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About GregWasTaken

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  1. 5/5/5 Fucking based Fallout NV event
  2. He's got a point. Trandosha makes far more sense. Corellia is a very industrial planet by my research anyways.
  3. 2/3/2 I gotta be honest... It wasn't great. There was effort, but it was too long, the comms RP was kinda cringe, and the server was unbearably laggy. Genuinely though, I do appreciate the effort. I just feel like there needed to be more... Direction and planning.
  4. -1 Having recently learned about your previous activity on a Nazi roleplay server... There's no way I could reasonably defend you becoming staff. I like you plenty, but this is something I can't look past. I understand the point of... Whatever he does on another server is his business... But to me that's a bad point to make. It's very similar to the libertarian idea of "What I do in my private life is none of your business as long as it doesn't cross over into my public life", but that whole idea is based on the false premise that the two are separate. They are not. What is done in private life will inevitably bleed into public life, and vice versa. The two are intertwined and cannot be separated. Having said that, you can apply the same logic here. Sure, what he does on other videogames is his business, but it's entirely foolish to submit that the two aren't related. It would be one thing if you were an edgy teenager who joined for the joke and laughed at the premise, but that's not the implication that's given here by you or the people criticizing you. You are an active part of this Nazi game, and you take it seriously and literally. You admitted you play for the political LARP. Again, the very idea that these can be separated, that you can keep each one where they belong and never meld them is absurd. They are connected through you, who are one person. You say that they are trying to "de-nazify" the game, but my brother in Christ it is called 1942 Nazi Roleplay. At one point it was named after a concentration camp. Their efforts to "de-nazify" everything mean nothing, and the fact that there is so much to "de-nazify" that they have to do it at all is emblematic of the problem itself. Taking any server like this seriously, no matter the context in which you enjoy it, is a massive problem. Again, to overstate an important point, the idea that these things can be kept separate is absurd. You seem like a nice dude, but while you remain unrepentant, and even remain a current member of a server that is or ever was a Nazi RP, I could never support you in a position of security and authority, especially not staff. It is impossible to keep your Nazi roleplay separate from your Star Wars roleplay. One way or another, one will bleed into the other.
  5. +1 I sort of have an internal debate, on one side if agree gives +rep, disagree should give -rep. To me it is obvious that agree should give +rep. On the other hand, you can disagree with someone without it being a bad thing. I disagree with plenty of people, but I don't mean it negatively. Overall I think this is a good idea. People agreeing with you should give +rep, and disagreeing should not conversely give you -rep. I do believe, however, that dumb should not be the only reaction that gives -rep. It feels too limited. I believe that "Bruh" and maybe a new reaction such as like... A thumbs down emoji that just means "Bad post" should be added. Not every bad post is dumb, and not every dumb post is a bad post. Bruh is also represented by a skull, and is pretty much never used positively.
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