you still remembered me. That made me very happy.

    @Comics@Whisper@Carson We spent a lot of time laughing at the stupidest shit, but man it was the fun. Keep in touch.
    @Alien Alien man you are my best friend on this server. From our time working as Commander Cody and Reg we became even better friends. I ain't saying bye cause I know I will see you a lot more.

    @Leche I phone. Seriously though like Alien we are homies. You know where to find me.

    @Nazerino Man one of the chilliest dudes I ever had the luxury of playing with. I am getting a new pc soon so we will be able to play.

    @Bro@Dennis @FizzikKojack, Vango, Best HC team ever. Seriously tho I had the time of my life as HC and you guys made that happen so I thank you. heh bounty hunters.

    @Gaster@Luther@Fyi@Cronis Best league clash team ever. I will see yall alot more tho.

    @Finn The intel director always knows the way. 

    @MasonA The best fucking Brit I know. Trust me we are going to take over star citizen.

    @Enzyme and @Freck Man yall were great to work with, I miss those easy going days but Ill still remember the fun times we had.


    To all the guys ever in the 212th, thank you, from the bottom of my heart. Keep it the best battalion on the server. @Pog I know you are going to do a great job.

    To all the Foxtrot guys I ever had the pleasure of serving with, you guys made my time on the server great, thank you very much. Ya'll are always welcomed to reach out to me.


    I don't think you guys will ever find this, but the boys from icefuse, Boris, Octo, Buzz, Lucky thanks for getting me into this game.


    To anyone that I missed  I am again sorry. I want to thank every member of this community personally, you have made my time here great. 



    Take it easy boys.

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