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Everything posted by WideTurtle

  1. Name: WideTurtle SteamID: STEAM_0:1:180989550 How long have you played on the server? [Hours]: 645 From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 9 Why do you want to join the Gamemaster team?: I would be returning to the Gm team. I quit around a month ago because of major scheduling issues and issues meeting quota. I wanted to allow other new GMs to come through and show what they can do rather than just barely hold onto a spot. I am in a much better schedule, and I absolutely love being a GM. It has probably been my favorite part of being on synergy and makes me want to be one again so badly. I spoke to kaiser about this and he urged me to put up an application and try again. I am doing this with the hope and intention that I will rise up the ladder of staff and be able to deliver memorable and fun events again. I understand not wanting to give me the spot again due to my activity before I quit and the fact that I quit all together, but I hope that you would take a risk on me once again and give me the chance to prove that I am here to stay and that I am here to deliver quality. Do you understand that if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yes Operation Eclipse Distraction Tactics
  2. Absolutely no idea why I was pinged But people will RP more when the RP is focused on them, so event server events is where you're gonna get most of that. During Main server events you can expect maybe one or two people to actually care about your rp while everybody else wants something to shoot or fight. I did learn however that if you give jedi specifically important RP then they will usually be really interested no matter what kind of event
  3. 2/4/4 We did end up getting spawned on a lot and we did get kinda fucked the whole event. I however did see care and effort go into the planning so I will rate the other two good
  4. I agree with putting corellia base on onderons map. I think switching back to onderon while a onderon styled map is being produced would be best. Corellia styled base. Onderon styled village (with an actual guild hall). Onderon styled forests and outside (with better trees). And a lot of space, I mean a lot. I see no problem with a huge skybox, i see no problem with a sector two or void. Star wars RP does best when it has space, opens up options for GMs, and gives you the ability to make things feel like real military operations Also please give us a onderon styled DB, literally the best DB I have seen on any map (Edit) Not shitting on Corellia i think it's fire as hell, just dont think it fits the server. Also never saw the specific anaxes that this server used but if its the one i am thinking of then I would love that
  5. +1 it is about damn time this sun unit gets love
  6. +1 as a ds officer I can attest for how horridly useless the kit is
  7. Name: WideTurtle Game Master Rank: GM Are you VIP?: Yes Date: 4/23/2024 Reason for leaving: I am recently graduated from highschool and it’s time to lock in and decide how I’m gonna live the rest of my life. I still have time to play the server but I would rather spend that time helping my battalion and doing what I can for them. Loved being a GM but I simply don’t have time for it anymore Farewells: Not really going anywhere but Kaiser was my number 1 inspiration to join GM. Kelvin was also a huge W man’s to work with and I hope he continues to cook.
  8. I disagree. Currently DS doesn't have anything other than the DP-24 and the shields. Shields are broken, and the DP-24 is nothing to be excited about (but at least it is something). We know they are working on the shields but it has shown us how little we have without them. The stun guns are nice, but they are only for lore names and we know we will never be able to get them for all DS. We see this as a way to give all DS the opportunity for Stun and as a fun tool for rp and possibly combat (but that's not our goal).
  9. I hear you on this. We all in DS understand that this is a big ask and a big task, but we thought why not? We all want it and are willing to push for it and support it. If anything we think it would be fun and actually make DS unique. We have other ideas but we wanna see if we can make headway with this one.
  10. If you read the response, you can see I mentioned this can be a step down for normal DS troopers to have a stun option that they actually can use. And yes the 100 damage is much and can be lowered, obviously that's something that can be discussed, but I would rather it do damage then no damage. And actually, a lot of prisoner escort RP happens, I'm not sure why you think that it doesn't. There isn't a reason to not have this, the biggest reason is that currently DS has nothing, DS has no specialization, no good weapons, and shields are still broken which just shows us how we have nothing if we don't have shields. This would up the quality of the subunit, we know already we can't give every DS trooper a stun gun, so we push for a weaker alternative. I absolutely hear you with the damage, 100 is a lot. Which is why I stated it is open for discussion.
  11. Yes I agree 100 damage is a lot but that can be negotiated down and changed quite literally at will, not to mention we will not be able to use these against troopers, that would be RDM. And no we do not have two methods of stun, first we have a baton that if we use without the intent to arrest then we can be removed from the battalion for baton abuse. And second Diplomatic Services lore names have a stun gun, and those are the only people with stun guns. I mentioned in the suggestion that these would mostly work as a step down and much less useful version of the stun gun for every diplomatic services trooper to have. Also if I had a stun gun and this baton, I would use the stun gun, I see no reason why I could not have the baton for RP reason however.
  12. We are not allowed to use our batons in any way other than arresting, that would constitute as baton abuse. Stun guns are currently only given to diplomatic service lore names, meaning a normal diplomatic service trooper does not have any access to a non baton stun. I fail to see how this would be op even with 100 HP, first of all these would never be used against clones to deal damage since that is RDM, second why would we ever try to melee a droid instead of try to shoot it first? the 100 damage is there simply so that this isn't useless for everything other than stunning, I fully expect to not get 100 damage but that is something that could be easily lowered. These are nothing like the lightsabers on the server. As you can see in the clip they swing and act exactly like a stun stick, any skill with the lightsabers on the server would absolutely not carry over to these, meaning this is not essentially a rhino stance lightsaber. And RP wise we should have exactly these. Not only are these shown being utilized by CG in the timestamps I listed (which I didn't list all of the instances these were used) but it would make less sense to not have these. We constantly have to escort and control prisoners, that is exactly what these would be used for. I understand not wanting it to do 100 damage, we all kinda knew that was a lot to ask for, but that is the only thing that is too much to ask for here.
  13. Name: WideTurtle RP Rank: LT Suggestion: Adding Electro staffs into the server and give them to the Diplomatic Services Whitelist Implementation: Add the Shock trooper electro staff to all Diplomatic Services whitelists, including lore names. Change the left click damage to 100. Change the right click damage to 10 and add a stun gun stun effect (10 second cool down between swings) Lore: The diplomatic services and normal CG have been seen many times throughout the course of the show using the yellow tipped, purple tipped, and short electro staffs. They used these in both riot control situations and prison transport situations. S2E14 (These were smaller modified shock sticks, but still an example of DS being melee trained) S4E15 16:27 S5E13 10:43 Workshop content if applicable: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=722174342 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1457842060 https://youtu.be/SsmjNM8krCk (Example video of what the staffs look and sound like, as well as demonstrating the range of the staff) Other: This can act as a tuned down stun weapon for normal DS troopers since we know we can’t give out stun guns to them. This will allow all of DS to be unique in the ability to stun people while not being over powered by giving any DS trooper a stun gun. These can be used as lesser damage melee weapons for EJs in case the GM does not want them doing crazy damage. (The mod includes a magna guard variant) These will work like retextured shock sticks. If these were to be implemented they would be highly regulated and require training and certification in order for them to be utilized. Completely open to suggestions and ideas, please make all feedback educated and actual feedback. We understand giving melee weapons to troopers is a relatively unexplored idea for Synergy, but we believe that the stats and range of the weapon help to make this not an OP item. We are open to discussion on this matter. Waived by BCMD Fox
  14. Name: WideTurtle Who helped (If applicable): Oboshi, Goose, Vortexuss, Deathtiger Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): CG and 21st were deployed on a diplomatic mission turned south Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  15. Name: WideTurtle Steam ID 32: STEAM_0:1:180989550 Length of LOA/ROA (Please specify date if possible): April 14th / 10 days Reason: Not able to play frequently enough due to work. Already took one in my battalion Do you understand that if you go LOA/ROA on a named Jedi Character for more than two weeks, go on LOA/ROA on any RC character, or go LOA/ROA while being clone commander, you will be removed from that position: yes Do you understand that if you are going on LOA/ROA for more than two weeks you may lose your leadership position?: yes
  16. Name: WideTurtle Who helped (If applicable): Kelvin, Moose, Lilj, Danny, Thai Ni Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): The republic was deployed to take back a planet from the CIS Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  17. Name: WideTurtle Who helped (If applicable): Kaiser, anesly, gray Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): A squad of Commando droids carrying data crash landed and were saved by the CIS Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
  18. Bug Type (Server:): Performance (CWRP) Severity level (Low - Medium - High): High Evidence (if you can): No but people can provide witness Description of the bug: Holding the shield or placing the shield can cause people to lose tick rate and frames until they are kicked from the server. The fix that was provided by gohn does not work, it works a few times for a few people but stops working after a bit. How can we recreate it: Pull a deployable shield out and walk around till someone complains very loudly
  19. Name: WideTurtle Who helped (If applicable):Frost, Ansely, xander Link to Event/Encounter Document (optional): Description of event/encounter (required if no document provided): Maul attacked the base in an attempt to steal something from archives Did any Bounty Hunters Participate: Please rate using this scale Please Rate 1-5 on each of the below categories (5 being perfect, 1 being horrible) Gameplay: Care and Effort: Server Performance:
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